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1.Signed on June 12, 2006; Entered into force on June 12, 2006
This Implementing Arrangement describes the cooperative
scientific, technical, engineering and administrative activities
to be undertaken by the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and
its designated representative, the University Corporation for
Atmospheric Research (UCAR), to provide consultancy services for
the Operational Implementation of the WRF-Var System and Typhoon
Data Assimilation. This is a cooperative effort between AIT,
through its designated representative, UCAR, and the Taipei
Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States
(TECRO), through its designated representative, the Central
Weather Bureau (CWB), of the Ministry of Transportation and
Communications (MOTC). This Implementing Arrangement pertains
to the Agreement (dated January 12, 2005, hereinafter referred
to as the Agreement) between AIT and TECRO for Technical
Cooperation associated with the establishment of advanced data
assimilation and modeling systems and is a part of the Agreement.

The activities described in this Implementing Arrangement will
be carried out under the general terms and conditions
established by the Agreement. The Agreement was entered into by
the parties pursuant to the Taiwan Relations Act of April 10,
1979, Public Law 96-8 (22 USC §3301 et seq.).

Taiwan is extremely vulnerable to the passage of tropical
cyclones (TCs). In a typical year, three to four typhoons have
an impact on the island, with one or two making landfall.
However, a typhoon does not need to make direct landfall for
Taiwan to experience damaging winds and heavy rains. The
forecasting of typhoons around Taiwan is a very challenging
task, because Taiwan is surrounded by ocean, where there are few
traditional meteorological observations. AIT’s designated
representative, UCAR, will provide software and consulting
services for the implementation of an advanced data assimilation
system (e.g., WRF-Var) into CWB’s operational environment. AIT’
s designated representative, UCAR, will perform data
assimilation in support of typhoon prediction, in close
collaboration with TECRO’s designated representative, CWB. The
technical cooperation between the designated representatives of
AIT and TECRO will be performed in accordance with the terms and
conditions of the Agreement and this Implementing Arrangement
No. 2.
This Implementing Arrangement is specifically focused on: a)
providing technical consultation and software for the
operational implementation of the WRF-Var data assimilation
system, and b) performing data assimilation experiments and
assessing its impact on typhoon prediction.
The technical cooperation to be undertaken under the auspices of
this Implementing Arrangement is defined by the following
tasks. Task details, including specific work to be performed,
performance period, and estimated cost for each task are
contained in the attached Statement of Work.
A summary description of the tasks to be performed during this
period is provided below.

Task #1 – Establishing a WRF-Var/NFS Operational System on
CWB’s Newly Procured Computer
The WRF-Var data assimilation system, developed by AIT’s
designated representative, UCAR, will be implemented on CWB’s
newly procured IBM computer by TECRO’s designated
representative, CWB. AIT’s designated representative, UCAR,
will provide support as necessary to TECRO’s designated
representative, CWB, to ensure successful operation of WRF-Var
at CWB. UCAR will provide technical assistance on the following
sub-tasks: (a) successfully compile all the system codes and
improve the computing efficiency to meet the operational
requirement, (b) increase the WRF-Var/NFS model resolution to
15-km for improving the skill of typhoon forecasting, (c) derive
the new background error statistics (cv_options=5) based on the
CWB NFS forecast data, and (d) develop the WRF-Var-based
observation verification package.

Task #2 – Enhancement of the WRF-Var System
Even though the WRF-Var system can be operated in the CWB
operational environment, the system needs to be enhanced to
improve its performance. AIT’s designated representative, UCAR,
will assist TECRO’s designated representative, CWB, to conduct
the following three sub-tasks: a) assimilation of more types of
observations, b) testing the WRF-Var FGAT technique with
asynoptic observations, and c) assimilation of ground-based GPS
PW data.

Task #3 – Continued Interaction on WRF-Var System
AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, will continue to develop
the WRF-based data assimilation system. Continued CWB/UCAR
interaction is important to keep CWB staff up-to-date on current
developments. This task will allow continuing interaction at an
appropriate level, including new software releases of the WRF
data assimilation systems, exchange of visits, copying papers
and reports, exchanging data files and programs via the internet
and web pages, and e-mail interaction.

In accordance with the Agreement, UCAR is undertaking this work
as the designated representative of AIT. TECRO is required to
reimburse AIT for all costs incurred by AIT’s designated
representative, UCAR, in association with the project covered by
this Implementing Arrangement. AIT will transfer to UCAR all
payments made by TECRO to AIT for costs incurred by UCAR in
association with this Implementing Arrangement.
The total cost for activities described in this Implementing
Arrangement is mutually agreed to be U.S. $150,000. TECRO agrees
to transfer fifty percent of the funds to AIT within one month
after the signing of this agreement, with the remaining fifty
percent to be transferred upon completion of the tasks set forth
in this Implementing Arrangement No. 2. It is agreed and
understood that the payment will be provided in U.S. dollars.

Intellectual Property - The parties agree that no Intellectual
Property or other Proprietary Information will be provided under
this Implementing Arrangement. Intellectual Property and
Proprietary Information are defined as software, designs,
processes, drawings, data, and modeling systems which includes,
but is not limited to, all versions, derivative works, updates,
improvements, modifications, enhancements and releases thereof,
patents, patent applications, continuations-in-part, inventor
rights in the United States and any foreign countries and
applications therefore. In the event that any activities under
this Implementing Arrangement require the use of the other party
’s Intellectual Property or Proprietary Information, the
parties shall in good faith enter into negotiations to reduce to
a mutually agreeable writing the obligations and terms
associated with such understandings.
Public Domain Technology - The Weather Research and Forecasting
(WRF) model, as well as its associated data assimilation systems
(e.g., WRF-Var), were developed by the National Center for
Atmospheric Research (NCAR) with significant participation of
the broad scientific community. The WRF model and WRF-Var are in
the public domain. Both parties agree that the WRF model and
WRF-Var system and any modifications, revisions, enhancements,
updates, or improvements shall remain in the public domain and
are not considered Proprietary Information.

This Implementing Arrangement takes effect 1 January 2006 and
the completion date of tasks described in this Implementing
Arrangement is 31 December 2006. This Implementing Arrangement
may be amended and/or terminated in accordance with the terms
and conditions of the Agreement.

(Stanley Kao) (Barbara Schrage)
Name of person signing Name of person signing
Deputy Representative Managing Director
Position Position
06/12/2006 4/13/2006
Date Date
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)