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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1 Signed on August 25,1964; Entered into force on August 25,1964.
WHEREAS, the Government of the Republic of the Philippines desi-
res to obtain the services of experts and technicians of the Re-
public of China to advise and assist in the planning and implem-
entation of a Philippine rice production program in the province
of Pampanga, Philippines;
NOW, THEREFORE, the Government of the Republic of the Philippin-
es and the Governmont of the Republic of China have agreed upon
the following:
1 The Government of the Republic of China shall provide a team
consisting of one (1) farm technician and three (3) farmers w-
ho shall render technical services to and in cooperation with
the Provincial Government of Pampanga, Philippines, to help d-
evelop and improve methods and techniques of rice production
for a period of six (6) months from the date of their arrival
in the Philippines. The period of services may be extended by
mutual agreement.
2 The Government of the Republic of the Philippines shall provi-
de for the members of the said team the following:
a. Per diem of US$11.00 to the farm technician and US$5.00 to
each farmer for the entire period of their official stay in
the Philippines;
b. Adequate board, lodging and transportation facilities;
c. Round trip air passage between Taipei and manila; and
d. Facilities and equipment necessary in the performance of t-
heir work.
3 The Government of the Republic of the Philippines shall make
the necessary arrangements incident to the entry and sojourn
of the members of the team in the Philippines as well as their
return to the republic of China.
4 The team shall perform its services under the general policy
guidance of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines
and shall respect all existing laws of the land. The team sha-
ll work as a unit in areas where irrigation systems have been
established and maintained in order to achieve maximum perfor-
5 The Government of the Republic of China undertakes to send to
the Philippines the above-mentioned team within thirty (30) d-
ays from the date of the signing of this Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the respective representatives, duly author-
ized for the purpose, have signed the present Agreement.
DONE at Manila on this 25th day of August, 1964, in two origina-
ls, both in the English language.
For the Government of the Republic of China:
Han Lih-wu
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of
For the Government of the Republic of the Philippines:
Mauro Mendez
Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Philippines
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)