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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on July 8, 1999; Entered into force on July 8, 1999.
Article I:Purpose

This Implementing Arrangement is entered into by the Taipei Eco-
nomic and Cultural Representative Office in the United states (
TECRO), formerly known as the coordination Council for North Am-
erican Affairs (CCNAA), and the American Institute in taiwan (A-
IT), hereinafter referred to as the "Parties", to implement pro-
gram activities under the Agreement between CCNAA and AIT for T-
echnical Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection,
dated June 21, 1993 (the "CCNAA/AIT Agreement"). The CCNAA/AIT
Agreement was extended effective June 21, 1998 until June 21,
2003. TECRO, through its designated representative, the Environ-
mental Protection Administration in taipei (EPAT), in cooperati-
on with AIT, through its designated representative, the U.S. En-
vironmental Protection Agency in washington D.C. (EPA), shall c-
arry out program tasks, determine priorities for future coopera-
tion activities, and develop Implementing Arrangements which sh-
all set forth work programs for such future activities.

Article II:Authorization

The activities described in this Implementing Arrangement shall
be carried out under the general terms and conditions of the CC-
NAA/AIT Agreement. This Implementing Arrangement is hereby atta-
ched to the CCNAA/AIT Agreement and becomes part of the Agreeme-

Article III:Scope of Work

Program tasks to be carried out under this Implementing Arrange-
ment are summarized in Attachment 1 (TECRO-AIT Technical Cooper-
ation Program -- Summary and Description) and Attachment-2 (TEC-
RO-AIT Technical Cooperation Program Estimated Budget).

Article IV:Responsibilities of AIT

The responsibilities of AIT, through its designated representat-
ive, EPA, under this Implementing Arrangement are:
A. To undertake the tasks and manage the funds set forth in the
B. To make available personnel, equipment and other assistance
as may be necessary to carry out such tasks;
C. To facilitate and provide support for consultations between
and among representatives of TECRO, EPAT, EPA and other
appropriate agencies; and
D. To report on an annual basis or at the end of the term of th-
is Implementing Arrangement to TECRO on AIT's use of funds r-
eceived from TECRO pursuant to Article VI.

Article V:Responsibilities of TECRO

The responsibilities of TECRO under this Implementing Arrangment
A. To provide all necessary financial assistance in accordance
with Article V of the CCNAA/AIT Agreement and Article VI of
this Implementing Arrangement, as well as administrative and
other assistance to support AIT in undertaking the tasks set
forth in the Attachments;
B. To provide guidance for and to facilitate consultations betw-
een and among representatives of EPAT, AIT, and other approp-
riate agencies; and
C. To ensure that all necessary logistical arrangement for tasks
to be conducted in Taiwan, including the provision of traini-
ng and conference facilities, are completed prior to the com-
mencement of each such task.

Article VI:Financial Arrangements

In accordance with Article V of the CCNAA/AIT Agreement and fri-
or to the commencement of activities by AIT under this Implemen-
ting Arrangement, during each of the fiscal years for which this
Implementing Arrangement is in force, TECRO shall advance to AIT
the amount of funds (in U.S. dollars) specified in the Attachme-
nts to this Implementing Arrangement. These funds shall be used
by AIT to defray costs that it incurs in carrying out the tasks
that are indicated in the Attachment to be undertaken during su-
ch fiscal year. Upon receipt of funds from TECRO for each such
fiscal year, AIT shall commence such tasks.
Any funds received by AIT from TECRO that remain at the end of
the term of the CCNAA/AIT Agreement shall be returned to TECRO.

Article VII:Intellectual Property Considerations

No intellectual property or confidential business information c-
onsiderations are expected to arise in conjunction with activit-
ies to be undertaken pursuant to this Implementing Arrangement.

Article VIII:Effective Date, Amendment and Termination
This Implementing Arrangement shall enter into force on the date
of the last signature hereinafter, may be amended by written ag-
reement of the Parties at any time, and will remain in force for
two years unless extended or terminated by mutual agreement. Te-
rmination shall not affect the validity or duration of activiti-
es not fully completed at the time of termination.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized, have
signed this Implementing Arrangement.

