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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on July 05, 2006; Entered into force on July 05, 2006.
The Taipei Economic and Cultural office in Tel Aviv (hereinafter
referred to as "TECO") and the Israel Economic and Cultural
office in Taipei (hereinafter referred to as "ISECO")-
hereinafter referred to as the "Parties";

BELIEVING that bilateral cooperation in the fields of health and
medicine shall be of benefit to both Parties;

RECOGNIZING that such cooperation can promote the development of
relations between the two Parties;

HAVE AGREED upon the following plan of cooperation:

The Parties agree to promote development of cooperation in the
fields of health and medicine between them on the equality and
mutual advantages and, by mutual consent, define various areas
in which this cooperation is desirable, including areas of
health and medical science, biotechnology and research.

(a) Cooperative activities will be undertaken according to the
budgetary appropriations of both Parties, which will use
their own assessment and founding mechanism, including
recruitment of extra budgetary financial resources (like
donations), for the designing and implementation of
collaborative activities.
(b) The financial aspects of the activities shall be agreed upon
the two Parties.

(a) The Parties shall exchange: health, medical and scientific
information, laboratory diagnosis, data on professional
topics, and information on professional congresses,
conferences and symposia;
(b) The Parties shall exchange experts in various fields for
different kinds of tasks and missions in the comprehensive
Public health and epidemiology, preparedness and response
for the outbreaks and epidemics of emerging infectious
diseases, preventive medicine, hospitals and other curative
services, emergency medicine and medical preparedness for
disasters, health and medical technologies, health policy
and reforms of health systems, health and medical services
planning organization and management, health economics and
health insurance, teaching and training programmes, all
areas of research in health, medicine, medical sciences and
biotechnology (including encouraging of creation of joint
research groups).
(c) Each Party will designate either appropriate focal- points
or competent agencies as contact points, in order to enhance
information- sharing between the two Parties on:
1.The comprehensive aspects of Avian and Pandemic Influenza
(preparedness, prevention, immunization, diagnosis,
treatment, evaluation);
2.Other diseases that may constitute a public health
emergency of international concern;

(a) The Parties shall exchange physicians, nurses, health
professionals and paramedical professionals, as mutually
agreed on.
(b) The Parties shall consider the feasibility of exchanging
residents in medicine, interns and medicine students;
(c) The Parties organize training programmes, courses and
workshops upon mutual agreement.
Clinical demonstrations, diagnostic procedures and therapeutic
techniques shall be performed in accordance with the medical
practice regulations of the host Party.

The Parties shall encourage the development of direct contacts
and collaboration between hospitals, medical centers and
institutions in the respective sides. Such collaboration
projects shall be financed by the collaborating hospitals,
medical centers and institutions.

This Article is subjected to the provisions of Article 2 of this
(a) The Sending Party will pay travel costs to and from the
capital of the receiving Party.
(b) The Hosting Party will cover board lodging and domestic
travel expenses of the visitor. These periods will not be
longer than two weeks.

The Implementing Authorities shall be:
(a) On behalf of TECO
1.The Representative
2.The Deputy Minister of Department of Health, Executive
3.The Director of Bureau of International Cooperation,
Department of Health, Executive Yuan
(b) On behalf of ISECO
1.The Representative
2.The Deputy Director- General for Information and
International Relations, Israel Ministry of Health
3.The Director of Department of International Relations,
Israel Ministry of Health

This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature and remain
effective till terminated by either Party upon 6 months prior
notice in writing. The ongoing activities will not be affected
by the termination.

The Agreement can be modified by mutual consent of the Parties.
Any modification of the Agreement shall follow the same
procedures as its entering into force.

Signed in Taipei on the 5th day of JULY 2006, which corresponds
to the 9th day of 10th 5766, in two original copies, in
the English language.

On behalf of On behalf of
Taipei Economic and Israel Economic and
Cultural Office in Tel Aviv Cultural Office in Taipei

_________________________ _________________________
Mr. Tson-Fong Huang Ms. Ruth Kahanoff
Acting Representative Representative
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)