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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on October 18, 1990; Entered into force on October 18, 1990.
1 Background
Cooperation between environmental professionals from the terr-
itory represented by the America Institute in Taiwan (hereinaft-
er referred to as the " AIT") and the territory represented by
the Coordination Council for North American Affairs (hereinafter
referred to as the "CCNAA") is furthered pursuant to the Agreem-
ent dated September 4, 1980, between AIT and CCNAA, which was r-
enewed by an exchange of letters effective March 10, 1987. The "
Taiwan Relations Act" (Public Law 96--8, April 10,1979) authori-
zes the continuation of commercial, cultural and other relations
between the people of the territory represented by the AIT and
the people in the territory represented by the CCNAA. Such rela-
tions are conducted by or through AIT, a non-profit corporation,
incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia. CCNAA
is the instrumentality which has been established to provide as-
surances and take actions on behalf of the people in the territ-
ory represented by the CCNAA. AIT works in association with the
Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) in Washington, D.C,, in
administering the program. CCNAA performs a similar function in
affiliation with the Environmental Protection Administration in
Taipei (TEPA).

2 Program Goals
To increase the contacts and cooperation between environmental
scientists and professional and institutions of environmental r-
esearch and practice between our two sides; to provide research-
ers, practitioners and institutions with opportunities to excha-
nge information, ideas, experience and techniques; to enhance o-
pportunities to collaborate in solving environmental/ ecological
problems of common interest; to utilize special facilities or r-
esearch opportunities available; and to study comparatively enf-
orcement issues, are goals of this agreement. Cooperation may be
in the areas of environmental--related basic sciences, engineer-
ing and management skills including socio-economic and ecologic-
al impact assessments and monitoring technology. The types of c-
ooperative activities may include the exchange of environmental
information, visits, training, seminars and workshops, and coop-
erative research.

3 Implementation and Coordination

AIT and CCNAA will coordinate and implement the activities ag-
reed to under these guidelines with the divieions, institutes a-
nd laboratories of USEPA and similar, organizations allied to t-
he TEPA. Each ,side shall designate a program coordinator to be
responsible under its auspices for the overall coordination of
cooperative activities under these guidelines. For each topic i-
dentified as the subject of a formal cooperative activity, each
side shall also name a topic coordinator.

4 Funding

Funding of cooperative activities under these guidelines shall
be carried out on the basis of mutuality, reciprocity, and flex-
ibility. In general, each side will fund the cost of its partic-
ipation in cooperative activities (i.e., 50% unless elsewhere n-
oted) and may, if it chooses, provide full or partial support f-
or partial support for participation in these activities by sci-
entists of the other side.Receipt of the funding in such cases
either from AIT to CCNAA or from CCNAA to AIT will be officially
signed and submitted by CCNAA to AIT or by AIT to CCNAA upon re-
ceipt of funds. Decisions on funding for jdint activities will
be made by mutual agreement.

5 Review Meetings
AIT and CCNAA program coordinators shall meet periodically, at
times and places of their choosing, to review this program of c-
ooperation and guidelines and additions/modifications to same.

6 Potential Areas of Cooperation :
A Scope of Cooperation may cover :
(1) exchange of information in the related areas.
(2) visits and/or training of relevant personnel.
(3) joint seminars on topics of mutual interest and benefit, and
(4) joint research projects on mutually agreed topics.
B Potential Areas of Cooperation may include :
(1) pollution abatement and control,
(2) biological effects of environmental agents,
(3) socio--economic aspects in environmental protection.
(4) environmental awareness and education, and
(5) other areas of environmental protection and improvement as
may be agreed.

For AIT :

Net Bellocchi
Chairman of the Board and
Managing Director
October 18,1990

Mou-Shih Ding
October 18, 1990

EP)CPEP PROJECT NO.1 Correlation and Technical Support on Motor
Vehicle Emission Standards and Test Procedures

Prusuant to the "Guidelines for a Cooperative Program in Env-
ironmental Protection "between the American Institute in Taiwan
(AIT) and Coordination Council for North American Affairs (CCNAA
) dated October 18, 1990, AIT, through its designated represent-
ative, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), establ-
ishes the following cooperative project with CCNAA, acting thro-
ugh its designated representative for this project, the Taiwan
Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA).


