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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on October 21, 2004; Entered into force on October 21, 2004.

This Implementing Arrangement describes the technical activities
to be undertaken by the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and
its representative, the Office of Operational Systems (OOS) of
the National Weather Service (NWS) of the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). It provides for the provision
of operations, maintenance, and reconditioning support for the
Weather Surveillance Radar (WSR-88D) system between the Central
Weather Bureau (CWB) of Taiwan, the designated representative of
the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the
United States (TECRO), and NOAA/NWS/OOS. All services will be
provided on a reimbursable basis.

The activities described in this Implementing Arrangement will
be carried out under the general terms and conditions establish-
ed by the Agreement between TECRO and AIT for technical coopera-
tion in scientific and weather technology systems support. This
Implementing Arrangement is hereby attached to that Agreement
and becomes part of the Agreement.

The operations, maintenance, and reconditioning support for the
WSR-88D system is directed toward three general areas:
.Operations, maintenance, and engineering documentation;
.Hardware and software enhancements/replacements; and
.Reconditioning support.
These support activities will include the following tasks:

Task #1 - Provision of Operations, Maintenance, and Engineering
Documentation to CWB

NOAA/NWS will provide CWB with applicable updates to operator
handbooks and documentation related to the WSR-88D on a reimbur-
sable basis. In addition, NOAA/NWS will provide CWB with applic-
able updates to technical manuals and engineering data required
for on-site maintenance of the WSR-88D. Manuals, updates, and
documentation will be in the English language.

Task #2 - Provision of Hardware and Software Enhancements/Repla-
cements to CWB

NOAA/NWS will provide CWB, at cost, with applicable hardware and
software enhancements developed and/or procured for the WSR-88D.
NOAA/NWS will provide English language installation and modific-
ation instructions and notes. This includes adaptation data and
maps, diagnostic software, and operating and applications softw-

Task #3 - Provision of Reconditioning Support to CWB

On a reimbursable basis, NOAA/NWS shall provide CWB with replac-
ement and depot repair of line replaceable units for WSR-88D ha-
rdware. To receive the same level of logistics and reconditioni-
ng support as is provided the NWS systems, the CWB must purchase
, as a minimum complement of on-site spares, the same parts con-
tained in the NWS Initial Spares Support List. In addition, due
to the time required to ship and return failed parts and the su-
bsequent negative impact on the spares pipeline, the CWB shall,
at a minimum, purchase a complete set of radio frequency depend-
ent spare parts to be used by CWB as on-site spares. NOAA/NWS
shall provide CWB with all consumables centrally stocked by NWS.

Conditions for Providing Service

In order for NOAA/NWS/OOS to provide the services listed, the
following conditions must be met by the host of the radar being
A.all customs clearances must be coordinated and all taxes and
costs for shipment of WSR-88D equipment, parts, and consumabl-
es to and from Taiwan must be paid;
B.the systems(s) must be maintained in a standard configuration.
Should the NEXRAD(s) configuration violate the NWS/DOD/FAA ba-
seline, the NWS will not be required to support the non-confi-
guration designated items. In addition, the NWS will be unable
to guarantee that standard configuration LRUs, software, and
modifications to the system will operate properly;
C.NOAA standard, peculiar and common support equipment must be
D.the same parts contained in the NWS Initial Spares Support Li-
st must be purchased as a minimum complement of on-site spares
; a complete set of radio frequency dependent spare parts must
be purchased as on-site spares;
E.prescribed and standard NWS maintenance practices, procedures,
policies, and schedules must be followed; and
F.a point of contact to establish map overlay requirements, in
particular to determine what features will be included in the
coverage area for Taiwan, must be provided.

In accordance with the Agreement, TECRO will reimburse AIT for
all costs incurred by AIT and its designated representative NOAA
, in association with this Implementing Arrangement, including
applicable DOC/NOAA/NWS overhead costs and all taxes levied on
WSR-88D equipment, parts, and consumables shipped to or from Ta-