DONE at Washingtion, D.C., in duplicate, in the English language


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Benjamin J. Y.Lo Barbara Schrage
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Name Name

Deputy Representative Deputy Managing Director
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Title Title

July 8, 1999 July 8, 1999
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Date Date

ATTACHMENT 1: TECRO-AIT Technical Cooperation Program--Summary
and Description
ATTACHMENT 2: TECRO-AIT Technical Cooperation Program--Estimated


US Fiscal Year:99-00 Activity #:01
Activity Title:Inspection & Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions T-
rading System

Implementation Format: Study Tour
Estimated Fund to AIT (USD$): 0
Estimated Fund to EPAT (USD$): 4,000
Estimated Total Fund (USD$): 4,000

Project Description:
Result:EPAT intends to incorporate the international "Emission
Rights Trading" system into is Air Pollution Control Act.
Objective:To promote the adaptation of international standards
on greenhouse gas emission reduction in Taiwan.
Activities:EPAT personnel intend to conduct site visit to the U-
SEPA, DOE, and other relevant agencies and institutes to collect
information on greenhouse gas emissions trading and Clean
Development Mechanism (CDM)

Time frame:April-June 2000

US Fiscal Year:99-00 Activity #:02
Activity Title:Study of Indoor Air Quality Standard and Policy
Implementatial Format: Cooperative Research and Site Visit
Estimated Fund to AIT (USD$): 85,714
Estimated Fund to EPAT (USD$):0
Estimated Total Fund (USD$): 85,714

Project Description:
Result:EPAT intends to amend current standards and/or establish
new standards for indoor air pollutants
Objective:To establish the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
for assessing indoor air quality and for quantifying the impact
on human health for various building scenarios in Taiwan.
Activities:EPAT intends to 1) collect and analyze the indoor air
pollutants, 2) identify and estimate signifcant health risk fac-
tors associated with indoor air pollutants; 3) establish major
indicators for indoor air quality in various building scenarios;
4) characterize research data for regulatory purposes; and 5) v-
isit relevant US institutes and government agencies to study ba-
ckground information and techniques.

Time Frame:October-December 2000

US Fiscal Year:99-00 Activity #:03
Activity Title:Impact of Non-radioactive Electrical Wave and Pa-
rticulates on Human Health and the Environment

Implementation Format: Cooperative Research and Site Visit
Estimated Fund to AIT (USD$): 85,714
Estimated Fund to EPAT (USD$):0
Estimated Total Fund (USD$): 85,714

Project Description:
Result:EPAT intends to regulate and establish standards for the
non-radioactive wave from electrical Field generated by power p-
lants and cellular phones.
Objectives:To better understand available measurement techniques
, equipments and standards for assessing the impact to human he-
alth and the environment in Taiwan.
Activities:EPAT personnel intends to 1) collect and analyze rel-
evant standards, techniques and health impact for the non-radio-
active wave from electrical field generated by power plants and
cellular phones;2) visit relevant US institutes (ANSI, IEEE, FCC
) and governmental agencies to gain background knowledge.

Time Frame October-December 2000

US Fiscal Year:99-00 Activity #:04
Activity Title:Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction_Energy Star Pr-
ogram Transfer, Green House Gases Emission Reporting and Banking
, Extended Analysis and Policy Integration

Implementation Format: Cooperative Research
Estimated Fund to AIT (USD$): 102,857
Estimated Fund to EPAT (USD$):0
Estimated Total Fund (USD$): 102,857

Project Description:
Result: 1) Inception of US Energy Star Office Product Program; 2
) Agreement to create Energy Star Showcase Building Within the
Architecture Buildings Research Institute_s Green Building Rese-
arch project; 3) MARKEL-MACRO extended & integrated applications
in program evaluation & policy analysis; 4) Introduction of USD-
OE-EIA Emission reporting format & design basics of carbon bank-
Objectives: 1) To transfer US Energy Star Product Program, 2) to
design an Energy Star Showcase Building within the Architecture
Buildings Research Institute, 3) to introduce GHG accounting me-
thods and carbon bank design, 4) to explore extended policy int-
egration capabilities of MARKEL-MACRO in air quality management
Artivities: 1) To design & promote public education & outreach
campaign using Energy Star Logo and create government procureme-
nt program; 2) to update Taiwan model database, transfer upgrad-
ed model software, and 3) to conduct workshop for EPAT officers
and local modeling groups on GHG reporting, the basics in carbon
banking, and data design requirement for extended MARKAL-MACRO
and policy integration applications.