The objective of the proposed program is to provide TEPA with
technical support to develop US Federal Test Procedure (FTP) ca-
pability in the territory represented by CCNAA and the ability
for motor vehicle emission labdratories there---especially the
TEPA's contractor----the Industrial Technology Research Institu-
te (ITRI)----to correlate with the USEPA laboratory in Ann Arbor
, which is the recognized standard for motor vehicle emission t-
esting. Technical assistance will also be provided when TEPA de-
signs its own laboratory, currently planned for 1991.

Work Plan and Level of Effort

AIT's representative, USEPA, will provide technical assista-
nce by participating with Ford Motor Company-U.S., Ford Lio Ho-
Taiwan, and TEPA in a training effort for a few technical people
from TEPA and Ford Lio Ho. This training will be provided at bo-
th U.S. Ford and the Motor Vehicle Emissions Laboratory (MVEL)
at Ann Arbor. It will enable these people to transfer FTP test
capability to laboratories in Taiwan. The level of effort by EPA
will be approximately one person week for two months.

AIT's representative, USEPA, will work with Ford Motor Comp-
any to provide MVEL test data on a Ford correlation vehicle to
be shipped to Taiwan and operated in several laboratories. The
correlation among the laboratories will be assessed. Corrective
action to improve correlation will be recommended. Ford Motor C-
ompany is preparing the vehicle and will accompany it to Taiwan.
USEPA will audit the ITRI laboratory and possibly one other and
will witness the correlation vehicle tests at ITRI. The level of
effort by USEPA will be two person weeks for four months.

AIT's representative, USEPA, will coordinate answers to tec-
hnical questions regarding the operation of MVEL and of other p-
ortions (e.g. Certification and Recall) of the U.S. Mobile Sour-
ce Program.

AIT's representative, USEPA, will provide technical assista-
nce and comments to TEPA concerning its plans to construct its
own motor vehicle emission laboratory, if requested.


AIT will require that all travel and transportation costs be
funded by CCNAA. Up to three trips to Taiwan by USEPA Office of
Mobile Sources (OMS) technical staff during the next three years
are expected. The cost of these trips is estimated at US $12,000
($4,000 each). All travel will be in accordance with U.S. Travel
Regulations, including use of domestic carriers and per diem ra-
tes established for AIT.

Transportation of equipment and documents is expected to cost
no more than US $1,000 during the next three years.

Funds for the above travel and transportation expenses (US $1
3,000) shall be deposited with AIT in advance of any work perfo-
rmed under this project agreement and will be drawn on as needed
to respond to requests made by CCNAA's representative, TEPA.

The amounts listed above for the services to be provided by
AIT's representative, USEPA, under this project are extimates.
Disbursements will be made based on actual costs but should not
exceed the ertimated amount without further written agreement b-
etween AIT and CCNAA. At the conclusion of the project, should
there be any balance remaining in the funds advanced by CCNAA,
it will be refunded to CCNAA.

Except for damage to or destruction of property of AIT or its
designated representative, USEPA, caused by personnel of ATT or
its designated representative, USEPA, CCNAA agrees to reimburse
AIT for any damage to or destruction of property belonging to A-
IT or its designated representative, USEPA arising out of work
performed under this Agreement.

Related Agreements

The proposed work plan and effort to be provided by AIT's re-
presentative, USEPA, is contingent upon satisfactory agreements
being reached with the Ford Motor Company (U.S.), Ford Lio Ho (
Taiwan) and ITRI.

Amendment, Entry into Force and Termination

The provisions of this project agreement may be amended by e-
xchange of letters between AIT and CCNAA indicating mutual agre-
ement with the amendment.

This project agreement will become effective the date of the
last signature hereafter and will remain valid through June 30,
1993, unless terminated earlier upon mutual consent.

IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have hereby set their
hands by their duly authorized representative and have caused t-
his Agreement to be signed.

For : Coordination Council for
North American
NAME: [Signed]
Mou-Shih Ding
TITLE : Representative
DATE : October 18,1990

American Institute in Taiwan
NAME: [Signed]
Mat Bellocdhi
TITLE : Chairman of the Board
and Managing Director
DATE : October 18, 1990
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)