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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on September 26,1974; Entered into force on September 26,1974.
The Ministry of Agriculture & Water of the Kingdom of Saudi Ara-
bia and the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Republic of Chi-
na, being desirous to expand their cooperation in agricultural
aspects have agreed on the following:
Para (a) of article 7 of the Agreement signed on 4.11.1391 (cor-
responding to 21.12.1971) will be amended to read:
“Field allowances payable monthly to each member of the mission
, including the vacation months. Field allowances are to defray
costs of living at the main base of the mission (Hofuf) only.
In case the Ministry requires the team or one of the team membe-
rs to perform official duty outside Hofuf area the Ministry will
pay away-from-base allowance at the rate of SR 100. for a senior
staff, and SR. 50. for ain assistant for each night spent outsi-
de Hofuf area. The Ministry will bear any income tax due to the
time of payment”.
The following articles will be added to the above-mentioned agr-
Article (22):
a) The number of experts that the Government of the Republic of
China will send to Saudi Arabia under “First” above will be
increased by six additional experts, so that the total number
will come to eleven experts. The specializations of the addi-
tional experts will be as follows:
Number Specialization
─── ───────
One Sugar crops
One Poultry breeding
One Poultry feeding
One Poultry diseases
Two Agricultural Extension
These additional experts will be of high scientific qualific-
ations and practical experience.
If it is deemed necessary, substitution between these specia-
lizations could be made in agreement between the two parties
to this agreement.
b) Chinese advisors will be sent to Saudi Arabia on short-term
visits at the rate of 4 man/month per fiscal year.
Article (23):
The additional Chinese experts and the short-term visiting advi-
sors will be given the following privileges:
a) every one of the six additional experts will be paid a field
allowance of three thousand (3000) Riyals per month.
b) every one of the six additional experts will be granted on t-
housand (1000) Riyals per month to cover costs of housing, f-
urniture, cook and janitor.
c) short-term visiting advisors, referred to in (22-b) above wi-
ll be given six thousand (6000) Riyals for each month spent
in Saudi Arabia. This allowance includes housing, furniture,
cook, janitor, and costs of living at any place of Saudi Ara-
d) the additional experts and the visiting advisors will be giv-
en orders for air-tickets on the Saudi Arilines for passage
from China to Saudi Arabia on their coming for work in Saudi
Arabia, and return tickets from Saudi Arabia to China on the-
ir return to China, according to additional appendices f, h
and i to this agreement.
e) Each additional expert is entitled to bring his wife and one
of his dependants to the site of his job, provided that he h-
ad completed one year of work in Saudi Arabia. Air-tickets w-
ill be provided by the Ministry for both ways from China to
Saudi Arabia and return from Saudi Arabia to Taipei on a due
leave or on the end of mission of the member. Tickets will be
provided through the Saudi Airlines.
f) The Ministry will provide the additional experts and the vis-
iting advisors with local transport facilities, and with fuel
and lubricants and maintenance and drivers required to run s-
uch transport facilities.
Article (24):
A lump sum of Saudi Riyals one hundred thousand (100,000.) will
be allotted for the Chinese team to spend on its research work
requirements in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, provided that a li-
st of expenditures will be submitted to the Ministry at the end
of the fiscal year.
Article (25):
The work of the additional Chinese team starts as from the fisc-
al year 1394/95, on their arrival to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
, and after the exchange of copies of this Appendix through the
diplomatic quarters. The appendix will come into force as from
the date of the exchange of copies. the team will be given two
days before their arrival to Saudi Arabia and two days after th-
eir departure, for air-travel. The mission of the additional te-
am will end by the expiry of the agreement referred to above.
For and on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water of t-
he Government of Saudi Arabia.
For and on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Go-
vernment of the Republic of China.
Vice Minister
Appendix F
Related to article 23-budget of the first year (1394/95) for ad-
ditional experts and visiting advisors
a-Field Allowances: S. Riyals No. of Total
──────────── ───── ─── ───
6 experts 3000 12 216 000
b-Away-form-base per diem 1000 12 72 000
allowance @ S.R. 100 f-
or each night

(at the rate of 10 da-
ys per month) 6 expe-
c-Housing, furniture, 1000 12 72 000
cook and janitor:
6 experts
d-Air-tickets from Taipe- 2300 13 800
i to Saudi Arabia in t-
he form of orders to S-
6 experts
e-For visiting advisors: 4600 27 600
1-Air-tickets for roun-
d-trip between Taipe-
i and Saudi Arabia,
in the form of order-
s to Saudia
6 experts
2-Field allowance: 6000 24 000
4 experts
f-Local Transport:
1-Two cars 25000 50 000
2-Two divers 450×12 10 800
3-maintenance, fuel an- 10000 10 000
d lubricants
g-Lump sum for spending 100000 100 000
─────────── ────
on research work
TOTAL 596 200
Appendix H
Related to Article 23-budget for the second year (1395/96)-for
additional experts and visiting advisors.
a-Field allowances S. Riyals No. of Total
──────── months amount
───── ──── ───
6 experts 3000 12 216 000
b-Away-from-base per diem 1000 12 72 000
allowance @ S.R. 100 fo-
r each night
6 experts
c-Housing, furniture, cook 1000 12 72 000
and janitor
6 experts
d-Air-tickets from Taipei 2300 27 600
to Saudi Arabia for fam-
ilies of experts, in th-
e form of orders to Sau-
12 persona
e-For visiting advisors
1-Air-tickets for round 4600 27 600
trip between Taipei
and Saudi Arabia, in
the form of orders to
6 experts
2-Field allowance (4 ex- 6000 24 000
f-Local transport:
1-Two drivers 450×12 10 800
2-maintenance, fuels an- 10000 10 000
d lubricants
g-Lump sum for spending o- 100000 100 000
──────────── ────
n research work
TOTAL 560 000
Appendix I
Related to article 23-budget for the third year (1396/97) for a-
dditional experts and visiting advisors.
a-Field allowances S. Riyals No. of Total
──────── months amount
───── ──── ───
6 experts 3000 12 216 000
b-Away-form-base per diem, 1000 12 72 000
@ S.R. 100 per each night
6 experts
c-Housing, furniture, cook 1000 12 72 000
and janitor
6 experts
d-Air-tickets for return 2300 41 400
from Saudi Arabia to Ta-
ipei, for experts and t-
heir families, in the f-
orm of orders to Saudia
18 persons
e-For visiting advisors: 4600 27 000
1-Air-tickets for round
trips between Taipei
and Saudi Arabia, in
the form of orders to
6 experts
2-Field allowance 6000 24 000
4 experts
F-Local transport 450×12 10 800
1-two drivers 10000 10 000
2-maintenance, fuels an- 100000 100 000
d lubricants ────
TOTAL 573 800
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)