Time Frame: July-December 2000

US Fiscal Year: 99-00 Activity #:05
Activity Title: Groundwater Remediation and Resource Protection
Implementation Format: Workshop
Estimated Fund to AIT (USD%): 14,285
Estimated Fund to EPAT (USD$):14,285
Estimated Total Fund (USD$): 28,570
Project Description:
Result: Enhancement of local groundwater treatment technology &
mitigation of current groundwater contamination.
Objective: 1) To understand US regulations regarding Superfund
and Brawnfields, 2) To employ innovative US groundwater remedia-
tion technologies to mutigate DNAPAL and BTEX
contamination; and 3) To learn groundwater resource management
approaches and the application of Technical Impracticability &
Natural Artennation Activities: EPAT intends to invite US perso-
nnel to present groundwater pollution remediation policy, regul-
ations, and innovative technologies.
Time Frame: December 1999 - June 2000

US Fiscal Year:99-00 Artivity #:06
Activity Title: Watershed Pollution Control System (I)-Metropol-
itan River Basin Pollution Control Program
Implementation Format: Workshop
Estimated Fund to AIT (USD$): 14,285
Estimated Fund to EPAT (USD$): 14,285
Estimated Total Fund (USD$): 28,570
Project Description:
Result: Restoration of Tan-Shui, a metropolitan river location
in northern Taiwan.
Objective: 1)To learn metropolitan river basin monitoring and m-
anagement programs; 2) to understand "innovative Ecological Mon-
itoring Programs" applied in US such as ecological integrity, e-
cological risk assessment; and 3) bio-indicators.
Activities: EfAT intends to invite US personnel to present info-
rmation and case studies on watershed restoration and management
through formal presentations and case studies (e.g. the Chesape-
ake Bay). The expected audience is personnel from EPAT and prov-
incial or local regulatory agencies.
Time Frame: December 1999 - June 2000

US Fiscal Year: 99-00 Activity #:07
Activity Title: Industrial Waste Management System
Implementation Format: Workshop
Estimated Fund to AIT (USD$): 28,571
Estimated Fund to EPAT (USD$): 42,857
Estimated Total Fund (USD$): 71,428
Project Description:
Result: EPAT intends to improve the current industrial waste ma-
nagement system and regulatory framework.
Objective: To better understand 1) the industrial waste managem-
ent system in the US, specifically,how to ensure an accurate re-
port of industrial waste generated and handled by the industries
,and 2) the regulatory framework in the US for the inspection,
enforcement, handling, and remediation of industrial wastes.
Activities: EPAT intends to invite US personnel to present info-
rmation and case studies on industrial waste management and reg-
ulatory system in a workshop. The expected audience is mainly r-
egulatory personnel.

Time Frame: April - June 2000

US Fiscal Year: 99-00 Activity #: 08
Activity Title: Technology Development for the Assessment of Hu-
man Exposure to Air Pollutants in Taiwan
Implementation Format:
Estimated Fund to AIT (USD$):37,142
Estimated Fund to EPAT (USD$):0
Estimated Total Fund (USD$):37,142
Site Visit of US Personnel
Project Description:
Result: EPAT intends to establish a viable and simple air quali-
ty sarmpling system to assess the impact of ozone and PMIO on h-
uman health on a personal and commumity basis.
Objective: 1)To develop the necessary sampling and application
techniques, and 2) to complete case studies in five US and Taiw-
an sites Activities: EPAT personnel intends to visit relevant s-
ites or research institutes to study the development and sampli-
ng techniques and to discuss with US personnel on the implement-
ation of such sampling system in Taiwan.
Time Frame: July 1999 - December 2000

US Fiscal Year:99-00 Activity #:09
Activity Title: Air Monitoring Technology Development (I)
Implementation Format: Workshop and Site Visit
Estimated Fund to AIT (USD%): 71,428
Estimated Fund to EPAT (USD$): 9,715
Estimated Total Fund (USD%): 81,143
Project Description:
Result: EPAT intends to develop a comprehensive regional air qu-
ality monitoring center that would monitor ozone and UV, foreca-
st aerial distribution of ozone and UV, and to serve as the reg-
ional monitoring center for other countries.

