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1.Signed on April 20, 1989; Entered into force on April 20, 1989.
The Guidelines are herewith amended as follows :
7 Initial Areas of Cooperation The following topics are being c-
onsidered for initial cooperative activity :
-- Cancer
--Cardiovascular Diseases
--Infectious Diseases
--Environmental Health
--Blood Banking
--Animal Models
--Biomedical Information Systems
George K.C.Liu
Director, Science Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
Date :
Corporate Secretary
American Inistitute in Taiwan Date :
Attachment No. 1 to Amendment No. 1
Guidelines for a
Cooperative Program in the Biomedical
Sciences Between
The American Institute in Taiwan and
The Coordination Council for North
American Affairs
May 21, 1984

1 General
Joseph B. Kyle
Pursuant to Amendment No.l to the Guidelines an additional ar-
ea of cooperative activity between the American Institute in
Taiwan (hereinafter referred to as" AIT") and the Coordination
Council for North American Affairs (hereinafter referred to as
"CCNAA") has been established. This area is Biomedical In- for
- mation Systems. AIT works with the NatiQnal Library of Medi-
cine(hereinafter referred to as " NLM") of the National Insti-
tutes of Health in administering the cooperative activity. CC-
NAA performs a similar function in affiliation with the Scien-
ce and Technology Information Center (hereinafter referred to
as "STIC") of the National Science Council (hereinafter refer-
red to as " NSC ")in Taiwan.
2 Purpose of Cooperative Activity To exploit the NLM biomedical
information system known as the Medical Literature Analysis
and Retrieval System (hereinafter referred to as "MEDLARS ")
for the benefit of health professionals.
3 Range of Services
a In addition to MEDLARS demand search service, the range of
other services provided by STIC under this agreement may in-
clude the selective dissemination of information to individ-
uals or groups, the publication of selected literature sear-
ches and recurring bibliographies provided that these do not
duplicate existing publications derived from the system nor
violate copyrights, the preparetion of critical reviews usi-
ng material retrieved from the system and other applications
which may subsequently be defined.
b NLM agrees to the following :
(1) Enter into a license agreement with STIC for access to NLM
supported databases.
(2) Provide one subscription to the NLM Technical Bulletin, t-
raining in searching of the MEDLARS system at NLM, and li-
mited consultation on the architectural design of the ELH-
ILL retrieval system by the NLM computer staff.
(3) Provide materials pertaining to the prometion of internat-
ional MEDLARS Centers.
(4) Provide photocopying service to STIC's MEDLARS users for
docurnents not available in Taiwan.
c STIC agrees to the following :
(1) Not to use NLM database tapes to distribute services unti-
l the search capability of the software retrieval system
is demonstrated to be equal to or better than the NLM ELH-
ILL system.
(2) Pay to NLM applicable charges for tape leasing and online
services at the current U.S. dollar rate.
(3) Provide NLM with online access to MEDLINE for the purpose
of testing the STIC implementation of MEDLINE.
4 Administration of the Cooperative Activity
a NLM and STIC will designate a project officer who will be r-
esponsible for administering the cooperative activity. The
project officers will maintain complete and accurate recode
of activities developed pursuant to the cooperative activity
, including accountability for any and all funds expended.
Such records will be made available to AIT and CCNAA upon d-
b STIC will be responsible for controlling the distribution a-
nd use of MEDLARS information to end users. If questions ar-
ise regarding the distribution and use of MEDLARS informati-
on they should be referred by STIC to NLM.
c STIC will participate in NLM evaluation studies, workshops,
and international MEDLARS Policy Advisory Group (IMPAG) mee-
tings with other international MEDLARS Centers.
d STIC will notify NLM regarding details and plans for publis-
hing bibliographies or other publications derived from MEDL-
e STIC will acknowledge NLM cooperation and use of the MEDLARS
system the in all products and publications derived from st-
udy or use of the MEDLARS system. NLM may specify separate
identification or qualifications when the products are expe-
rimental or depart from existing MEDLARS procedures and out-
f NLM reserves the right to make changes to the MEDLARS system
at any time, but it will give advance notification of these
changes in writing to STIC.
5 Training
STIC. will provide all necessary personnel acceptable to NLM
for any needed training in the MEDLARS system. Arrangements f-
or refresher training for personnel will be agreed between ST-
IC and NLM and, if possible, will be associated with regular
training sessions.
6 Exchange of Experience and Information
a NLM will receive and review STIC progress reports on the de-
velopment of the MEDLARS system in Taiwan, technical memora-
nda on operating processes, copies of documentation of the
system under development, newsletters and similar publicati-
ons essential for effective evaluation of the system as a w-
b STIC will participate in system-wide evaluation studies with
protocols developed on a mutually agreeable basis with NLM.
It is understood that in any comparative testing of systems
involving MEDLARS performance, NLM will participate in the
design, operation and evaluation of the testing.
7 Disclaimer of Warranties
a Neither the AIT nor the NLM makes any warranty, express or
implied, including any warranty of fitness for a particular
purpose; nor do AIT and NLM assume any legal liability or r-
esponsibility for any party's use, or the results of such u-
se, of any information disclosed in an information product
or service disseminated by AIT or NLM ; nor represents that
the use of any such information product or service would not
infringe privately owned rights.
b Neither the CCNAA nor the STIC makes any warranty, express
or implied, including any warranty of fitness for a particu-
lar purpose; nor do CCNAA and STIC assume any legal liabili-
ty or reponsibility for any party's use, or the results of
such use, of any information disclosed in an information pr-
oduct or service disseminated by CCNAA or STIC; nor represe-
nts that the use of any such information product or service
would not infringe privately owned rights.
8 Funding
The funding of cooperative activities under Attachment No.l to
Amendment No.l to the Guidelines shall be carried out on the
basis of mutuality, reciprocity and flexibility. In general,
each side will fund the cost of its participation in cooperat-
ive activites and may, if it chooses, provide full or partial
support for participation in these activities by personnel of
the other side.Decisions on funding for joint activities will
be made by mutual agreement.
9 Duration
This Attachmemt No.l to Amendment No.l to the Guidelines will
become effective upon signature by duly authorized representa-
tives of AIT and CCNAA and will remain in effect until termin-
ated by one or the other party or by mutal agreement of both
parties. In the event of termination for reasons other than b-
reach of Attachment No.l to Amendment No.l of the Guidelines,
such termination shall be effective not less than six (6) mon-
ths following delivery of written notice to terminate by eith-
er party. Any breach of Attachment No.l to Ammendment No.l of
the Guidelines will be curable upon sixty (60) days written n-
otice by AIT or CCNAA to the other party.
10 Entirety of Agreement
This document constitues an agreement between AIT and CCNAA
in its entirety and may not be modified except by mutual wri-
tten consent of the parties.
11 Authorized Signatures
This agreement is executed by the duly authorized representa-
tives of AIT and CCNAA whose signatures are affixed below :
American Institue in
Date : April 20, 1989
Coordination Council
for North American
j Director of Science Div.
Date: April 20, 1989
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)