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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Article Content

1.Signed on June 19, 2007; Entered into force on June 19, 2007.
The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the
Government of St. Christopher (St. Kitts) and Nevis (hereinafter
referred to as the "Parties");
Desiring to strengthen the existing cordial relations and to
promote cooperation in the area of information and communication
technology (ICT);
Have agreed as follows:

Article 1 Objectives
The Parties recognize the importance of utilizing ICT
to enhance government efficiency, to improve people
competitiveness and to further advance national
sustainable development. Under this common
understanding, the Parties will cooperate in ICT,
with the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
applying its advanced ICT abilities to assist the
Government of St. Christopher (St. Kitts) and Nevis
in promoting the level of digitalization and in
establishing an information society.

Article 2 Scope of Agreement
This Agreement establishes a basic framework within
which the Parties agree to cooperate in the field of
ICT to achieve the stated objectives. This Agreement
also defines: the areas of cooperation; the
institutional aspects of the partnership; the content
of the initial project; a structure for future
cooperation; and general conditions that shall govern
the projects under this Agreement.

Article 3 Areas of Cooperation
The Parties have identified the following areas of
cooperation in ICT:
I.E-Government and E-Governance:
These are the main priorities. The ICT cooperative
projects for the public sector shall be planned and
implemented by taking into consideration the needs
of the Government of St. Christopher (St. Kitts)
and Nevis. Related policy consultation and
assistance in formulating corresponding laws and
regulations will also be provided.
II.E-Industry and E-Commerce:
In the process of promoting the aforementioned
cooperation in the public sector, assisting the
private sector to embark on e-industry and
developing e-commerce shall be done in accordance
with the industrial and economic development
policies established by the Government of St.
Christopher (St. Kitts) and Nevis.
III.Digital capacity building, education and training
ICT education and training related to the
above-mentioned areas of cooperation shall be
conducted to improve the quality of human
resources and increase the pool of skilled

Article 4 Initial Project
The Parties shall commence their cooperation on the
following Initial Project:
I.Project Content
i.Establishment of the Information and
Communication Technology Center (hereinafter
referred to as the "ICT Center"):
The ICT Center shall be established within the
territory of the Federation of St. Christopher
(St. Kitts) and Nevis, which shall include the
complete planning and installation of all
hardware and software systems.
ii.Installation and optimization of the government
web portal for the Government of St. Christopher
(St. Kitts) and Nevis.
iii.Planning and construction of internet fundamental
services (including DNS/email/directory services)
for the Government of St. Christopher (St. Kitts)
and Nevis.
iv.Development and installation of application
systems for the departments and agencies of the
Government of St. Christopher (St. Kitts) and
The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
shall be responsible for developing applications
software and assisting with system installation.
v.Cultivation of human resources:
Necessary education and training shall be provided
according to the four items mentioned in the
project contents above.
The content of the Initial Project shall be
adjusted flexibly depending on actual progress and
disbursement of funds.
II.Executive Unit
The Initial Project shall be carried out by the
International Cooperation and Development Fund
(TaiwanICDF) as commissioned by the Government of
the Republic of China (Taiwan), and shall be
supervised by the Embassy of the Republic of China
(Taiwan), Basseterre, St. Christopher (St. Kitts)
and Nevis. The Government of St. Christopher (St.
Kitts) and Nevis shall designate a department as a
supporting executive unit to facilitate the
progress of the various project tasks.

Article 5 Future Projects
I.Other than the Initial Project clearly outlined in
this Agreement, the Parties will discuss possible
future cooperative projects by means of
non-scheduled dialogues at different levels.
II.Any subsequent agreement that is required for a
future project shall be done by an exchange of
letters detailing the project conditions and
obligations of the Parties. The terms concerning
rights and obligations set out in this Agreement
shall apply to the said future projects.