Activities: US is to assist Taiwan in the development of the ab-
ove forecast model and to assist EPAT in the calibration of tra-
ceable standards and quality assurance and to provide technical
consultant for the establishment of monitoring stations. The ex-
pected audience is mainly regulatory and research personnel Two
EPAT personnel will also conduct site visit in the US.
Time Frame: July 1999 -December 2000

US Fiscal Year: 99-00 Activity #: 10
Activity Title: Development of the Electronic Commerce and Inte-
rnet for Environmental Protection Sector (I)
Implementation Format: Workshop and Technical Assistance
Estimated Fund to ATT (USD$): 28,571
Estimated Fund to EPAT (USD$):O
Estimated Total Fund (USD$): 28,571
Project Description:
Result: EPAT intends to establish the electronic commerce proce-
ss on environmental protection that are align with the standards
of international organization such as United Nation_s Center for
Facilitation of procedures and practices in Administration, Com-
merce and Transport (CEACT/EWG).
Objective: 1) To better nnderstand the procedures by participat-
ing the international organizations of UN/EDIFACT; and 2) to co-
llection information on Electronic Commerce (EC) technology on
environmental protection

Activities: USEPA staff will attend a workshop in Taiwan and as-
sist to develop Taiwan_s own Electronic Commerce processing sys-
tem on environmental protection Time Frame: July 1999 - December

US Fiscal Year: 99-00 Activity #:11
Activity Title: The Analysis of Manufacturing Processes and Tra-
cking System of Petrochemiul Waste
Implementation Format: Cooperative Research
Estimated Fund to AIT(USD$): 57,142
Estimated Fund to EPAT(USD$): O
Estimated Total Fund (USD$): 57,142
Project Description:
Result: To effectively track and manage petrochemical waste, and
to enhance the performance of waste management system in Taiwan.
Objective: To develop a guideline and instuction manual for tra-
cking and managing petrochemical waste in Taiwan.
Activities: 1)To analyze and examine eurrent issues on petroche-
mical waste management system in Taiwan, and 2)To invite U.S. e-
xperts specializing in waste management to assist with the deve-
lopment of waste tracking guideline and instruction manual Time
frame: July 1999 to December 2000

US Fiscal Year: 99-00 Activity #: 12
Activity Title: Environmenal Technology Erchange program
Implementation Format: Workshop or Site Visit
Estimated Fund to AIT (USD$): 28,571
Estimated Fnnd to EPAT (USD$):0
Estimated Total Fund (USD$): 28,571
ProJect Description:
Result: EPAT intends to establish the application of cleaner, c-
ost-effective environmental technologies in various industrial
sectors in Taiwan.
Objective: To understand the incorporation and implementation of
various US pollution prevention and treatment technologies in T-

Activities: Exchange of EPAT and USEPA personnel.
Time Frame: January - December 2000
US Fiscal Year: 99-00 Activity #: 13
Activity Title: US-Taiwan Annunl Bilateral Planning and Review
implementation Format: Meeting
Estimated Fund to AIT (USD$): 14,285
Estimated Fund to EPAT (USD$):42,857
Estimated Total Fund (USD$): 57,142,
Project Description:
Result: USEPA and EPAT will evaluate the environmental accompli-
shment and plan future activities to ensure the cnvirommental a-
genda for both countries adequately addressed Objective: To ens-
ure the program continuous to contribute to USEPA objectives Ac-
tivities: Exchange of EPAT and USEPA personnel.
Time Frame: April - July 2000


US Fiscal Year: 00-01 Activity #: 01
Activity Title: Watershed Pollution Control System(Il) Systemat-
ic Approach for Drinking Water Protection Area
Implementation Format: Warkshop or Site Visit
Estimated Fund to AIT (USD$): 14,286
Estimated Fund in EPAT (USD$): 17,143
Estimated Total Funding (USD$): 31,429
Project Description:
Result: EPAT intends to develop water resource conservation reg-
ulations and policy, and to establish a regional watershed mana-
gement pilot study
Objective: 1) To learn watershed management and resource conser-
vation programs and regulations in the US, and 2) to assess the
implementation of similar Programs and regulations in Taiwan.
Activities: EPAT personnel intend to invite US personnel to givt
formal presentation and illustrate with case studies, and to ex-
change lessons learned with local experts regarding innovative
water source management, policies and regulations.
Time Frame: January - June 2001

