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1.Signed on December 18, 1995; Entered into force on December 18, 1995.
This Implementing Arrangement describes the scientific and tech-
nical activities to be undertaken by the American Institute in
Taiwan (AIT) and its representative, the Forecast Systems Labor-
atory (FSL) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrat-
ion (NOAA). It provides for the continuing system development of
the Forecast System being developed by the Joint Forecast Syste-
ms Project between the Central Weather Bureau (CWB), the design-
ated representative of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Represe-
ntative Office in the United States (TECRO - formerly known as
the Coordination Council for North American Affairs, or CCNAA),
The activities described in this Implementing Arrangement will
be carried out under the general terms and conditions establish-
ed by the Agreement between CCNAA and AIT for Technical Coopera-
tion in Meteorology and Forecast Systems Development. This Impl-
ementing Arrangement is hereby attached to that Agreement and b-
ecomes part of the Agreement.
The FX-Advanced system currently under development is a major p-
art of a larger development in FSL called WFO-Advanced which wi-
ll provide a total information solution for WFO (Weather Foreca-
st Office) forecasters. During the terms of Implementing Arrang-
ement #8, CWB will focus on the interactive display component of
the FX-Advanced system. Other cooperative activities are contin-
uing development of the data assimilation techniques, open syst-
em central facility, and NEXRAD product interface. These cooper-
ative activities, described in more detail in the Statement of
Work, will include the following four tasks:
Task #1 - Implementation of the FX-Advanced Forecast Workstation
The FX-Advanced Forecast Workstation project under development
at the FSL has six components: interactive display, AFPS (AWIPS
Forecast Preparation System), 3-dimensional display, 3-dimensio-
nal editing, hydrometeorological applications, and GEMPAK and o-
ther X applications. This task is a continuation effort of fore-
cast workstation development based on X window technology. This
development will provide risk reduction activities for moderniz-
ed Weather Forecast Office (WFO) of the National Weather Service
(NWS). It will also satisfy CWB requirements that can be tailor-
ed at CWB or CWB personnel. The basic system will be installed
in Denver WFO during I.A. #8 time period.
Task #2 - Development of Improved Data Assimilation Techniques
CWB and FSL scientists continue the development of improved data
assimilation techniques. These techniques include collecting er-
ror statistics of satellite radiance data, monitoring the radia-
nces difference and determining radiance residuals from TIROS s-
atellite data, and developing inversion software to obtain temp-
erature and moisture residuals at the satellite observation poi-
FSL will investigate the availability of aircraft data over eas-
tern Pacific areas within MAPS domain. An ingest system will be
developed to allow CWB to perform data assimilation combining a-
ircraft and satellite data.
Task #3 - Development of the Open System Central Facility
Transition of the FSL Central Facility into an open system is an
ongoing activity at FSL. The transition activities included dev-
eloping the open system central facility software, replacing the
VMS-based system by a UNIX/RISC system, upgrading networking ca-
pabilities, and improving the data acquisition facility. The um-
brella term for FSL open system central facility is called NIMB-
US (Networked Information Management client-Based User Service).
CWB will begin to design and implement its open system central
facility using the NIMBUS experience. FSL will provide planning
and implementation information to CWB.
Task #4 - Development of the NEXRAD product interface to FX-Adv-
anced Forecast Workstation
CWB will install its first NEXRAD (WSR-88D) in 1996 at Wu-Fen-S-
han (northeast of Taipei). CWB also plans to install three more
WSR-88Ds in Taiwan area by the year of 2000. The importance of
the development of the NEXRAD product interface to forecast wor-
kstation is to allow CWB forecasters to integrate Doppler radar
products with other type meteorological data.
This task includes developing software and testing hardware nec-
essary to interface with the Radar Product Generator (RPG) of t-
he WSR-88D.
In accordance with the Agreement, NOAA/FSL is undertaking this
work on behalf of AIT for TECRO. TECRO will reimburse AIT, and
its designated representative NOAA/FSL for all costs incurred in
association with this Implementing Agreement.
The total cost for activities described in this Implementing Ar-
rangement is mutually agreed to be US$600,000. It is also agreed
that fifty percent of the funds will be transferred in advance,
with the remaining 50 percent transferred within 30 days of the
acceptance of the final report by TECRO, and its designated rep-
resentative, CWB.
No intellectual property considerations are expected to arise in
conjunction with activities described in this Implementing Arra-
ngement. Existing system designs and computer software of the F-
SL Forecast System are in the public domain. Reports, specifica-
tions, and computer software prepared under this Implementing A-
rrangement will also be in the public domain once they have been
approved in a final form by TECRO, CWB, AIT, and NOAA.
This Implementing Arrangement is effective on the date of the l-
ast signature hereafter. This Implementing Arrangement may be a-
mended and/or terminated in accordance with the terms of the Ag-
reement. The estimated completion date for the activities descr-
ibed in this Implementing Arrangement is June 30, 1996.


[Signed] [Signed]
Rong-Jye Chen J. Richard Rock
Deputy Representative Deputy Managing Director
Date: December 18, 1995 Date: December 13, 1995
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)