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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Singned on July 31, 2004; Entered into force on July 31, 2004.

The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Tel-Aviv (hereinafter
referred to as "TECO") and the Israel Economic and Cultural Off-
ice in Taipei (hereinafter referred to as "ISECO");

IN ORDER to further encourage the cooperation in agriculture and
other related areas, through research, exchange of knowledge and
know-how, mutual technology transfer and common technology tran-
sfer to third parties, in fields such as biotechnology, fisheri-
es and aquaculture, ornamental fish, dairy farms and livestock
management, organic crop production, phythosanitary and veterin-
ary matters, agricultural machinery, farm-management and inform-
ation technologies , food-safety and integrated pest management,
environment friendly sustainable agriculture, trade of agricult-
ural fresh produce and agro-technologies and technical cooperat-
ion activities;

HAVE AGREED on the following:

Article 1
Scientific Cooperation
Areas of cooperation: The Parties shall cooperate in accordance
with the provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding in the
fields of agriculture, horticulture, fisheries, animal husbandry
and any other related field mutually agreed upon.

Ways of cooperation: The Parties agree to undertake the followi-
ng activities:
a) Exchange of scientific information;
b) Exchange of visits by researchers and experts;
c) Conduct of joint seminars, workshops and training courses;
d) Establishment of joint research projects on subjects of mutu-
al interest.

Funding: Each of the activities aforementioned shall be equally
funded by both Parties, unless otherwise agreed.

Article 2
Irrigation and Water Management
1.Upon detailed request of TECO, ISECO shall provide suitable
expertise and technologies in irrigation, micro-irrigation,
water saving irrigation systems, water science and water mana-
gement provided by experts and/or hardware from the public se-
ctor and/or the private sector.
2.In the framework of this article ISECO shall serve as a facil-
itator until TECO and the relevant Israeli bodies form a dire-
ct contact.

Article 3
Post Harvest Technologies
1.Upon detailed request of TECO, ISECO shall provide suitable
expertise and technologies for post harvest treatment and pro-
longing shelf life of fruits.
2.In the framework of this article ISECO shall serve as a facil-
itator until TECO forms a direct contact with the "Institute
of Technology and Storage of Agricultural Produce" in the "Ag-
ricultural Research Organization" of the Ministry of Agricult-
ure and Rural Development of Israel and/or any other Israeli
public or private body.

Article 4
Dairy Farm and Livestock Technologies
1.Upon detailed request of TECO, ISECO shall provide suitable
expertise and technologies for dairy farms and livestock such
as cooling systems, feeding systems, food mixing equipment,
herd management software, production management software, inf-
ormation technologies, animal behavior monitoring devices etc.
2.In the framework of this article ISECO shall serve as a facil-
itator until TECO forms a direct contact with the extension
and research organizations of the Ministry of Agriculture and
Rural Development of Israel and the Israel Dairy and Livestock
Board and/or other necessary public or private body in Israel.

Article 5
Greenhouse Technologies
1.Upon detailed request of TECO, ISECO shall provide suitable
expertise and technologies of greenhouses and hothouses for
flowers vegetables and fruits production, including technolog-
ies such as climate control systems, pest control devices, in-
sects infiltration-prevention facilities, fertigation and wat-
er solutions recycling, flowers sorting and mobilizing machin-
es, production control & monitoring hardware and software, etc
2.In the framework of this article ISECO shall serve as a facil-
itator until TECO forms a direct contact with the extension
and research organizations of the Ministry of Agriculture and
Rural Development of Israel and private firms engaged in rese-
arch, development and production of greenhouse technologies.

Article 6
The funding for the technology transfer abovementioned in artic-
les 2-5 shall be provided by the beneficiary- TECO or by any ot-
her body designated by TECO.

Article 7
Aquaculture, Marine Culture and Fisheries
1.Upon detailed request of ISECO, TECO shall provide suitable
expertise and technologies of aquaculture, marine culture, in-
land fisheries and ornamental fish production technologies.
2.TECO and ISECO shall serve as facilitators until direct conta-
cts are formed with public organizations and/or private firms
from Taiwan that are engaged in provision of expertise and te-
chnologies of aquaculture, marine culture, fisheries and orna-
mental fish. The funding for the technology transfer, if req-
uired, shall be provided by the beneficiaries in Israel-firms
and/or farms engaged in fish production and marketing or any
other public or private body in Israel.

Article 8
Phytosanitary and Veterinary Services
The phytosanitary and veterinary services of both Parties shall
cooperate in accordance with their respective laws and regulati-
ons, in order to enable facilitation of certificates for export
and import among the two Parties, of fresh products and materia-
ls originating from plants and/or animals, such as various frui-
ts and livestock and dairy products from Israel to Taiwan or fi-
sh and fingerlings from Taiwan to Israel.

Article 9
Agricultural Working Group (AWG)
As an acknowledgment of the importance the Parties attach to the
role of the development of cooperation in agriculture, TECO and
ISECO shall establish an Agricultural Working Group (AWG).

The activities of the AWG shall be carried out within the frame-
work of this Memorandum of Understanding and in order to implem-
ent its provisions. The Parties shall mutually agree upon the
number of the group members, as well as the time and venue of
the meetings.

Article 10
Contact Points
It has been agreed upon the contact and implement points for re-
gular communication between both Parties will be as following:

On behalf of ISECO,
a) The Representative;
b) The chief scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural
Development in Beit Dagan;
c) The Director of the Foreign Relations Department of the Mini-
stry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Beit Dagan.

On behalf of TECO,
a) The Representative;
b) The Director General of the International Affairs Department
of the Council of Agriculture in Taipei;
c) The Director of the Science and Technology Department of the
Council of Agriculture in Taipei.

Article 11
Entry into Force and Termination
This Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into force on the
date of its signature. It may be terminated upon ninety (90)
days prior written notice by either party to the other party.

Done in duplicate in the English language on the thirty first
day of July 2004.

On behalf of On behalf of
Taipei Economic and Cultural Israel Economic and Cultural
Office Office
in Tel-Aviv in Taipei

Mr. Sheng-sheng Teng Mrs. Ruth Kahanoff
Representative Representative
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)