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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on July 3, 2001 Entered into force on July 3, 2001
The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Australia (through its
designated agency - The Council of Agriculture, in Taiwan) and
The Commonwealth Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Fores-
try - Australia (hereinafter referred to as the "the Parties"),
Based on their mutual interest in enhancing bilateral relations
in agricultural and agribusiness, including fisheries, forestry
and food,
Recognising that strengthening cooperation will contribute to t-
he facilitation of further trade and investment opportunities b-
etween Taiwan and Australia,
HAVE REACHED the following understandings:
1 The parties seek to identify, establish and develop mutual co-
operation in matters of agriculture and agribusiness according
to the following principles:
i) cooperation will support enhancement of the multilateral tra-
ding system;and
ii) any mutual arranged activities under this MOU will seek to
return tangible outcomes of benefit to the Parties, particu-
larly their private sectors.
2 Consistent with the responsibilities of the Parties, cooperat-
ion under this MOU will cover the area of commercial and tech-
nical cooperation in agricultural and agribusiness, including
fisheries, forestry and food.
3 Mutually arranged activities to support cooperation in the ar-
eas listed in paragraph 2 may include, but are not limited to:
i) encouragement of commercial and joint venture activities bet-
ween Taiwan and Australia;
ii) facilitation of cooperation between industry representatives
to foster closer commercial linkages and interrelations in
agricultural and agribusiness;
iii) exchange of experts, information and documents to facilita-
te cooperation on the identification of matters of mutual
iv) review and discussion of issues of mutual interest, and of
any relevant bilateral problems requiring resolution; and
v) encouragement of technical cooperation, promotion of research
and training activities, and exchange and transfer of techno-
logy on commercial terms, by government agencies and the pri-
vate sector in Taiwan and Australia.
4 Meeting to discuss and review MOU-related activities and the
MOU itself will be held in conjunction with the Australia-Tai-
wan Bilateral Economic Consultations in either Taipei or Canb-
erra, or at a time and a place mutually arranged by both Part-
ies. The Parties will bear the cost of their own participation
in such meetings, unless otherwise mutually arranged.
5 Any funding requirements associated with the implementation of
the MOU must be jointly determined, in the context of agreed
work program.
Final Provisions
6 This MOU will come into effect from the date of its signature
by both Parties, and will remain in effect unless either of t-
he Parties gives written notice of termination, in which case
the MOU will cease to have effect six months after receipt of
the written notice by the other Party. Where arrangements made
pursuant to this MOU remain unfulfilled at the date of termin-
ation, their fulfillment will not be affected by termination
unless otherwise mutually arranged
7 Amendments of this MOU may be made at any time by mutual arra-
ngement of the Parties by exchange of written notes. Amendmen-
ts will take effect from the date of the latest signature on
the exchange of notes.
Signed in duplicate in the English language in Canberra, Austra-
lia on this third day of July 2001.

Mr. Timothy C.T. Yang Mr. Geoff Gorrie
Representative Deputy Secretary

Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)