US Fiscal Year: 00-01 Activity #:02
Activity Title: Innovative Wastewater Treatment Technology for
Petro-chemica1 and Chemical Manufacturing Industries
Implementation Format: Workshop
Estimated Fund to AIT (USD$): 14,285
Estimated Fund in EPAT (USD$): 14,285
Estimated Total Funding (USD$): 28,570
Project Description:
Result: The petro-chemical and chemical manufacturing industries
adopting the most costeffective pollution prevention and control
mechanisms and wastewater treatment technologies.
Objective: To promote the manufacturers' and research institutes
' understanding of available treatment and pollution prevention
Activities: EPAT intends to invite US personnel to present poll-
ution control/prevention and treatment technologies and managem-
ent system in the US. The expected audience include personnel f-
rom EPAT, Taiwanese industries and research institutes will lea-
rn the Time Frame: January - December 2001

US Fiscal Year:00-01 Activity #:03
Activity Title: Hazardous Waste Treatment and Management System
Implementation Format: Site Visit
Estimated Fund to AIT (USD$): 14,286
Estimated Fund in EPAT (USD$): 28,571
Estimated Total Funding (USD$): 42,857
Project Description:
Result: EPAT intends to improve the current hazardous waste man-
agement system and to promote the application of cost-effective
treatment technologies in Taiwan.

Objective: To better undersrand 1) the hazardous waste manageme-
nt system in the US, specifically, and 2) available innovative
treatment technologies, specifically the technologies that have
been verified
Activities: EPAT intends to invite US personnel to present info-
rmation and case studies on hazardous waste innovative treatment
technologies and management system in a workshop. The expected
audience is mainly regulatory personnel.
Time Frame: June - October 2001

US Fiscal Year: 9P01 Activity #: O4
Activity Title: Air Monitoring Technology Development (II)
implementation Foment: Workshop and Site Visit
Estimated Fund to AIT (USD$): 85,714
Estimated Found in EPAT (UDS$): 14,286
Estimated Total Funding (USD$): 100,000
Workshop and Site Visit
Project Description:
Result: EPAT intends to continue to develop a comprehensive reg-
ional air quality monitoring Center that would monitor ozone and
UV, forecast aerial distribution of ozone and UV, and to Serve
as the regional monitoring center for other countries. TEPA int-
ends to invite APEC Economies to attend a symposium on Air Qual-
ity Monitoring Technology for information sharing purpose.
Ativities: US is to continue to assist Taiwan in the development
of the above forecast model and to assist EPAT in the calibrati-
on of traceable standards and quality assurance for the monitor-
ing aspect of the project. The expected audience is mainly regu-
latory and research personnel EPAT will send two personnel to US
for site visit.
Time Frame: January - December 2001

US Fiscal Year: 00-01 Activity #:5
Activity Title: Development of the Electronic Commerce:and Inte-
rngt for Environmental Protection Sector (II)
Implementation Format: site Visit and Workshop
Estimated Fund to AIT (USD$): 51,428
Extimated Fund in EPAT (USD$): 11,429
Estimated Total Funding (USD$): 62,857
Project Description:
Result: EPAT intends to continue to establish the electronic co-
mmerce process on envimmnPrdal protection that are align with t-
he standards of international organization such as United Natio-
ns' Center forFacilitation of procedures and practices in Admin-
istration, Commerce and Transport (CEACT/EWG)-
Objective: i) To better understand the procedures by participat-
ing the international organizations of UN/EDIFACT; and 2) to co-
llection information on Electronic Commerce (EC) technology on
environmental protection Activities: EPAT personnel intend to c-
onduct site visit to relevant US organizations and obtain assis-
tance on developing Taiwan's own Electronic Commerce processing
system on environmental protection
Time Frame: January - December 2001
us Fiscal Year: 00-01 Activity #:6
Activity Title: A Study of Global Climate Change on Food Produc-
tions in Asian Pacific Rim Countries
Implementation Format: Cooperative Research
Estimated Fund to AIT (USD$): 36,000
Estimated Fund in EPAT (USD$): O
Estimated Total Funding (USD$): 36,000
Proiect Description:
One of the most serious concerns that will face all peoples in
the 21ST century is the potential impact of global environmental
and climate change may have on world food production. This is p-
articularly felt in Asian Pacific Rim countries where the popul-
ation ,growth for the next 50 years would be among thehighest in
the world. The increasingiy unstable climate and environment ha-
ve in effect increased the variability of food supply in recent
years. Since the environmental conditions are partly associated
with industrial developmental activities and levels of energy c-
onsumption, which are dramatically increasing in Asian countries
, it is not unreasonable to project a worsen environment in near
future. The degradation of environment in general and the clima-
te change in specific raised a new concern of stability of food
supply in the next century.
(1) To collect weather and key food production data for Pacific
Rim countries. The countries lmder consideration include, U-
SA, Canada, China Taiwan, Japan, PfiIippines, and other sou-
theastern Asian countries;
(2) To analyre these data and to evaluate the stability of clim-
ate and food production systems in these countries;
(3) To assess the potential impact of future weather and food p-
roduction conditions may have on food market and economy am-
ong the pacific rim countries.
Results of this study would be useful for Taiwan policy makers,
particularly environmental policy decision-makers to address mo-
re profound and broad issues in relationships of Mvironnent, ec-
onomy and food security.
Data collection and modeling analysis will be performed at the
University of California at Davis A final -report including ma-
rket and economic implications will be submitted to Taiwan EPA.

