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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1 Signed on March 19, 2002 Entered into force on March 19, 2002
Universite Henri Poincare 24, rue Lionnois 54013 NANCY eedcx
-Nancy I, FRANCE
represented by its Presi- Prof. Claude BURLET
dent. ENSTIB
and specifically its mem- Prof. Pascal TRIBOULOT
whose Director is


Taiwan Forestry Resenrch 53, Nan Hai Road, TAIPEI 100, TAIWAN
Institure Dr. Jeng-Chuan YANG
represented by its Gene- Division of Forest Chemistry
ral Director Dr. Che-Tsung TSOU
and specifically its me-
whose Head is

it is agreed as follows:

Article 1

The aim of this agreement is to facilitate and enhance scientif-
ic and technical exchanges between the two institutions of high-
er education in all areas of interest to the two parties
- implement cooperation links
- facilitate the reception of exchanged scientists and
- define common research programs

Article 2

As a first step,the exchanges between the two universities will
concern the following disciplines
- Wood Science and Timber Engineering
The exchanges can be extended to other scientific fields by an
appropriate amendment of the agreement.
Scientific co-ordinators:
in Nancy: Prof. Xavier DEGLISE. LERMAB (Joint Research u-
nit LNRA n°1093, on Wood Material)
in Iaipei: Dr. Che-Tsung TSOU

Article 3

Both parties agree to define and carry out co-ordinated programs
of research. Therefore, both parties will exchange all documents
and information related to the commonly agreed work lines.

Article 4 FINANCES

Both parties-and particularly the concerned laboratories-shall
endeavour to anticipate in their budget the necessary mens for
the application of the present agreement.
They will request, if appropriate, in the program of Franco-Tai-
wanese co-operation or any other true program the necessary mea-
ns for the achievement of previously defined targets.

Article 5
Both parties will regularly consult each other in order to eval-
uate the effectiveness of the decided agreement upon education
and / or research and give a review of the finalised actions or
actions in process.

Article 6

This cooperation agreement is established both in french and in
English:both versions are identical in their spirit and interpr-
The present agreement is concluded for a period of 5 (five) yea-
rs. eventually renewable after the agreement of the tutelage un-
its. It will become operative;
- at the date of the signature.
It may be terminated by either party with the provision of a 6 (
six) months notice and provided that this will not jeopardise t-
he completion of any ongoing programme. In any case, such a ter-
mination of the agreement should not affeet the progress of ong-
oing programmes, for the concerned rescarchers and teachers.

Article 7

The present agreement will be submitted for endorsement to the
appropriate University Authorities in France and in Taiwan acco-
rding to their own particular regulations.
During the practice of their activitics, the persons concerned
by the present agreement will conform to the laws and regulatio-
ns operating in the host country.
This agreement is not intended to be legally binding on either
institution and shall therefore not diminish their full autonomy
or impose any constraint by either upon the other.

Article 8

Participants or their home institutions will provide their own
medical insurance and accident insurance during their stay in t-
he host country.

the President the Director
of Universite Henri Poincare-Nancy I of ENSTIB
date: date:

the General Director the Head
of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute of the Division of Fore-
Jeng-Chuan YANG st Chemistry
Che-Tsung TSOU
date: date:
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)