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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on April 14, 2008; Entered into force on April 14, 2008;
The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) (hereinafter
referred to as Taiwan) through the Department of Health,
Executive Yuan of Taiwan (hereinafter referred to as DOH) and
the Government of Solomon Islands (hereinafter referred to as
SI) through its Ministry of Health and Medical Services
(hereinafter referred to as SI Ministry of Health),

With reference to the "Agreement on Cooperation in Health
between the Department of Health, Executive Yuan, Republic of
China (Taiwan) and the Ministry of Health, Solomon Islands"
(hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) and;

Desiring to strengthen the promotion of mutual co-operation in
health issues between the two countries and;

With a view to the establishment of a "Taiwan Health Center in
Solomon Islands" (hereinafter referred to as the Center) by DOH
to implement the Agreement and the afore-said desires;

Have hereby confirmed and agreed the following understandings:
1.DOH shall, in accordance with laws and regulations of Taiwan
and subject to its budgetary appropriations, take necessary
measures to establish the Center in SI and to dispatch the
necessary staff to SI for its operation according to the
schedules to be agreed upon between the two governments.
2.The location of the Center shall be in Honiara, the capital of
SI. The projects of the Center, however, shall be covering the
whole jurisdiction territory of SI according to the nature of
the projects.
3.The Center, with regard to its status and functions, shall be
deemed as an affiliate office of the Embassy of the Republic
of China (Taiwan) in Solomon Islands (hereinafter referred to
as the Embassy) and consequently, the staff of the Center
shall be endowed with official status.
4.Taiwan, through DOH shall provide the Center and its staff
with the following supports:
a.Necessary budget for the establishment and maintenance of
the Center including office equipments and necessary fund
for its operation and projects, including cost of
international travel between Taiwan and SI and/ or between
SI and other countries;
b.Monthly salary and/or living allowance of the staff during
the period of their assignments;
c.Monthly housing allowance for the staff of the Center;
d.Materials and medical supplies necessary for the performance
of the duties and/or projects of the Center and its staff;
e.Overseas Health Insurance for medical care, hospitalization
and referral back to Taiwan for the staff of the Center;
5.SI shall grant the Center and its staff the following
supports, privileges, exemptions and benefits:
a.Providing free office space for the Center to be located and
established which shall be adequate to accommodate a staff
of maximum 6 persons;
b.Exemption from customs duties, taxes, and other governmental
charges on all office equipments, materials, vehicles and
medical supplies introduced into SI for use in the
performance and/or operation of the duties of the Center
and/or its staff;
c.Exemption from customs duties, taxes and other governmental
charges on the staff of the Center for their personal and
household effects introduced into SI for their own use
within six months of their arrival;
d.Exemption from income tax and other governmental charges in
respect of any remuneration, salary or allowances received
by the Center or its staff in connection with their official
e.Exemption from working permits and taxes, including local
taxes, for the local consumption of the staff of the Center.
f.Providing the staff of the Center access to the medical
services of public clinics or hospitals, emergency medical
attention and first aid;
g.Providing local transportation necessary for the performance
of their duties in specified projects; should any project
involves field trips to the SI outer islands or aboard,
sharing of the costs and expenses should be discussed and
agreed upon in advance among relevant parties;
h.Issuance of appropriate visas, identification cards, tax
exemption cards to the staff of the Center to facilitate the
performance of their functions and daily lives and
6.In compliance with the regulations of SI concerning all
personal durable goods imported or purchased free of customers
duties, taxes and other governmental charges of any kind shall
be re-exported unless:
a.They are sold within the territory of SI with the payment of
customs duties, taxes and other governmental charges of any
kind, or donated to SI with its approval; or
b.Such re-exportation is impossible or inappropriate.
c.In the event when vehicles are transferred between the staff
of the Center, all applicable taxes according to the laws of
SI are to be exempted.
7.SI shall take every possible measure to ensure the personal
safety and security of the staff of the Center in the course
of performing their duties. SI shall also accord full
international organization status to the Center and its staff
and their properties and provide the Center and its staff with
full aid and protection, including treatment no less favorable
than the accord generally to nationals and staffs of most
other states and/or international organizations that are
residing and performing the similar activities in the
territory of SI; and fully inform, consult, corporate with and
support the Center and its staff with respect to all matters
concerning the projects of the Center.
8.SI shall bear claims, if any, relating directly or indirectly
to any action or omission by the Center in the course of their
official functions in SI, provided however that such claims do
not raise from the gross negligence or willful misconduct on
the part of the Center or its staff.
9.The staff of the Center shall comply with the laws and customs
of SI and shall not engage in any private activity or
enterprise for personal gain or profit during their assignment
in SI. Any medically related activity must be conducted with
prior approval and/or authorization by the relevant SI
10.The Embassy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, External
Trade and Immigration(hereinafter referred to as the
Ministry), together with SI Ministry of Health and the Center
shall hold consultations, from time to time, for the
successful implementation of the MOU and to enhance the
function of the Center.
11.This MOU shall enter into force on the date of signature. It
may be amended by an Exchanges of Letters between DOH and SI
Ministry of Health and shall remain in force unless either
government terminates it by six months prior written notice
to the other.
Done in duplicate in the English and Chinese languages, both
texts being equally authentic, at Honiara on this 14th day of
April 2008.

For the Government of The For the Government of Solomon
Republic of China (Taiwan) Islands

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Hon. Sheng-Mou Hou, M.D., Hon. Johnson Koli, MP
M.P.H., Ph.D. Minister of Health and Medical
Minister of Health Services
Republic of China (Taiwan) Solomon Islands
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)