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1.Singed and Exchanged on June 23 and August 9, 1993 Entered Into force On June 10, 1993
Ref MOCA-AGR/HAK/68/93
Date 23 June 1993
Mr. Wang, Shui-Fang
Representative, Trade Mission of the Republic of China
P,O. Box 5806
Manama, Bahrain
Dear Sir,
Subject: Renewal of Agreement
Please intimate to your Government our desire to renew the agre-
ement of Agricultural Technical Cooperation for another two (2)
years. The agricultural technical team members have still to co-
mplete on-going activities and start on some new projects in va-
rious areas related to their field of expertise.
In the meantime, we would like to acknowledge the contribution
of the team in the improvement of agricultural research works as
well as the training of some of our field staff in overall agri-
cultural practices.
We hope the close cooperation between our Governments in this f-
ield would further strengthen our friendly relations.
Thank you and best regards.

Yours faithfully,
Minister of Commerce and Agriculture

August 9, 1993
H.E.Habib A. Kassim
Minister of Commerce and Agriculture
P.O.Box No.5479
State of Bahrain
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your Excellency's no-
te of 23 June 1993, by which the Government of the State of Bah-
rajn, being desirous of extendjng the agricultural technical co-
operation agreement dated 16 February 1987 signed between our t-
wo countries, has submitted to the Government of the Republic of
China the following proposal:
”Looking at the excellent jobs done so far, and the need to ob-
serve and verify the results and achievements, we would very mu-
ch like to extend the current agreement for another two years. W
e hope the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, will approve
this extension and look forward to your confirmation.”
I have the honor to inform your Excellency on behalf of my Gove-
rnment that the Government of the Republic of China concurs in
the proposal transcribed above and that this Note in reply and
your Excellency's Note shall be considered as constituting an a-
greement between our two Governments effective as on 10 June 199
Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Yours sincerely,
Paul M. H. Sun

CC:Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)