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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed and exchanged on May 6 and 20, 1987; Entered into force on June 2, 1987.
May 6, 1987
Grant NO.: FG-Ta-100
ProjectNo. : TW-FS-11
Amendment No. : 1
Mr. Robert Hsiao
Business Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
133 Po Ai Road,
Taipei, Taiwan
Dear Mr. Hsiao :
In his letter dated March 31, 1987, Dr. Hsu-Ho Chung, Head, Div-
ision of Forest Management, Taiwan Forestry Research Institute,
Taipei, Taiwan, requested amendment of the effective date of fo-
reign research grant FG--Ta--100 "Mycorrhizae and Establishment
of Trees on Mine Soils."
Since the research under this project did not get under way unt-
il December 2, 1986, and grant funds were neither obligated nor
expended prior to the proposed new effective date, foreign rese-
arch grant FG--Ta-100 is hereby amended to change the starting
date of September 30, 1986, originally approved under the grant
to December 2, 1986. This change in starting date will automati-
cally change the date the project is to be completed. All other
provisions of the grant remain unchanged.
This amendment will become official upon your signature in the
space provided below. Please retain copy marked for you and ret-
urn the original to the Chief of Agricultural Affairs Section,
American Institute in Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan.
Kenneth G. Swanberg
International Research Division
Concurred in :
(James W. C. Wang)
Chief, Business Div.
June 2, 1987
Mr. James W. C. Wang
Chief, Business Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
133 Po Ai Road,
Taipei, Taiwan
May 2O, 1987
IIT B--361
Dear Mr. Wang :
Enclosed is an amendment to Grant No. FG--TA--100. Would you pl-
ease sign this amendment returning the original and one copy to
my office. One copy is for your files and one for the COA. The
letter is addressed to Mr. Hsiao, but you can sign as Chief of
Business Division.
We thank you for your continuing cooperation and assistance.
Sincerely yours,
John T. Hopkins
Agricultural Affairs
Encl. 4 copies of FG-TA-100
Amendment 1.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)