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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on June 13, 2019 and April 25, 2019 Entered into force on June 13, 2019
The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the
Government of the Republic of Nauru (hereinafter referred to
individually as a “ Party ” and collectively referred to as “
the Parties ” );

Recognizing that drug abuse, illicit trafficking and
transportation of drugs, and “ narcotic drugs ” (both
psychotropic substances and precursor chemicals used to produce
illegal narcotic drugs) bear critical influences on human health
and social order, and they adversely affect the economic,
cultural and political foundation of the society;

Being concerned about the production, trafficking and
transportation of illegal narcotic drugs which have become more
widespread in the world; and

Realizing the benefits of mutual support and cooperation between
the Parties;

Have agreed as follows:

The Objective and Scope of Cooperation The Parties shall promote
and encourage various modes of cooperation in order to
effectively prevent and control the various methods of illicit
production, trafficking, transportation, and abuse of narcotic
drugs and psychotropic substances and the diversion of precursor
chemicals that may be used in the illicit manufacture of
narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

Forms and Contents of Cooperation
The competent authorities of the Parties shall assign relevant
agencies of the Parties to implement the following cooperative
1. Exchange and share of information in the area of drug law
1.1 Any activities suspected of being linked to the production,
storage, trafficking, and transportation of narcotic drugs;

1.2 Hidden tricks of narcotic drugs and detection methods;
1.3 Usual routes of criminal organization engaged in illegal
transit of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, or
illegal diversion of precursor chemicals within the
territory of any of the Parties; and
1.4 Illegal producing, storing, transporting, trafficking,
manufacturing technology, and mode of use for new narcotic
2. Develop and approve procedures in relation to coordinated
operations, which may include procedures relating to:
2.1 The determination and preparation of coordinated operations;
2.2 Coordination in making plans for the investigation of cases
of mutual concern;
2.3 Contribution of resources; and 2.4 Management of the flow of
information and information security.
3. Provide cooperative assistances in the fields of capacity
building and professional development, including but not
limited to:
3.1 Organize meetings to exchange experiences on research,
control, and detection of narcotic drugs, psychotropic
substances, and precursor chemicals; and practical
experience in preventing and using illegal narcotic drugs;
3.2 Organize conferences and group meetings to share experiences
on drug addiction, detoxification, treatment,
rehabilitation, the conduct of anti-drug operations, and on
the illegal inflow of narcotic drugs, psychotropic
substances and the illegal diversion of precursor chemicals;
to share methodology to control the cultivation of plants
containing narcotic substances and alternative developments;
3.3 Organize training programs to Enhance capacity for drug law
4. Provide assistance of technology, equipment, facilities,
technical advice, and coordination to conduct forensic work.
5. Provide other activities on the basis of mutual concern
agreed by the Parties.

Confidentiality of Information
The information and documents obtained in accordance with this
Agreement shall be kept confidential and not provided to third
party or used for other purposes without the consent of the
providing Party.

1. The expenses for organizing the exchange of delegations
between the Parties shall be made under following mechanism:
The sending Party shall be responsible for international
round-trip transportation, while the expenses of
accommodation, food and domestic transportation shall be
borne by the receiving Party.
2. In order for this Agreement to be implemented appropriately,
either Party may request assistance from the other Party to
fund coordinated operations of mutual concern and to improve
institutional capabilities.
3. The requested Party has the discretion to provide financial
support, if any, to support the proposal described above.

Request for Cooperation and Assistance
1. According to this Agreement, the Parties shall
cooperate/assist each other upon requests or initiatives.
2. Requests for official assistance shall be made in writing,
however, in cases of emergency, requests can be made in forms
through fax or by other confidential communications agreed by
the Parties, but shall be confirmed by official request
transferred within three (03) days. If there is any doubt
about the authenticity or content of a request for
cooperation/assistance, it may require additional
3. Written requests for cooperation/assistance shall have the
official information as follows:
3.1 Name of requesting agency and name of the requested agency
3.2 Details of contents requiring cooperation/assistance;
3.3 The purpose of the content and the grounds for the request;
3.4 Description of cooperation/assistance requested;
3.5 Any other appropriate additional information which can help
the implementation of the cooperation/assistance.
4. Official requests for cooperation/ assistance shall be signed
and sealed by Head or Deputy Head of requesting agency.

Right to Refuse
The requested Party may refuse the request from the other Party,
if such request is contrary to international practices as well
as the law of the Parties or threatens the sovereignty, national
security, social security order, or the benefits of the
requested Party. The requested Party shall promptly notify the
other Party in writing of the refusal with clear reasons.

Implementation of Request for Cooperation and Assistance
1. The requested Party shall quickly and fully take the
necessary procedures to ensure the implementation of the
request for cooperation/assistance. The requesting Party
shall be notified immediately about the conditions and
circumstances which may hinder or delay the performance of
the requests.
2. The requested Party may propose to provide additional
information, if necessary for the implementation of the
3. If there is a reason, the requested Party may postpone the
implementation of the requests or offer special conditions to
perform the requests. If the requesting Party agrees with
these conditions, the requested Party shall ensure compliance
with these conditions.
4. guaranteed to be kept secret, the requested Party shall
inform the requesting Party to decide whether to accept the
implementations under those conditions or not.
5. The requested Party, at its earliest convenience shall notify
the requesting Party about the results of the execution of
the requests.

Implementation of the Agreement
1. Under the framework of this Agreement, the Parties assign the
following agencies the responsibility for the implementation
of this Agreement:
1.1 For the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan), the
implementing agency is the Investigation Bureau, the
Ministry of Justice.
1.2 For the Government of the Republic of Nauru, the
implementing agency is the Ministry of Justice and Border
2. The focal points of the Parties shall:
2.1 Contact directly to address issues arising beyond this
2.2 Design an unified program, plan, and specific time to
perform this Agreement.
3. Any dispute arising from the interpretation or implementation
of this Agreement shall be settled by consultations or by any
other means mutually determined by the implementing agencies.

Entry into Force, Amendment and Termination
1. This Agreement shall come into force upon the date of the
last signature by the Parties.
2. This Agreement may be amended or supplemented at any time in
writing after discussion between the Parties. Amendments or
supplements are inseparable parts of this Agreement.
3. Either Party may terminate this Agreement by a written
notification 30 days prior to the desired termination date.
In case of the termination of this Agreement, the cooperation
programs already initiated in the framework of this Agreement
prior to the termination shall be continued until their

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorised by
their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.

Done in duplicate in the Chinese, and English languages, the two
texts being equally authentic.

For the Government For the Government of
of the Republic of the Republic of Nauru
China (Taiwan)
_______________ _______________
WENG-JONG LEU David Adeang
Director General Minister for Justice
Investigation Bureau, The Ministry of Justice
the Ministry of Justice and Border Control

Date 04/25/2019 Date 13 June,2019

Place New Taipei City Place NAURU
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)