Article 6 Obligations of the Parties
I.The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
i.Dispatch long- and short-term ICT experts and
technicians in ICT (hereinafter referred to as
the "Project Personnel") to the Federation of St.
Christopher (St. Kitts) and Nevis to carry out
the described objectives.
ii.Defray the international travel costs of the
Project Personnel between the Republic of China
(Taiwan) and the Federation of St. Christopher
(St. Kitts) and Nevis.
iii.Pay the Project Personnel salaries and
allowances during their service in the
Federation of St. Christopher (St. Kitts) and
iv.Pay the insurance and medical care expenses of
the Project Personnel during their service in
the Federation of St. Christopher (St. Kitts)
and Nevis.
v.Provide and ship all computers, computer software
and peripherals required to the ICT Center.
II.The Government of St. Christopher (St. Kitts) and
Nevis shall:
i.Provide the ICT Center with buildings and
infrastructure (including essential utilities
and communications equipment), and be
responsible for their maintenance.
ii.Provide the ICT Center with security guards and
related resources, and adopt all possible
measures to ensure the personal safety of the
Project Personnel during their service.
iii.Defray the administrative costs necessary for
the operation of the ICT Center (e.g. utility
and communication bills).
iv.Provide the Project Personnel with dormitories
or housing complete with essential utilities,
communications equipment and furniture. Utility
and communication bills shall be paid by the
v.Issue appropriate personal identification to the
Project Personnel to facilitate their work.
vi.Provide the Project Personnel with emergency
medical care and first aid.
vii.Provide the human and material resources
essential to assist with the project

Article 7 Exemption
The Government of St. Christopher (St. Kitts) and
Nevis shall grant the following favorable treatment
during the implementation of projects under this
I.Exemption from customs duties, taxes and other
charges on all equipment, materials and supplies
imported into the Federation of St. Christopher
(St. Kitts) and Nevis for the projects.
II.Convenience for the Project Personnel's entry to,
departure from, and stay in the Federation of St.
Christopher (St. Kitts) and Nevis during their
service, and exemption from customs duties, taxes
and other charges on their personal and household
effects brought into the Federation of St.
Christopher (St. Kitts) and Nevis within six
months of first arrival for their own use.
III.Exemption from customs duties, taxes and other
charges on vehicles for the Project Personnel's
own personal use (one vehicle per person), and
exemption from all applicable taxes in cases
where the possession of vehicles is transferred
between Project Personnel.
IV.Exemption from income tax and other charges on the
salaries and allowances earned from abroad by the
Project Personnel for work related to the project
during their service in the Federation of St.
Christopher (St. Kitts) and Nevis.
V.Granting of privileges, exemptions and other
treatment to the Project Personnel and their
properties no less favorable than that accorded to
personnel of other international missions residing
and performing similar activities in the territory
of the Federation of St. Christopher (St. Kitts)
and Nevis.

Article 8 Disposal of Project Income
The income generated from projects under this
Agreement shall be jointly owned by the Parties, and
may be deposited in a specific account approved by
the Parties. The handling of the account will be in
compliance with the management rules and regulations
drawn up by the Parties. The income generated from
projects, apart from being used to supplement
existing projects, may be used flexibly for the
development of new projects as agreed by the Parties.

Article 9 Confidentiality
The personnel appointed by either party to
participate in the projects under this Agreement
shall not disclose any information relating to such
projects without the prior written approval of the
other party.

Article 10 Restrictions on Use of Information
The dissemination and utilization of information,
and management and exercise of intellectual property
rights, related to the projects under this
Agreement, shall be governed by separate agreements.

Article 11 Notification
The Parties shall exchange contact lists in order
that the Parties can communicate on important
matters and deliver information with respect to this
Agreement accordingly. Either party shall inform the
other party with a written notice in the event that
any changes to the list are made.

Article 12 Term and Extension
This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of
signature and remain effective for five years. The
Parties shall review the performance of projects
under this Agreement one year before expiry and
decide whether to extend the duration of this
Agreement pursuant to the results of the review. The
extension of this Agreement shall be done by the
mutual written consent of the Parties.

Article 13 Amendments
Any amendment or revision to this Agreement shall be
done by the mutual written consent of the Parties.

Article 14 Termination
I.Either party may terminate this Agreement by
giving prior written notice to the other party;
however, the Parties shall attempt to reach an
agreement on the termination date, thereby
allowing the smooth procession of the project
termination and the recall of the Project
II.The confidentiality obligation of this Agreement
shall not become invalid following either the
termination or expiry of this Agreement.

Article 15 Other Provisions
All disputes arising out of or in connection with
this Agreement, or matters not being included in
this Agreement, shall be settled or negotiated by
the Parties in good faith.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized
thereto by their respective Governments, have signed this

Done in duplicate in the Chinese and English languages, both
texts being equally authentic, in Basseterre on the nineteenth
day of the sixth month in the ninety-sixth year of the Republic
of China (Taiwan), corresponding to the nineteenth day of June
of the year two thousand and seven of the Gregorian calendar.

────────────── ──────────────
Ambassador to the St.Kitts Minister of State in the
and Nevis Ministry of Finance,Sustainable
Development, Information and
For the Government of the For the Government of St.
Republic of China (Taiwan) Christopher (St. Kitts) and
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)