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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on February 20, 1983; Entered into force retroactively on January 1, 1983.
The Ministry of Health of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (hereinaf-
ter referred to as Party A) and the Department of Health, Execu-
tive Yuan, of the Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as
Party B).
Recognizing the friendly relations existing between the two cou-
ntries and their respective peoples.
Being desirous of developing medical cooperation, and implement-
ing the arrangements of the Memorandum signed on the ninth of J-
amad Awwal 1399 H corresponding to the sixth day of April, 1979.
Have agreed as follows:
Ⅰ Objectives
1 In view of the traditional intimate friendship and in the s-
pirit of complete and mutual understanding, Party B underta-
kes to delegate a mission of Hospital personnel (hereinafter
called the ”Mission”) to support the operation of the two
King Fahd General Hospitals at Jeddah and Hofuf. Such servi-
ces are not to be extended to other hospitals, clinics or d-
ispensaries, except in emergencies, of the Kingdom.
2 The main functions of the Mission shall be to provide medic-
al services of high quality to the people of Saudi Arabia,
and to conduct teaching programs to train young Saudi docto-
Ⅱ Mission Staff
1 The Mission shall include, but not limited to, medical doct-
ors (including short-term consultants), Paramedical and mai-
ntenance personnel. In addition, the administrative staff,
medical assistants and other hospital personnel shall be se-
nt with the agreement and approval of Party A. The recruited
members of the Mission shall be well qualified and of fine
2 There shall be one Mission Leader and two assistants appoin-
ted by Party B for managing the affairs of the Medical Coop-
eration Program. Salaries of these three persons shall be p-
aid by Party A.
3 Each of the two hospitals requires a minimum number of staff
of each category to function satisfactorily. A list contain-
ing the minimum required number of staff for each hospital
by category is attached. Party A shall see to it that suffi-
cient job numbers be secured and provided to maintain these
minimum numbers at any time.
4 Notwithstanding the terms of the contracts signed between t-
he members of the Mission and Party A, either Party shall r-
etain the right to replace any member of the Mission by mut-
ual agreement.
5 The first contract of each individual member of the Mission
shall be for two years. This contract may be renewed each y-
ear by mutual agreement of both Parties.
Ⅲ Program Management
1 Party A shall expedite supplies of needed medicines, equipm-
ent and spare parts of the hospitals.
2 Party B shall, in addition to the short-term consultants, s-
upply at least 50 doctor specialists by end of July 1985 ac-
cording to the following schedule:
-July 1983 35
-July 1984 40-45
-July 1985 50
3 For the training of young saudi doctors, a teaching program
proposal shall be drawn up jointly by both parties for furt-
her discussion.
4 To prepare the Mission staff before departure to minimize a-
ny difficulties in language and culture differences, Party B
shall provide adequate preservice training programs to the
Mission members prior to their departure for the Kingdom. C-
ost thus incurred shall be paid from the Administrative Exp-
Ⅳ Salaries and Allowances
1 Salaries for all categories of the Mission members shall be
reviewed by both parties every two years.
2 Admininistrators and medical assistants shall be paid accor-
ding to their education and experience based on the Pay-sca-
le for Nonskilled Labours of the Kingdom.
Ⅴ Administrative Expenses
Party A shall provide Party B with a lump sum of SR 1,000,000
at the beginning of the year as administrative expenses. This
money shall be solely handled by the Sino-Saudi Medical Coop-
eration Committee established by Party B.
Ⅵ Termination of Program
1 This Memorandum may be reviewed or amended every two years
by mutual agreement if either party deems it necessary.
2 Either party shall notify the other party in writing of its
desire to terminate the program. Such notice shall be given
twelve months prior to the date of termination.
3 This memorandum is considered valid as from 1st January, 198

Tzu-Chiu Hsu
Department of Health
Executive Yuan
Republic of China
Ghazi Algosaibi
Acting Minister of Health
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Category King Fahad King Fahad
Hospital Hofuf Hospital Jeddali
Nurses 575 630
X-Ray Technicians 16 31
LAB Technicians 25 37
Engineers 76 65
Administrators 20 20
Med. Assistants 100 100
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)