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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on December 17, 1999; Entered into force on December 17, 1999.
The New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office, in Taipei, and the
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, in New Zealand (hereinafter
jointly referred to as "the participating agencies"), hereby af-
firm their mutual interest in, and desire to broaden, cooperati-
ve programmes in the field of plant health.
The participating agencies, recognising the necessity for the
establishment of specific phytosanitary measures in order to co-
ntrol the spread and introduction of pests of plants and plant
products; further recognising that phytosanitary measures should
be technically justified and transparent, and should not be used
as a technical barrier to international trade; and taking into
account appropriate international standards, in particular the
World Trade Organization Agreement on the Application of Sanita-
ry and Phytosanitary Measures, have come to the following arran-

1 Implementing Authorities
The authorities implementing this arrangement will be the Bur-
eau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, Cou-
ncil of Agriculture, in Taipei, and the Biosecurity Authority
of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, in Wellington (
hereinafter referred to as "the implementing authorities").

2 Areas of Cooperation
The implementing authorities will fully cooperate in the foll-
owing areas:
i Reporting the Detection of Pests
Each implementing authority will report any new detection of
important pests within the territory for which it is the au-
thority responsible for plant quarantine issues that have an
effect on phytosanitary measures imposed by the other imple-
menting authority;
ii Provision of Information
The implementing authorities will cooperate in the provisi-
on of technical, biological information.

3 National Plant Protection Organization
The implementing authorities will exchange descriptions of th-
eir official plant protection organization and the manner in
which phytosanitary measures are developed and implemented for
imported regulated articles, and the manner in which export
certification is provided.

4 Phytosanitary Measures
In order to minimize interference with international trade,
the implementing authorities, in establishing phytosanitary
i will ensure that phytosanitary measures are only those that
are technically justified, represent the least restrictive
measures available, and result in the minimum impediment to
international trade;
ii will cooperate and communicate during the development of
specific phytosanitary measures;
iii will, on request, make available to each other the ration-
ale for phytosanitary requirements, restrictions and proh-
iv will, as conditions change, and as new facts become avail-
able, ensure that phytosanitary measures are promptly mod-
ified as appropriate;
v will, if one of the implementing authorities requires cons-
ignments of particular plant or plant products to be impor-
ted only through specified points of entry, ensure that su-
ch points will be selected so as not to unnecessarily impe-
de international trade. The importing implementing author-
ity will advise the other implementing authority of such
points of entry in advance;
vi will, to the best of their ability, conduct surveillance
for pests and develop and maintain adequate information on
pest status in order to support the development of appropr-
iate phytosanitary measures;
vii will, to the best of their ability, establish and update
lists of regulated pests, using scientific names, and make
such lists available to each other;
viii will ensure that phytosanitary measures for regulated
non-quarantine pests are no more stringent than measures
applied to the same pests present within the territory
of the importing implementing authority.

5.Inspection on Arrival
i The inspection or other phytosanitary procedures required on
the arrival plant material will take place as promptly as
ii The importing implementing authority will inform the expor-
ting implementing authority of any significant instance of
non-compliance with the phytosanitary certification.

Either of the participating agencies or implementing authorit-
ies may request consultation on any aspect of the implementat-
ion or application of this Arrangement.

7.Coming into Effect, Termination and Suspension
i This Arrangement will come into effect upon signature. It
may be reviewed periodically or if necessary at the written
request of either of the participating agencies.
ii This Arrangement may be terminated by either of the partic-
ipating agencies. Notification of the intent to terminate
this arrangement will be in writing and will take effect
six months after the receipt of notification.
iii This Arrangement may be suspended by either of the partic-
ipating agencies. Notification of the intent to suspend
this arrangement will be in writing and will take effect
from the date of notification. This Arrangement will rem-
ain suspended until notice is given in writing by the par-
ticipating agency which requested suspension that this Ar-
rangement will be resumed.
The date of such resumption will be specified in the notice.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized, ha-
ve signed this Arrangement Done in duplicate in Taipei on the
seventeenth day of December, 1999.

NAME:Frank C. Lin

NAME:Nick Bridge
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)