The total costs for activities described in this Implementing
Arrangement are dependent on variables such as frequency and ex-
tent of documentation updates; frequency and cost of hardware
and software enhancements/replacements; and system failure rates
. As such, it is impossible to project in advance the actual ch-
arges for the services provided. NOAA/NWS estimates that the av-
erage reconditioning costs for a WSR-88D are $80,300 per year
and that the average annual cost per system for consumables is
$15,000. The average cost for operations and applications softw-
are loads is estimated at $7,400 per site; the average cost for
a diagnostic software load is estimated at $2,100 per site. Ass-
uming the following map overlay requirements: country boundaries
, rivers, highways, cities, and airports, there would be a per
site cost of $2,000 for the data license and $9,500 for the ini-
tial map overlay development. Assuming no requirement for custom
hybrid scan and occultation data files, the default files would
cost $200. Should additional specific map overlay requirements
be established, an additional cost for data would be incurred
plus $8,500 per month of labor effort. The estimated cost of up-
dates to technical documentation, including operations manuals,
is $6,000. The cost of hardware updates required to maintain a
standard configuration varies from upgrade to upgrade as does
their frequency; therefore, no average cost can be estimated.
The costs of providing hardware and software enhancements must
be paid prior to shipment, due to the variability in the expense
and frequency of this support. AIT agrees to give TECRO at least
a 90-day notification of upcoming hardware and software enhance-
ments/replacements. All costs are estimated in U.S. dollars. Co-
sts for all operations support will be billed on a quarterly ba-
Any and all obligations of NOAA under this Implementing Arrange-
ment are subject to the availability of appropriated funds. Not-
hing in this agreement will be construed by the parties to requ-
ire the obligation, appropriation, or expenditure of any Federal
funds. Before the beginning of every second fiscal year after
this Implementing Arrangement is signed, AIT shall notify TECRO
in writing whether sufficient appropriated funds are available
to cover the estimated costs to NOAA of providing the stated go-
ods and services hereunder for the next 2 fiscal years (excludi-
ng the cost of hardware and software enhancements). If NOAA's
notification states that insufficient funds are available, NOAA
shall be under no obligation to provide goods or services hereu-
nder until sufficient appropriated funds are made available. Un-
der no circumstances shall NOAA be liable to AIT or any other
entity for any failure to provide goods or services under this
Implementing Arrangement owing to the unavailability of appropr-
iated funds.

This Implementing Arrangement is effective on the date of the
last signature hereafter. This Implementing Arrangement may be
amended and/or terminated by either party in accordance with the
terms of the Agreement. Because the support called for in this
agreement is ongoing, no completion date can be estimated at th-
is time.


─────────────── ────────────────
Jaw-Ling Joanne Chang Barbara Schrage,
Deputy Representative Managing Director ad interim

Date: 10/21/2004 Date: 08/04/2004

Procedures for Implementing Arrangement #2 (revised July 2004)

This document describes the procedures necessary to carry out
the technical activities to be undertaken by the Central Weather
Bureau (CWB) and the National Weather Service (NWS) of the Nati-
onal Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as described
in Implementing Arrangement #2. It provides for operations, mai-
ntenance, and reconditioning support for the CWB's Weather Surv-
eillance Radar (WSR-88D) System. All services will be provided
on a reimbursable basis. The NWS account and task numbers for
the billing of these reimbursable services is 20-06-0000-00-00-
00-00 4RMIJTW-P00.

ARTICLE II - Authorization
The activities described in this document will be carried out
under the general terms and conditions established by Implement-
ing Arrangement #2 between NOAA and the American Institute in
Taiwan (AIT) on behalf of the CWB.

ARTICLE III - Services
Payment for all services provided by the NWS will be in accorda-
nce with specific procedures to be established between the AIT
and NWS. In essence, NWS will bill CWB on a quarterly basis for
all reimbursable support provided for that quarter and will for-
ward the bill via the AIT. Costs will include issue cost, shipp-
ing costs, and 15% surcharge. For repairable items as designated
in EHB-1, a credit for the issue cost, but excluding the average
repair cost, and an additional credit of two thirds of the surc-
harge will be granted upon receipt of the defective part.

The logistical support will be implemented as described in the
following paragraphs.

1.NWS Requisitions Processing
On a reimbursable basis the NWS will provide CWB with WSR-88D
spare and repair parts. The NWS will provide CWB with two cop-
ies of NWS Engineering Handbook No.1 (EHB-1), and monthly upd-
ates as provided to NWS field maintenance personnel. NWS EHB-1
will be the source of parts ordering information for all CWB
requisitions. All requisitions for parts will contain: Agency
Stock Number (ASN), part number, National Stock Number (NSN),
the part description, and the quantity of each item that is
required. All parts that are identified as non-repairable, or
throw-away items, will be in new condition. All parts that are
repairable, or Line Replaceable Units (LRUs), will have been
reconditioned to like new operating condition. Requisitions
will be filled from NWS ready for issue warehouse stock.

