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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on February 25, 2004; Entered into force on February 25, 2004.
The NATIONAL SCIENCE COUNCIL (NSC) 106, section 2, Hoping East
Road, Taipei, Taiwan, Represented by its Minister, Professor Wei
MEDICALE"(INSERM) 101, rue de Tolbiac, 75013 Paris, France,
Represented by its General Director, Professor Christian Brechot
, hereinafter together referred to as the "Parties", recognizing
that their mutual cooperation will contribute to the development
of scientific endeavor, have agreed on the following:
1.Cooperation should be initiated in such fields as:
- Biology and medical sciences research;
- Public health research;
- Physiology and pathophysiology;
- Therapeutics research;
- Biotechnology;
- Biomedical engineering research;
- And all research fields related to the health area;
2.Both Parties shall support exchange of scientists and informa-
tion, participation in seminars and joint research projects.
3.Travel (international and domestic) and accommodation expenses
for the participants shall be borne by the sending Party.
4.Details regarding joint research projects, participation in
seminars and exchanges of scientists shall be discussed and
decided on an individual basis.
5.Both Parties shall evaluate the development of the science
cooperation regularly.
6.The two Parties shall meet alternately in Taiwan and in France
in order to examine the outcomes of the ongoing cooperation
and to select the new projects based upon scientific reviews
made independently by each Party.
7.The intellectual rights in connection with any material, rese-
arch results and/or invention under the MOU as well as the co-
nfidential information received by one Party from the other in
connection with the MOU shall be dealt with in accordance with
Annex I, which shall be part of the MOU .
8.The MOU shall continue to be valid until either Party notifies
the other in writing of its intention to terminate it. The no-
tification shall be made at least six months in advance. In
this case, any existing exchange activity will be brought to
an orderly conclusion. Upon termination of the MOU, the Party
having previously received any confidential information from
the other Party shall upon notice from the other Party return
the original of such confidential information and destroy the
copies thereof it then holds.
9.Any disputes in connection with or arising out of the MOU sha-
ll be settled by amicable negotiation.
10.This MOU, done in duplicate in the English language, shall
enter into effect on the date of signature.


Minister General Director

Date Date

Annex I - Intellectual Property
Article I - Publications and confidential information
The publications by either Party or the Parties of the results
of the collaborative researches under the MOU, which are to be
realized during the progress of works and at their conclusion,
shall bear a mention to the contribution that such results were
obtained under the MOU.
Each Party will maintain in strict confidence any and all infor-
mation designated as confidential and received from the other
Party provided that the confidentiality herein shall not apply
to the following information which: generally known or publicly available from other sources;
2.the owner has previously made the information available witho-
ut imposing in a timely manner an obligation to keep it confi-
dential; independently generated by one Party without the use of in-
formation of the other Party; or required to be disclosed by law or court order.
Article II - Allocation of rights
Each Party will retain ownership of the material, information
and research results developed solely by it. Without prior writ-
ten consent of the other Party, neither party will disclose, or
cause to disclose, to any third party any information and resea-
rch results deriving from the collaborative efforts of the Part-
Those material and research results resulting from the collabor-
ative efforts of the Parties under the MOU shall be owned joint-
ly. The Parties will ensure that their respective scientists,
involved in a joint project, will inform their respective insti-
tution of any material, research results and/or invention which
they believe may be of interest to patent and/or transfer to a
for-profit entity for commercial purposes.
Without obtaining prior written consent of the other Party, nei-
ther Party shall sell, license, let-use or transfer to any third
Party, or otherwise dispose of, any right in relation to any ma-
terial, research results or invention under the MOU, whether the
research is still being conducted or not. The Parties agree to
confer with one another to define their respective share in any
such material, research results or invention and to decide in
good faith of the appropriate strategy regarding patent filing
and commercialization of such material, research results or inv-
ention obtained under the MOU, which shall be finalized and con-
cluded in writing. The Parties agree to act in good faith towa-
rds one another in all matters relating to the filing, prosecut-
ion and maintenance of joint patents.
The detailed arrangements in connection with the rights of the
Parties to any material, research results, or invention under
the MOU, whether patentable or not, shall be defined in a separ-
ate agreement on a case-by-case basis.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)