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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on December ll, 1995; Entered into force on December ll,1995.
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) records the understanding
and arrangement between the postal administrations of Taiwan, R-
OC and Sweden in relation to the quality of service of internat-
ional LC airmail/priority mail exchanged.
This MOU commences on the date it is signed by both parties.
Unless terminated or varied as provided hereunder, thiS MOU W-
ill remain in effect indefinitely.
This MOU may be terminated by either party giving 6 months wr-
itten notice to the other party.
The details of this MOU will be periodically reviewed, but not
more frequently than once a year.
-"the parties" refers to the postal administrations which are
signatories to this MOU;
-"airmail" refers to international LC airmail/priority mail i-
-"service standard" represents the elapsed time between posti-
ng and delivery or between identified links in an overall ma-
il path, which the parties agree as achievable and necessary
to meet customer needs;
-"service performance" represents the level of performance ac-
hieved when assessed against a service standard;
-"service performance target" represents the level of service
performance, express in percentage terms, the parties agree
should be achieved;
-"D" represents the day of posting, with D+1 indicating the d-
ay after posting, D+2 the second day after posting and so on;
-"critical entry time (GET)" represents the time on a given d-
ay by which aircraft should land at the destination country
gateway airport for onboard mail to be processed for delivery
to the service standards detailed in this MOU.
6.1 Service Levels
The service level from Taiwan, ROC to Sweden shall be
The service level from Sweden to Taiwan, ROC shall be
.D+5 from Sweden to Taipei Metropolitan Area
.D+6 from Sweden to the rest of Taiwan, ROC
6.2 Posting
From Taiwan, ROC the international LC airmail item shall be
posted no later than 1700 hours.
From Sweden the priority mail shall be posted no later than
when domestic priority letters shall be posted.
6.3 Delivery standards
Delivery standards are specified in Appendix 1.
6.4 Critical Entry Times (GET)
Critical Entry Times are specified in Section 8.
6.5 Exceptions
(a) LC airmail/priority mail which, following screening, are su-
bject to customs clearance will require one additional work-
day to effect delivery.
(b) The above service standards will not apply to items subject
to Formal Entry procedures or which otherwise require the a-
ttendance of addressees or their agent at a customs clearan-
ce point to effect clearance.
(c) LC airmail/priority mail on flight landing at the airports
of offload in both countries after the CET's here below, wi-
ll require one additional workday to effect delivery.
6.6 LC airmail/priority mail from Sweden to Taiwan.
│Dispatching Country : Sweden│Destination Country : Taiwan │
│ │Taipei Metropolitan Area │
│Day of Posting │Day of Delivery (D+5) │
│Monday │Friday/Saturday │
│Tuesday │Monday │
│Wednesday │Monday/Tuesday │
│Thursday │Tuesday/Wednesday │
│Friday │Wednesday/Thursday │
│Saturday │Wednesday/Thursday │
│Sunday │Thursday/Friday │
│Dispatching Country : Sweden│Destination Country : Taiwan │
│ │Rest of country │
│Day of Posting │Day of Delivery (D+6) │
│Monday │Saturday/Monday │
│Tuesday │Tuesday/Wednesday │
│Wednesday │Tuesday/Wednesday │
│Thursday │Wednesday/Thursday │
│Friday │Wednesday/Thursday │
│Saturday │Friday │
│Sunday │Friday/Saturday │
6.7 LC airmail/priority mail from Taiwan to Sweden
│Dispatching Country : Taiwan│Destination Country : Sweden │
│Day of Posting │Day of Delivery (D+5) │
│Monday │Monday │
│Tuesday │Monday │
│Wednesday │Tuesday │
│Thursday │Wednesday │
│Friday │Thursday │
│Saturday │Friday │
│Sunday │Friday │
A schedule of flights for the conveyance of LC airmail/priority
mail items between Taiwan, ROC and Sweden will be sent by each
postal administration to the other following the biannual revis-
ions one week before the commencement of the period to which th-
ey apply or otherwise as necessary.
The present airmail routeing schedule is included in Appendix 2.
8.1 LC airmail/priority mail from Taiwan, ROC to Sweden
│Inw-│Delivery standar│If the item arrives at the airpot: │
│ard │ds from the air-│ │
│off-│port/office of │ │
│ice │exchange to the │ │
│of │addressee livin-│ │
│exc-│gin then the to-│ │
│exc-│wn, regionwn, r-│ │
│exc-│egion or locali-│ │
│han-│ty (postcode) g-│Before- Delivery From-to Delivery │
│ge │iven below │hours standards -hours standards │
│Sto-│Whole Country │16.00 │Day of │16.00-│Day of │
│ckh-│ │ │arrival │24.00 │arrival │
│olm │ │ │+1 day │ │+ 2 days │
8.2 LC airmail/priority mail from Sweden to Taiwan, ROC
│Inward│Delivery stan-│If the item arrives at the airpot: │
│office│dards from the│ │
│of │airport/office│ │
│excha-│of exchange to│Before- Delivery From-to Delivery │
│nge │the addressee │hours standards -hours standards │
│ │livingin the │ │
│ │town, region │ │
│ │or locality (p│ │
│ │ostcode) given│ │
│ │below │ │
│Taipei│Taipei Metropo│03:00 │Day of │After │Day of │
│ │litan Area. │ │arrival │03:00 │arrival + │
│ │Rest of Taiwan│ │+2 days │ │3 days │
Recognising the service levels in Section 6.l, and taking into
account customer needs and expectations, the parties agree that
the level of service performance as measured against service st-
andards should be 95% within the service standards, and that 100
% of the items should be despatched or delivered (as the case m-
ay be) by no more than one day later than provided for by servi-
ce standards.
10.1 Initially, the method used to measure the level of service
performance for LC airmail/priority mail exchanged between
Taiwan, ROC and Sweden will be by use of test letter surve-
ys conducted twice a year in April and October.
l0.2 The parties agree to act unilaterally or co-operate to enh-
ance service performance monitoring systems with a view to
progressively improving service performance information and
quality control.
l0.3 The parties agree to exchange service performance results
not later than one month after the test period.
l0.4 Where results indicate performance to be consistently below
target, the parties agree to institute appropriate correct-
ive actions.
│Taiwan, ROC │Sweden │
│No customs clearance on │No customs clearance on │
│Sundays and public holidays │Saturday and Sunday │
│ │and public holidays │
│ │ │
Detailed arrangements for facilitating the effect of this MOU a-
re at schedule.
This Memorandum of Understanding is signed in duplicate in Stoc-
kholm, Sweden on December 11,1995.

[Signed] [Signed]
Meg Tiv'eus Mr. Chen Chiung-Ling
Managing Director Deputy Director General
Sweden Post Ltd. Directorate General of Postal
International Division Remittances and Savings Banks
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)