Requisitioning Process - Orders for parts will be electronica-
lly transmitted by INTERNET requisition to the NWS, Logistics
Management Section (LMS) OPS14, to e-mail address, eric.parr@ If INTERNET requisitions are unsuccessful, direct
facsimile transmission to LMS will be used at the following
number: 1-301-713-0876.

After the validation process of incoming requisitions is comp-
leted, requisition status will be transmitted from the LMS ba-
ck to CWB, the requisitioner, via INTERNET. This will give the
requisitioner notification of the stock availability, and the
estimated shipping date, or that stock is not available and
the requisition has been placed in back order status with an
estimated date for shipment. Incoming requisitions will be fo-
rwarded to the National Logistics Support Center (NLSC) for

The NLSC will ship the requested parts or LRU(s) by the freig-
ht forwarder/carrier who may be designated by the CWB. NLSC
will charge the issuing and shipping costs to the NWS account
and task given in the first paragraph of this document. These
costs will be billed CWB quarterly. CWB will be responsible to
pay shipping costs of returning LRUs.

2.Return of Defective LRUs
Each defective WSR-88D LRU returned to the NRC for repair sha-
ll be accompanied by appropriate identification documentation.
NWS form "H-14" may be used for this purpose and is available
from NLSC. The information is important to insure proper cred-
it is given to CWB. The following information is required:
1) Identification of the Organization returning the item
2) The agency stock number (ASN) from EHB-1
3) National Stock Number
4) Serial Number (if appropriate)
5) Document Number of the requisition shipping the item to CWB
6) Technician's assessment of the LRU's failure to perform

Requisition Turnaround Time Goals:
a.Duty - hour priority - Deliverd to carrier same day as requ-
isition receipt. The most expedient mode of transportation
is selected to the specific requisitioning site. Historical-
ly average time for delivery to over seas sites from the ti-
me of shipment by the NLSC is 4 days.
b.Duty - hour routine - shipped 2 working days after requisit-
ion receipt. Historically average time for delivery to over
seas sites from the time of shipment by the NLSC is 4 days.
3.Processing of Received Defective Items
If an item is received in defective condition, CWB will notify
OPS14 via internet message to, and a repla-
cement item will be shipped. CWB will return the defective it-
em to the NRC. Items returned to the NRC as "received defecti-
ve" will be examined to determine the cause of the failure. If
CWB receives defective items, they will ensure that the NRC
receives the defective item within 30 days of the receipt of a
replacement item, together with the appropriate documentation.
Full credit excluding shipping charges and a 5 percent surcha-
rge will be given to CWB for all items that are returned as
received defective.
4.Logisitics Management, NLSC, and NRC Addresses and Operating
The Logisties Management address is 1325 East- West Highway,
Room 17388, Silver Spring. Maryland 20910. The LMS normal hou-
rs of business are 6:30 AM to 4:30 PM (0630-1630 hours) U.S.
Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.
The NLSC warehouse, where parts are ordered from, is located
at: 1510 East Bannister Road, Bldg. #1,in Kansas City, Missou-
ri 64131. The warehouse's normal hours of business are 6:30 AM
to 4:30 PM (0630-1630 hours)U.S. Central Time, Monday through

The NRC facility, where parts needing repair are returned to,
is located at the following address:

National Weather Service
National Reconditioning Center
1520 East Bannister Road, Bldg. #1
Kansas City, Missouri 64131
Reference Task Number: 4RMIJTW-P00

The NRC's normal hours of business are 6:30 AM to 4:30 PM (063
0-1630 hours)U.S. Central Time, Monday through Friday.

5.Points of Contact
OPS14 Logistics Management Section -Eric Parr
INTERNET address:
facsimile phone number:1-301-713-0876

OPSx1 Coordinator - Alix Rolph
Facsimile phone number: 1-301-713-9564

NRC Coordinator - Mike Terrell
Facsimile phone number:1-816-926-3105

CWB Coordinator: Jason Hsu
INTERNET address:
facsimile phone number:011-886-2-2349-1049
voice phone number:011-886-2-2349-1043

FedEx account # is: 187995973
Address is: 5F, 64 Kung Yuan Road, 10039,
Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C.

Wu-Fen-Shan Weather Radar Station (NEXRAD Site)
Facsimile number: 011-886-2-2495-8448
voice phone number: 011-886-2-2495-8445
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)