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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed and Exchanged on May 13 and June 4, 2002. Entered into force on May 21, 2002.
P.O.Box 916, Banjul Tel: (220) 374046/374107
The Gambia, West Africa Fax: (220) 374055

The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to
the Department of State for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of
The Gambia and has the honour to inform the latter that the Agr-
eement of Agricultural Technical Cooperation between the Govern-
ment of the Republic of China and the Republic of The Gambia is
due to expire on 21 May, 2002.
The Government of the Republic of China suggests, in accordance
with Article 6 of the said Agreement, to renew the Agreement th-
rough the exchange of notes for a further period of three years
until 21 May, 2005. The Republic of China further suggests that
the Articel 1 of the Agreement to be revised as follows:
a undertake rice production farming and assist to develop tidal
irrigation system;
b establish two new specialized vagetable production sites, and
continue to supervise sites at Lamin and Sukuta to a proper d-
c train extension workers and farmers to grow rice and vegetabl-
This Embassy would appreciate a timely reply from the Government
of The Gambia with respect to its position on the above-mention-
ed suggestions.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this oppo-
rtunity to renew to the Department of State for Foreign Affairs
of the Republic of The Gambia the assurances of its highest con-
Banjul, 13 may, 2002
Department of State for Foreign Affairs
CC:Department of State for Agriculture

Department of State for Foreign Affairs
Marina Parade
Banjul, the Gambia
IEC 555/72/Ⅶ (53-SN)
The Department of State for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of
the Gambia presents its Bcompliments to the Embassy of the Repu-
blic of China on Taiwan in banjul and has the honour to inform
the latter in line with its note verbale ROC/0513/039L dated 13
th May 2002, that the Department of State for Agriculture accep-
ts the content as mentioned in the letter, and for article 1 of
the agreement to be revised as suggested.
The Department of State for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of
The Gambia avails itself of this opportunty to renew to the est-
eemed Embassy, the assurances its highest consideration.

Embassy of the Republic of
China on Taiwan
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)