Time frame:
Jannarv 2001 to December 2001.

US Fiscal Year. 00-01 Activity #:7
Activity Title: Environmental Regulatory and Policy Database
Implementation Format: Workshop
Estimated Fund to AIT (USD$): 42,857
Estimated Fund to EPAT (USD$): 42,857
Estimated Total Fund (USD$): 85,714
Proiect Description:
Result: EPAT intends to raise environmental awareness among the
public and the Taiwanlse government by disseminating informati-
on on the current trend of enimmnental laws, no regulasions and
the state of the environment in the US Objectiver. 1)To produce
a video tape of the current enviromncntal status in the, US; 2)
to exchange environmental laws and regulations; and 3) to produ-
ce a CD-ROM of current US and Taiwan enviTomnentai status and a-
vailable data.
Activities: Exchange of EPAT and USEPA personnel.
Time Frame: January - December 2001

US Fiscal Year: 00-01 Activity #:8
Activity Title: Demonstration Project for the Abatement of Nitr-
ogen Oxide Emission Usin Reburning Tecfinology for Cogeneeration
Plants in Taiwan(II)
Implementation former: Technolngy Transfer and Dancmstmtion
Estimated Fund to AIT (USD$): 939,394
Estimated Fund to EPAT (USD$): O
Estimated Total Fllnd (USD$): 939,394
Project Description:
Result: Establish the reburn De-Nox demonstration site for Co-g-
eneration plants in Taiwan.
Objective: 1) Import the Reburn Technology for Nor reduction fr-
om USA and establish the demonstration site for cogeneration pl-
ants in Taiwan, and 2) Accomplish the
significant technology on Nox abatement and effectively improve
the Nox emission in Taiwan. 3) Establish the cooperation channel
on environmental technology between R.O.C. and U.S.A. 4) Establ-
ish the engineering and performance testing technology on reburn
in Taiwan.
Activities:1)To investigate the emission and specific informati-
on for Co-generation plants in Taiwan, 2)To study the technology
, 3)To implement technology design, 4) To install and test the
demonstration Sitp_5)TO exhibit demonstration site Time frame:
January 2001 to December 2001

US Fiscal Year: 00-01 Activity #: 9
Activity Title: Environmental Technology Exchange Program
Implementation Format: Workshop or Site Visit
Estimated Fund to AIT (USD$): 42,857
Estimated Fund to EPAT (USD$): 0
Estimated Total Fund (USD$): 42,857
Project Description:
Result: EPAT intends to establish the application of cleaner, c-
ost-effective environmental technologies in various industrial
sectors in Taiwan.
Objective: To understand the incorporation and implementation of
various US pollution prevention and treatment technologies in T-
Activities: Exchange of EPAT and USEPA personnel.
Time Frame: January - December 2001

US Fiscal Year: 00-01 Activity #: 10
Activity Title: US-Taiwan Annual Bilateral Planning and Review
Implementation Format: Meeting
Estimated Fund to AIT (USD$): 14,285
Estimated Fund to EPAT (USD$): 14,285
Estimated Total Fund (USD$): 28,570

Proiect Description:
Result: USEPA and EPAT will evaluate the environmental accompli-
shment and plan future activities to ensure the environmental a-
genda for both countries are adequately addressed Objective: To
ensure the program continuous to contribute to USEPA objectives
Exchange of EPAT and USEPA personnel.
Time Frame: April - July 2001
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)