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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on August 11, 1998; Entered into force on August 27, 1998.
During their five-day visit to Vietnam (08-13 August, 1998), a
Mission from the Department of Health Taiwan (DOH) headed by Dr.
Jeff Tsai, Director of International Cooperation Office had dis-
cussions and agreements with the National Committee for Populat-
ion & Family Planing of Vietnam (NCPFP) on the followings:
1.Both Parties were pleased to note that the cooperation between
NCPFP and DOH in the past three years (1996-1998) in the field
of population and family planning has had very good and posit-
ive results and expressed their wishes to continue this mutual
cooperation in the fiscal year 1998-1999.
2.The two major cooperation activities which have been executed
in the past three years are the successful completion of seven
overseas study tour (OST) groups and six groups of trainees on
program management and research from Vietnam in Taiwan. For t-
he cooperation in the fiscal year 1998-1999, it was agreed th-
at efforts should be focused on the following activities.
3.DOH will accept the following personnel selected by NCPFP for
study tour and training in Taiwan in 1998-1999 :
3.1 One group of 6 persons for ten-day observation study on pop-
ulation programme implementation and management (in the fir-
st quarter 1999).
3.2 Three groups of 6 persons each for two-week training courses
on the management of population programme (one in the fourth
quarter 1998 and two others in the first and second quarter
4.Both parties further agreed that DOH will send two experts to
Vietnam to assist NCPFP to give lectures on programme managem-
ent to Vietnamese master trainers from Population Center of N-
ational Economic University, Economic University of Hochiminh
city and other part-time trainers from the NCPFP and concerned
Ministries. The duration is about ten days including field-wo-
rk in the second quarter 1999.
5.In terms of funding, both parties agreed as follows:
5.1 For Vietnamese observation study and training groups in Tai-
wan, NCPFP will pay the return airfares (Hanoi-Taipei-Hanoi)
, while DOH will cover the costs of hotel accommodation, pe-
rdiem and local travel during their courses in Taiwan.
5.2 For the Taiwanese experts working in Vietnam, NCPFP will pr-
ovide them with hotel accommodation and local travel in Vie-
tnam while the return airfares (Taipei-Hanoi-Taipei) and th-
eir salary will be covered by DOH.
6.Both parties also agreed to exchange information and printed
documents such as Population Policy and other materials relat-
ing to population and development, reproductive health/family
planning issues.
7.As regards to the possibility of a tripartite cooperation bet-
ween NCPFP of Vietnam, DOH of Taiwan and East-West Centre on a
training program of Vietnamese population staff, it was agreed
that DOH of Taiwan will have preliminary contact with East-We-
st Centre on terms and conditions of such cooperation and inf-
orm NCPFP. If such terms and conditions are acceptable, NCPFP
will in collaboration with DOH of Taiwan have detailed discus-
sions with East-West Centre on the matter.

Should any discussions be necessary for the success of the impl-
ementation of this Memorandum, both parties will exchange by fa-
xes or letters.

It is understood by both parties that this Memorandum will beco-
me effective only after it is approved by the respective compet-
ent authorities of either party.

This Memorandum was done in Hanoi on 11th August, 1998 in two c-
opies in English, one for each party.


[Signed] [Signed]
Dr. Jeff Tsai Mr. Le Tien Thien
Director Director
Int'l Cooperation Office Int'l Relations Department
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)