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1.Signed on April 27 and March 5, 2007; Entered into force on January 1, 2007.
This Implementing Arrangement describes the
cooperative scientific, technical, engineering and
administrative activities to be undertaken by the
American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) through its
designated representative, the University
Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), to
provide enhancement and support services for the
initial Advanced Operational Aviation Weather System
(hereinafter referred to as the AOAWS-I, whereby the
enhanced AOAWS will hereinafter referred to as the
AOAWS-ES). The Advanced Operational Aviation Weather
System is a cooperative effort between the Taipei
Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the
United States (TECRO), through its designated
representative, the Civil Aeronautics Administration
(CAA), of the Ministry of Transportation and
Communications (MOTC) and AIT, through its
designated representative, UCAR. This Implementing
Arrangement pertains to the Agreement (dated
February, 1998, hereinafter referred to as the
Agreement) between TECRO and AIT for Technical
Cooperation associated with the Establishment of
Advanced Operational Aviation Weather Systems and is
a part of the Agreement.
The activities described in this Implementing
Arrangement will be carried out under the general
terms and conditions established by the Agreement.
The Agreement was entered into by the parties
pursuant to the Taiwan Relations Act of April 10,
1979, Public Law 96-8 (22 USC 3301 et seq.).
The AOAWS provides TECRO's designated
representative, CAA, the airlines and the flying
public on Taiwan with state-of-the-art aviation
weather technology for: 1) hazardous weather
phenomena that affect aviation operations, 2)
weather phenomena that affect airspace capacity
and safety at major hub airports, and 3) weather
phenomena that affect overall efficiency of
aviation operations. The AOAWS is a complex system
utilizing several advanced weather sensing
subsystems, integrated communications, advanced
software, advanced numerical weather forecast
models, and advanced display technology developed
for TECRO's designated representative, CAA, and
airline end users by AIT's designated
representative, UCAR. The ongoing success of the
AOAWS is dependent on technical cooperation and
technology transfer between the designated
representatives of TECRO and AIT in accordance
with the terms and conditions of the Agreement,
this Implementing Arrangement, and future
Implementing Arrangements to be agreed upon by the

The technical cooperation to be undertaken under
the auspices of this Implementing Arrangement is
defined by the following tasks. Task details,
including specific work to be performed,
performance period, and estimated cost for each
task are contained in the attached Statement of

For the purposes of this document, work on the
AOAWS-ES is divided up into the 7 tasks listed

Task #1 - System Implementation, Support and Maintenance

AIT's designated representative, UCAR, will
maintain the installed operational version of the
AOAWS-ES. UCAR will provide the necessary support
to TECRO's designated representative, CAA, on
Taiwan to ensure that the AOAWS-ES serviceability
level remains consistently high. UCAR will be
supported in this work by the Institute for
Information Industry (III). Defects in the
installed AOAWS-ES software that arise or develop
during this period will be addressed and resolved.
In addition to support and maintenance, any new
components of the AOAWS-ES developed during 2007
will be installed.

Details of the work to be carried out under this
task are specified in section 2.1 of the Statement
of Work attached to this Implementing Agreement.

Task #2 - The Advanced Java-based Multi-dimensional Display
System (JMDS)

The JMDS is a new Java-based interactive display
component for the AOAWS-ES. Because the JMDS is
Java-based, the JMDS can run on multiple
platforms, including MS-Windows, Mac-OSX and
LINUX. The JMDS requires only that a suitable
version of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) be
installed on the display host. Therefore, the JMDS
represents a major advance in the display
technology available in the AOAWS-ES.
Initial development work on the JMDS was started
during 2006. Significant enhancements will be made
to the JMDS during 2007.

Details of the work to be carried out under this
task are specified in section 2.2 of the Statement
of Work attached to this Implementing Agreement.

Task #3 - Thunderstorm Identification, Tracking and
Nowcasting (TITAN) System

The TITAN system identifies and tracks
thunderstorms using 3-D volumetric radar data.
Using the recent history of the storms, TITAN is
able to produce short-term forecasts of
thunderstorm location, shape and movement.

TITAN was first added to the AOAWS-ES during 2006.
The TITAN installation for the AOAWS-ES uses radar
data from the 10-cm weather radars operated by the
Central Weather Bureau (CWB), merged into a 3-D
mosaic. The storm location and forecast
information from TITAN is displayed on the MDS,
WMDS, and JMDS display systems.

Enhancements to the TITAN system to use the raw
radar data from the CAA weather radar at Taiwan
Taoyuan International Airport will be tested
during 2007.

Details of the work to be carried out under this
task are specified in section 2.3 of the Statement
of Work attached to this document.

Task #4 - Data and System Integration

The AOAWS-ES is built on a process and data
management subsystem, which was first installed
during AOAWS-I. This subsystem handles (a) process
management, including startup, shutdown and
auto-restart, (b) data ingest and format
conversion, (c) data distribution, (d) data
archive, and (e) system monitoring.

Data is ingested from a large number of sources
including the weather prediction model, satellite,
formats are converted internally to the efficient
MDV and SPDB data formats. Data in these forms are
distributed to all computer hosts in the AOAWS-ES.

Components in the data subsystem must be updated
as external data sources change. A major upgrade
in the subsystem will occur during 2007 to handle
the change from the MM5 to the WRF weather model
(see Task #5 below). This upgrade will involve
changing data formats, altering the turbulence and
icing algorithms, handling the changing model
domains and resolutions, and modifying the
components which generate output for the model

Work on ingesting data from the World Area
Forecast System (WAFS) data was begun during 2006.
Enhancements to the WAFS data handling will be
made during 2007. Also, satellite data from Japan
Weather Association (JWA) is now available in a
new (HRIT) format. The data subsystem will be
updated to handle this change.

