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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on January 13, 1988; Entered into force on January 13, 1988.
The Council of Agriculture (COA) and Michigan State University (
MSU), being mutually desirous of promoting cooperation in the a-
reas of rural development, agricultural education and agricultu-
ral extension in the interests of both sides, have agreed throu-
gh their representatives upon the following provisions :
1 COA and MSU shall work toward the exchange of training materi-
als, research reports and other information in the fields of
rural development, agricultural education, and agriculture ex-
2 Upon the request of COA, MSU shall do its best to arrange for
agricultural personnel and young farmers to participate in ad-
vanced studies, shortterm training courses, and farm training
conducted at MSU or in the State of Michigan. COA shall, in c-
ooperation with the Ministry of Education, National Taiwan Un-
iversity and National Chunghsing University, assist MSU in co-
nducting programs for U.S. college students recommended by MSU
to study Chinese culture, agricultural development and agricu-
ltural vocational education in the Republic of China on Taiwan
3 MSU shall arrange to send professors to serve as lecturers or
advisors for pre-employment or on--the--job training programs
for agricultural extension workers conducted by COA in cooper-
ation with National Taiwan University and Natioanl Chunghsing
4 COA and MSU shall jointly sponsor evaluation and/ or research
projects on agricultural extension and rural development in t-
he Republic of China on Taiwan.
5 The expenses required for conducting any cooperative undertak-
ing shall be borne in such a manner as decided upon in advance
through mutual consultation and comprehensive planning by COA
and MSU.
6 After 4 years, this agreement shall be reviewed jointly for t-
he purpose of determining improvements in its implementation,
its continuation or termination.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the duly appointed representatives of COA and
MSU have signed the present Memorandum in Taipei this thirteenth
day of January in the year of 1988.

Council of Agriculture
Dr. Y.T. Wang
Council of Agriculture
Republic of China
Michigan State University
Dr. John 3. DiBiaggio
Michigan State University
United States of America
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)