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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Siged and exchanged on October 4 and November 7, 1988; Entered into force on November 7, 1988.
7 November 1988
H.E. Dr. Rida Mohammed Saeed Obeid President
King Abdulaziz University Jeddah
Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia Your Excellency,
This refers with pleasure to your letter of 4 October 1988, re:
medical cooperation between the King Abdulaziz University, King-
dom of Saudi Arabia and the Department of Health, the Executive
Yuan, Republic of China.

I fully agree to the terms of cooperation specified in your let-
ter and look forward to a fruitful relationship in the field of
medical service between our two institutions.

Yours Sincerely,
Chun Jen Shih
Director - General
ROC Embassy in
Saudi Arabia
ROC Consulate
General, Jeddah

Your Excellency,
We are pleased that the discussion we had with Professor Yang a-
nd Mr. Jeff Tsai lead to the following understanding :
(1) In view of the traditional intimate friendship between the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of China and in the
spirit of complete and mutual understanding, the Sedond Par-
ty undertakes to delegate, scrutinise and in collaboration
with the First Party, select hospital personnel (hereinafter
referred to as the Personnel) to support the operation of t-
he King Abdulaziz University Hospital in Jeddah (hereinafter
referred to as the Hospital).
The main functions of the Second Party shall be limited to
the provi- sion of good English--speaking and highly qualif-
ied doctors, nurses and technicians as indentified by the F-
irst Party.

(1) The Personnel shall include -- based on the requirements of
the University Hospital -- medical and paramedical staff. H-
owever, nomination thereof shall be subject to the approval
of the First Party and all chosen categories shall be of a
high caliber and of good conduct.
(2) The First Party shall prepare, in consultation with the Sec-
ond Party, well in advance, the number and categories of pe-
rsonnel the Hospital requires.
(3) Notwithstanding the terms of contract signed between the se-
lected Personnel and the First Party, the University shall
have the right to replace any member by mutual agreement.
(4) The duration of the first contract of each member of the Pe-
rsonnel shall the two years. However, doctor's contracts sh-
all be for one year. The contract may be renewed thereafter
on a yearly basis by the mutual agreement of both parties.

(1) The Mission leader of the Sino-Saudi Medical Cooperation Pr-
ogram currently operating under the Sino--- Saudi Joint Com-
mittee on Economical and Technical Cooperation will also se-
rve as a coordinator between the two Parties, and the Missi-
on leader will visit the University when necessary to discu-
ss with officials of King Abdulaziz University matters conc-
erning the Medical Cooperation Program.
(2) The Second Party shall provide four to six months English T-
raining Programs prior to the personnel departure for the K-
ingdom to minimize any language difficulties and cultural d-

(1) Salaries of the members of personnel shall be calculatkd ac-
cording to Non--Saudi Employment Regulations plus a 100 % i-
ncrement as per the Resolution of the Sine--Saudi Permanent
Committee on Technical Cooperation concerning the 100 % inc-
rement to be given to all Chinese experts and specialists w-
orking for the Government of Saudi Arabia.
(2) With regard to the selection of physicians, the qualificati-
on requirements laid down by the King Abdulaziz University
shall be applied as criteria for their appointment as speci-
(3) Clerical staff provided shall be paid according to their qu-
alifications and experience based on the Saudi Civil Service
Salary Scale.
(4) Short--term Consultants :
(a) Short--term consultants shall serve in the Kingdom upon
the request of the First Party for a period of up to th-
ree months.
(b) Short--term consultants / professors shall be paid acco-
rding to the University pay scale for academicians based
on their ranks: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor
or Full Professor.
(c) Short--term consultants -- on a clinical basis -- shall
be paid within the range of SR 15,000 to 18,000 per mon-
(5) Benefits of the members of personnel concerning housing, ov-
ertime, vacation travel, sick leave, medical insurance and
others as specified in the contract agreed upon by both par-
ties shall be followed.
(6) The Second Party shall be notified, well in advance, of any
change(s) in the terms and conditions of the contract.

(1) This letter may be reviewed or amended every two years by m-
utual agreement if either Party deems it necessary.
(2) Either Party shall have the right to terminate the program
by a written notice served to the other Party six months pr-
ior to termination.
(3) Personnel may continue to work until the end of their contr-
acts when the program is terminated.
Hoping that this understanding will lead to fruitful cooperation
between our friendly countries,
Dr. Rids Mohammed Saeed Obeid
King Abdulaziz University
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)