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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on April 21, 1984; Entered into force on April 21, 1984.
At the invitation of the Government of the Republic of China, H.
E. Rodolfo Perdomo Menendez, Minister of Agriculture of the Re-
public of Guatemala visited the Republic of China from April 13
to 21, 1984.
During his stay, Minister Perdomo exchanged views with Foreign
Minister Fu-sung Chu, Minister of Economic Affairs Chao Yao-tung
and other high officials of the Republic of China with the purp-
ose of promoting and expanding the existing trade, economic and
technical cooperation between the two countries.
As a result of these talks, an agreement has been reached by t-
he Parties concerned to strengthen the cooperation in the foll-
owing projects submitted by Minister Perdomo:
a) Development of marine fishing industry;
b) Development of Agriculture; and
c) National program for the development of production and comm-
ercialization of fruits and vegetables for export.
Both sides have further agreed that for the implementation of t-
he above-mentioned cooperation, the Government of the Republic
of China shall render the following assistance:
a) Provide technical support in the implementation of agricult-
ural pro-grams and projects;
b) Provide technical expertise, as much as feasible, in devlop-
ing and carrying out agricultural re-search and extension p-
rograms and projects;
c) Provide or arrange for the training of Guatemalan personnel
in agriculture and related fields;
d) Exchange of materials and general information; and
e) Foster private sector involvement in projects and activities
consistent with the agricultural development policies and o-
bjectives of Guatemala.
In addition, motivated by the desire of strengthening the comme-
rcial interchange between the two countries, the Government of
the Republic of China, after a survey conducted on Guatemalan p-
roduce, has expressed its interest in the purchasing of Guatema-
lan cotton.
This Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into force upon si-
gnature and shall remain in force for five years, unlesstermina-
ted earlier by either Party upon six months, written notice to
the other Party. It may be modified or extended by mutual writt-
en agreement of the two Parties.
Finally, H.E. the Minister of Agriculture Rodolfo Perdomo Mene-
ndez expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome received duri-
ng his visit to the Republic of China.
Signed at Taipei this twenty-first day of April, nineteen eighty
-four, in two originals both in the English language.

For the Government of
the Republic of China
Fu-sung Chu
Minister of
Foreign Affairs

For the Government of
the Republic of Guatemala
Rodolfo Perdomo Menendez
Minister of Agriculture
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)