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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on November 21, 1990; Entered into force on November 21, 1990.
This annex sets forth the terms and conditions under which the
American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) will loan aviation-rela ed
material to the Coordination Council for North American Affairs

The material to be loaned by the AIT through the CCNAA is desc-
ribed as follows :
1) Rapid Prototyping System (RPS) User Manual
2) Rapid Prototyping System (RPS) Executable Software
(PC version)

A The AIT:
1 Will, on a reimbursable basis, pack and crate the material.
2 Will, on a reimbursable basis, arrange for transportation of
the material to AIT Taipei.
3 Will not be responsible for any materials, other than those
listed herein, that may be necessary for the installation, o-
peration, and maintenance of the RPS.
4 Will not be responsible for obtaining any additional equipme-
nt, spare parts, and parts peculiar.
B The CCNAA, at no cost to the AIT, will:
1 Assume custody of the material in an "as is" condition at the
American Institute in Taiwan, Taipei.
2 Be responsible for the cost of transportation of the material.
3 Be responsible for securing any license or other documents re-
quired to permit the material furnished under this Annex to e-
nter Taiwan and will make the arrangements, when necessary, f-
or the material release from Taiwan for return to the United
4 Be responsible for obtaining information from the Taiwan CAA
regarding the graphical interfaces developed as a result of t-
he utilization of the RPS.
5 Not be responsible for materials, other than those listed her-
ein, that may be necessary for the installation, operation, a-
nd maintenance of the RPS.
6 Not be respohsible for obtaining additional equipment, spare
parts, and parts peculiar.
7 Upon expiration or termination of this loan return said mater-
ial in the same condition as received, reasonable use and wear
excepted, to AIT's representative, the Federal Aviation Admin-
istration, at the following address :
NAS International Programs Office, ASD-20 800 Independence Ave
., S.W., Rm 836 Washington, D.C. 20591
8 FAA point of contact for specific instructions after loan agr-
eement has been signed is :
NAS International Programs Office, ASD-20 800 Independence Ave
., S.W., Rm 836 Washington, D.C. 20591
Telephone : (202) 267--3041
Facsimile : (202) 267--5055
C Unless otherwise specified, the material furnished under this
Annex will be in an "as is" condition. RPS is continuing under
development and the material provided by this Annex is the mo-
st current in hand. As the FAA proceeds with refinement of the
RPS, further material consisting of updated versions of the m-
aterial described in Article II may be provided by FAA through
the AIT without further modification of this annex, provided
the same terms and conditions are applied to this updated mat-
erial as is required under this Annex.
D The material furnished under this Annex shall be shipped to :
Carl C.K. Lee, Director
ATC System Program Office
Civil Aeronautics Administration
Sung Shan Airport, Taipei, Taiwan
E The AIT will not be liable for loss or damage to the material
while it is in transit. The CCNAA shall reimburse AIT for the
cost of appropriate insurance for all material in transit.

A Except as required by applicable law, neither party will rele-
ase any information or materials pertinent to the tasks or re-
lated to the agreed program, to third parties other than cont-
ractors or subcontractors engaged in the program.
B The RPS material may be used solely to further the development
of the Taiwan Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA) civil air
traffic control automation system. Specifically, the rapid pr-
ototyping system is designed to facilitate the rapid prototyp-
ing of graphical user interfaces.
C FAA will have the right to use the graphical interface inform-
ation developed as a result of this annex for the purposes of
the development of FAA's air traffic control automation system

A The CCNAA shall reimburse the AIT for all actual costs plus a-
dministrative overhead charge incurred by the AIT in providing
services under this Annex, including all costs incurred by the
AIT as a result of termination of the Annex.
B All AIT bills will be forwarded to CCNAA at the following add-
ress :
Coordination Council for North American Affairs 420l Wisconsin
Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20016
C AIT bills will contain a reference to Annex Number NAT-I-845-5
(which is the number assigned by FAA to identify this Annex a-
nd which shall be referred to in all related correspondence),
and will be supported with a summary of charges. All AIT bills
will be forwarded to the office designated by the AIT as the
paying office.
D Payment of bills is due within sixty (60) days from the date
of FAA billing. Payments are to be made in U.S. dollars and f-
orwarded to the AIT at the following address :
American Institute in Taiwan
Rosslyn Center Building -- 17th
1700 North Moore Street
Arlington, Virginia 22209
E In the event that payment is not made within sixty (60) days
from the date of billing, the AIT will assess late payment ch-
arges, i.e., interest, penalty, and administrative handling c-
harges, in subsequent billings. These late charges will be as-
sessed for each additional thirty (30) day period, or portion
thereof, that payment is not received.

This Annex may be amended in accordance with Article V of the
basic Agreement (NAT-I-845).

Any disagreement regarding the interpretation or application
of this Annex will be resolved by consultation between the two
parties and will not be referred to any international tribunal
or third party for settlement.

This Annex shall become effective upon signature of both part-
ies and will remain in effect for a period of five (5) years
from the date of latest signature or as such time as the basic
Agreement (NAT--I--845) expires or is terminated, whichever occ-
urs first. Either party may terminate this Annex as provided for
in Article VI of the basic Agreement (NA--T--I--845).

The AIT and the CCNAA agree to the provisions of this Annex as
indicated by the signature of their duly authorized representat-
By : [Signed]
Clarke N. Ellis
TITLE : Deputy Managing
DATE : September 24,1990

By : [Signed]
Roy Yuan Yen Wu
TITLE : Secretary General
DATE : November 21,1990
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)