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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on October 11, 2001(revised) Entered into force on September 11, 2001
The Government of the Republic of China and the Government of t-
he Republic of Malawi;
BEING desirous to strengthen and consolidate the existing frien-
dly relations between their respective countries; and
WISHING to promote technical cooperation in agriculture;
HEREBY AGREE as follows:

The Government of the Republic of China agrees to dispatch an a-
gricultural technical mission (hereafter referred to as the Mis-
sion) to the Republic of Malawi to extend technical cooperation
1.implementation of the maize production project;
2.implementation of the maize and rice seed proliferation proje-
3.assistance of the operation and management of the food crop d-
evelopment, training and extension centre;
4.assistance of the operation and management of the horticultur-
al development, training and extension center;
5.introduction of assorted vegetable varieties as well as impro-
ved cultivation technology; and
6.provision of seminars on agriculture to farmers and extension

The government of the Republic of China agrees to pay the travel
expenses of the members of the Mission to and from teh Republic
of Malawi, and to cover their salaries, allowances and insurance
costs during their tour of service. It also agrees to provide t-
he Mission with transport facilities and farm machinery.

The Government of the Republic of Malawi agrees to:
1.provide to the members of the Mission, free of charge, furnis-
hed housing and offices but payment for utility bills (water,
telephone and electricity) shall be the responsibility of mem-
bers of the Mission;
2.exempt the members of the Mission from taxes on their salaries
and allowances;
3.exempt the members of the Mission and their dependents from a-
ll import tariffs, duties and other taxes on their personal a-
nd household effects on their arrival in the Republic of Mala-
4.exempt the Mission from all import tariffs; duties and other
taxes on the equipment, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, farm
machinery and other materials necessary for the work of the M-
5.issue the required phytosanitary and zoosanitary certificates
for the Mission to import into the Republic of Malawi the imp-
roved crops and breeding stocks necessary for its tasks; and
6.provide adequarte protection to the members of the Mission and
grant them treatment equal to that accorded to the people of
any third nation and/or international organizations serving in
technical cooperation areas in the Republic of Malawi

The government of the Republic of malawi agrees to provide the
Mission with the required labour force and help in developing t-
he extension areas and holding seminars on agricultural technol-

The Govermment of the Republic of China agrees to invite person-
nel nominated by the government of the Republic of Malawi to pa-
rticipate in study tours or seminars on agricultural technology.
The Government of the Republic of China shall pay the travel ex-
penses of the Malawian participants to and from the Republic of
China, as well as their accommodation, living and daily expenses

This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of its signat-
ure by both Governments and shall remain valid for a period of
three years.
This Agreement shall be renewed through the exchange of notes f-
or a further period of three years unless either Government ter-
minates it upon written notice to the other six months prior to
its expiry.

This Agreement may be amended by mutual agreement between the t-
wo Governments through the exchange of notes.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned duly authorized thereto by t-
heir respective Governments, have signed this agreement.
DONE in duplicate in Chinese and English, both texts being equa-
lly authentic, at Lilongwe on this eleventh day of the ninth mo-
nth of the ninetieth year of the Republic of China, correspondi-
ng to the eleventh day of September of the year two thousand and

For the Government of For the Government of
the Repulbic of China the Republic of Malawi

H.T.Chen Aleke Banda
─────────── ───────────
H.T.Chen Hon.Aleke Banda
Ambassador Extraordinary Minister of Agriculture
and plenipotentiary to the and Irrigation
Republic of Malawi
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)