Details of the work to be carried out under this
task are specified in section 2.4 of the Statement
of Work attached to this Implementing Agreement.

Task #5 - Mesoscale Model Forecast System Enhancement and
Upgrade (MM5/WRF)

A major component of the AOAWS-ES is the numerical
weather prediction (NWP) system upon which the
forecasts are based. The AOAWS-I employed the MM5
weather model. A major change occurred during 2006
when the MM5 model was transferred from running on
the VPP5000 supercomputer to the IBM HPC (High
Performance Computer) at CWB. During 2007, a
larger change will occur when the WRF weather
modeling system replaces the MM5 modeling system.

During 2007, the modeling team will support the
AOAWS-MM5 system on the CWB HPC until the new
WRF-based system is operational. The major
modeling task for 2007 will be to develop, test,
and implement the WRF modeling system into the
AOAWS-ES on the CWB computer. The WRF work will
include coordination with CWB on model
configuration, installation on the HPC, and

In 2007, AIT's Designated Representative, UCAR
will also address the implementation of the latest
WRF-Var package into the AOAWS-ES modeling system.
The final modeling task will be to complete a WRF
verification system.

The CWB will be responsible for running the WRF
model. AIT's designated representative, UCAR, will
work with the CWB to help ensure proper operation
of the modeling system and will respond as
appropriate to help ensure that the system's
serviceability level remains consistently high.

Details of the work to be carried out under this
task are specified in section 2.5 of the Statement
of Work attached to this Implementing Agreement.
Task #6 - Server and Display Host Hardware Replacement and

A major goal of the AOAWS-ES is the upgrade of the
computer hardware on which the system runs. The
initial AOAWS hardware is near the end of its
normal lifecycle. The AOAWS-ES project computer
hardware plan includes upgrading the servers,
display hosts, and printers.

Some of the hardware was upgraded during 2006, and
the upgrade will continue during 2007. Early in
2007, AIT's designated representative, UCAR, will
develop specifications for the new hardware. Based
on those specifications, TECRO's designated
representative, CAA, will purchase the required
hardware with funds outside of this contract. UCAR
will be responsible for installation of the
hardware, the operating system, and network
configuration. The Institute for Information
Industry (III) will support UCAR with this work.

Details of the work to be carried out under this
task are specified in section 2.6 of the Statement
of Work attached to this Implementing Agreement.

Task #7 - Project Management, Document Preparation, Training

The development of the AOAWS-ES system will be led
by AIT's designated representative, UCAR, with
technical support from the Institute for
Information Industry (III). During the course of
the AOAWS-ES project, AIT's designated
representative, UCAR, and III will work closely
with the CAA, TECRO's designated representative,
to manage and track progress related to the above
tasks and prepare quarterly progress reports. UCAR
will conduct internal project planning and review
meetings to ensure that progress is adequate. The
project management task includes developing,
coordinating and managing the work performed by
UCAR and III, responding to project-related
routine requests made by the CAA, interfacing with
project participants including the CWB, CAA, and
airlines, preparing quarterly progress reports,
participating in AOAWS-ES project-related
meetings, preparing, reviewing, and submitting
deliverable documents, preparing and submitting
program correspondence, and administering the
AOAWS-ES subcontracts. The UCAR project management
team will also make the necessary arrangements for
the training of CAA personnel.

Details of the work to be carried out under this
task are specified in section 2.7 of the Statement
of Work attached to this Implementing Agreement.

TECRO will reimburse AIT and AIT will make
necessary arrangements to transfer such funds to
its designated representative, UCAR, for all costs
incurred in association with this Implementing
Arrangement. UCAR's costs for this technical
cooperation will be assessed on the basis of actual
labor time and materials utilized fully loaded,
plus a 3% management fee. TECRO has agreed that
fifty percent (50%) of the estimated cost for the
tasks associated with this Implementing Arrangement
will be transferred in advance to AIT and that the
remaining costs will be reimbursed within 30 days
after acceptance of the deliverables by TECRO and
its designated representative, CAA. It is agreed
and understood that the payment will be provided in
US$. The upper limit for expenditures incurred
under this Implementing Arrangement is
US$1,039,000. UCAR will submit an invoice to AIT
for transmittal to TECRO for payment at the
beginning of the contract period and at the end of
the contract period listing actual costs incurred.

If this Implementing Arrangement has been approved
by both parties and the budget is subsequently
reduced, TECRO's designated representative, CAA and
AIT's designated representative, UCAR, will
negotiate an adjustment to the scope of work to the
satisfaction of both parties. If this Implementing
Arrangement has been approved by both parties and
the budget is subsequently not approved by the
Legislative Yuan, TECRO's designated
representative, CAA, will reimburse AIT's
designated representative, UCAR, via the
AIT-TECRO-AIT channel for all costs incurred up to
the date of notice of termination.

The deliverables produced under the auspices of this
Implementing Arrangement shall be the sole property
of TECRO and its designated representative, CAA.
AIT's designated representative, UCAR, shall have
the right to reference these documents in scientific
publications and other reports as necessary.

TECRO and its designated representative, CAA, own
deliverables under this Implementing Arrangement
including a copy of the UCAR software which grants
them a license for full use of the UCAR software in
the Advanced Operational Aviation Weather System,
and the right to transfer it and share it with other
Taiwan entities that share resources with CAA and
are utilizing the AOAWS. The UCAR software remains
the intellectual property of AIT's designated
representative, UCAR.

This Implementing Arrangement takes effect 1
January 2007 and the completion date of tasks
described in this Implementing Arrangement is 31
December 2007. This Implementing Arrangement may be
amended and/or terminated in accordance with the
terms and conditions of the Agreement.


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Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)