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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed and exchanged on June 17, July 29, and September 3,1968 ; Entered into force on September 3,1968.
Ⅰ Letter from Mr. Goytom Petros, Ethiopian Minister of Planning
and Development, to Mr. Li Kwoh-ting, Chinese Minister of E-
conomic Affairs.
June 17, 1968
I feel happy in taking this opportunity to express my Government
's gratitude and deep appreciation of the consistent assistance
and support we received from your Government in veterinary expe-
rts and equipment over the past five years, Your Government may
well take pride in the performance of your veterinary experts w-
ho have done their best to justify the confidence placed upon t-
The achievements of the experts here over the past five years a-
re highly significant. The period has been of constructive thin-
king, planning, and laying, and laying the ground work for furt-
her action. The livestock disease problems are more clearly del-
ineated and attacked effectively. The overall task is indeed a
difficult one, but it is most heartening to see the progress th-
at has already been made in our three provinces covered by your
eight veterinarians (now six including Dr. Fung Nan Lee, the Te-
am Leader). They have undertaken several steps with varying deg-
rees of success toward improving the livestock economy of the r-
According to the latest data, Ethiopia has 115,000,000 livestock
, making the country the highest livestock populated nations of
Africa. There is thus, ample justification that livestock in Et-
hiopia is one of the most readily exploitable agricultural reso-
urces. However, its expanding potential and proper development
face problems, particularly in regard to disease situation and
shortage of qualified veterinarians.
Consequently, we request your Government to continue its support
of Technical Co-operation, which expires in August 1968, for a
further five years period in accordance with the 1963 “Agreeme-
nt on Technical Co-operation between the Republic of China and
the Empire of Ethiopia”and with an amendment to provide additi-
onal assistance to cover a fourth province, namely Gojam, thus
increasing the number of veterinarians from six to a total of e-
Once again, we are grateful of your Government's assistance and
the fine accomplishments of your Veterinary Team here.
Accept, Excellency, the assurance of my highest consideration.
Goytom Petros
Minister of State
His Excellency Mr. K.T. Lee
Minister of Economic Affairs
Taipei, Taiwan
Republic of China
c.c. Imperial Ethiopian Government
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Ministry of Agriculture

Addis Ababa.
Ⅱ Letter from Mr. Li Kwoh-ting, Chinese Minister of Economic A-
ffairs, to Mr. Goytom Petros, Ethiopian Minister of Planning
and Development.
July 29, 1968
His Excellency Mr. Goytom Petros
Minister of State
Ministry of Planning and Development
P.O. Box 1037, Addis Ababa
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of June
17, 1968 in which Your Excellency, referring to the Agreement on
Technical cooperation as embodied in an Exchange of Notes effec-
ted in June, 1963 between our two Government and renewed January
, 1965, requested for an extension of the duration of service of
the Chinese Veterinary Mission in Ethiopia for another five yea-
rs from August 20, 1968 and for an increase in the number of ve-
terinarians from six to eight.
The Government of the Republic of China, in response to the afo-
resaid request of the Imperial Ethiopian Government, has decided
to extend the service of the Chinese Veterinary Mission in Ethi-
opia for a further period of two years to terminate on August 20
, 1970., and to send two more veterinarians to bring the total
number of veterinarians in the Mission to eight in order to ena-
ble it to expand its service to the province of Gojam.
Should the Imperial Ethiopain Government concur in the abovemen-
tioned decision of the chinese Government this letter and Your
Excellency's letter on June 17, 1968 shall be considred as cons-
tituting a further agreement between our two Goverments.
Accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest considera-
Yours sincerely,
Li Kwoh-ting
Minister of Economic
Republic of China
Ⅲ Letter from Mr. Goytom Petros, Ethiopian Minister of Planning
and Development, to Mr. Li Kwoh-ting, Chinese Minister of Ec-
onomic Affairs.
REF. NO. 30-53/1792
Addis Ababa, Date Sept. 3, 1968
I have the honour to acknowledge with thanks receipt of Your Ex-
cellency's letter of July 29, 1968, which conveyed the decision
of the Government of the Republic of China “to extend the serv-
ice of the Chinese Veterinary Mission in Ethiopia for a further
period of two years to terminate on August 20, 1970, and to send
two more Veterinarians to bring the total number of veterinaria-
ns in the Mission to eight in order to enable it to expand its
services to the province of Gojam”.
The above mentioned decision of the Chinese Government is accep-
table to the Imperial Ethiopian government. Your Excellency's l-
etter of July 29, 1968 and this reply shall be considered as co-
nstituting a further agreement between our two Governments.
I take this opportunity to express the appreciation of my Gover-
nment to the Government of the republic of China for this gener-
ous offer.
Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Goytom Petros
His Excellency Mr. K.T. Li
Minister of Economic Affairs
Taipei, Taiwan.
Republic of China
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)