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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on December 28,1976; Entered into force on January 19, 1977.
As the present Agreement on Technical and Agricultural Cooperat-
ion, between Government of Saudi Arabia, and Government of Repu-
blic of China entered in 1391, is due to expire on 28.1.1397 (18
.1.1977), and whereas both the Governments wish to continue to
develop and expand agricultural cooperation, it is hereby agreed
to renew the Agreement on the following provisions between:
1 The Government of Saudi Arabia, herein represented for the pu-
rpose of this Agreement by His Excellency Dr. Abdulrahman A.
Alsheikh, Minister of Agriculture and Water;
2 The Government of Republic of China, herein represented in th-
is Agreement by His Excellency the Minister of Economic Affai-
Article 1
The Governments of both the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Rep-
ublic of China shall cooperate in the field of agricultural dev-
elopment for the purpose of developing agriculture in the Kingd-
om and benefitting from the successful experiments that are car-
ried out in the Republic of China in the related field. For ins-
tance, the Chinese experts shall primarily:
Provide technical consultation to agricultural projects to be d-
etermined by the Saudi Government;
Train Saudis working in or oriented towards agriculture;
Introduce small agricultural equipment suitable for the agricul-
tural conditions of the Kingdom, train Saudis in the maintenanc-
e, operation and adaptability of the equipment in areas of the
Kingdom such as palm oasis and mountain terraces.
Introduce and propagate new economically feasible agricultural
crops such as soyabean.
Article 2
The Ministry of Agriculture and Water shall appropriate 20 mill-
ion Saudi Riyals in its budgets for the five years period to im-
plement the projects and research work that will be carried out
in cooperation with the Chinese experts and technical staff to
be selected by the Government of the Republic of China for this
The appropriated sum shall be distributed over the five years as
Fiscal Year Appropriation
────── ───────
1396-1397 SR. 5,000,000
1397-1398 SR. 5,000,000
1398-1399 SR. 4,000,000
1399-1400 SR. 3,000,000
1400-1401 SR. 3,000,000

Total SR.20,000,000
Article 3
Detailed work programs and schedules for each of the five years
of the Agreement shall be drawn up by the Ministry of Agricultu-
re and Water in agreement with the members of the Chinese Missi-
on and the experts that shall be sent for this purpose. Costs of
the yearly work programs, however, shall not exeed the sum appr-
opriated in the respective annual budget.
Article 4
Work undertaken by the Chinese experts shall be monitored by the
Ministry staff and representatives designated by the Ministry f-
or each of the projects.
The Chinese experts shall submit periodic progress reports at l-
east every three months.
Article 5
Savings from the sum appropriated for one fiscal year may be ca-
rried over the Ministry of Agriculture and Water to the subsequ-
ent fiscal year to be spent on the implementation of its identi-
fied projects. In such instances, however, prior approval of the
Minister of Agriculture and Water shall be obtained.
Article 6
Salaries of the experts, technical personnel and others working
with the team shall be fixed according to the rules and regulat-
ions at the Al Hassa Irrigation and Drainage Project.
Expenditures and accounting procedures authorized for the imple-
mentation of this Agreement shall be consistent with the practi-
ces followed in Al Hassa Project.
Article 7
The period of this Agreement shall be five years commencing from
29.1.1397 (19.1.1977). The Agreement may be renewed by mutual c-
onsent for a similar period of five years provided that the Sau-
di Government notifies the Chinese Government of its desire at
least three months in advance. Within two months from the date
of the notification, the Chinese Government shall have to relay
its acceptance.
The Saudi Government, however, shall have the right to terminate
the Agreement at any time during its contractual period, a three
months advance notice has been served on the Chinese Government.
Article 8
In the event of any difference arising in the interpretation of
the Arabic and the English texts of this Agreement, the Arabic
version shall prevail.
Article 9
The Minister of Agriculture and Water shall have the right to e-
mpower whoever he may select from the senior Ministry officials
to implement provisions of this Agreement.
In acceptance of the above terms and conditions, both the Parti-
es hereby append their signatures.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)