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1.Signed on August 15 and August 18, 1994; Entered into force on August 18, 1994.
This Implementing Arrangement describes the scientific and tech-
nical activities to be undertaken by the American Institute in
Taiwan (AIT) and its representative, the Forecast Systems Labor-
atory (FSL) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrat-
ion (NOAA). It provides for the continuing system development of
the Forecast System being developed by the Joint Forecast Syste-
ms Project between the Central Weather Bureau (CWB), the design-
ated representative of the coordination Council for North Ameri-
can Affairs (CCNAA), and NOAA/FSL.
The activities described in this Implementing Arrangement will
be carried out under the general terms and conditions establish-
ed by the Agreement between CCNAA and AIT for Technical Coopera-
tion in Meteorology and Forecast Systems Development. This Impl-
ementing Arrangement is hereby attached to that Agreement and b-
ecomes part of the Agreement.
The Forecast System is composed of two primary subsystems: a Ce-
ntral Facility and a Forecaster Workstation Subsystem. Emphasis
will be placed in this Implementing Agreement on the continuing
development of an operational Forecaster Workstation and an open
Central Facility. Besides these two development tasks, there are
tasks addressing Doppler radar data interface support and forec-
aster training.
A new Numerical Weather Prediction development task will be ini-
tiated during this period. This task is to jointly develop impr-
oved satellite data assimilation techniques for CWB models. The-
se activities, described in more detail in the Statement of Work
, will include the following five tasks:
Task #1-Implementation of the FX-ALPHA Workstation
The FX Workstation project within FSL was expanded to the FX-AL-
PHA (FSL X window AWIPS-Like Prototype of Hydormeteorological A-
pplications) in June of 1993. This development will satisfy Nat-
ional Weather Service (NWS) requirements for a modernized Weath-
er Forecast Office(WFO). It will also satisfy CWB requirements
that can be tailored at CWB by CWB personnel. The basic system
will be installed in Denver WFO during I.A. #7 time period.
The basic FX-ALPHA workstation will have the normal display fun-
ctionality that is part of the FSL workstation (e.g. PC worksta-
tion). Additional capabilities will be added in future software
releases. FSL will also provide available FX-ALPHA documentation
Task #2-Development of the Open System Central Facility
Transition of the FSL Central Facility into an open system is t-
he major activity for the Facility Division of FSL. The transit-
ion activities include development of an open system central fa-
cility, replacing the VMS-based system by a UNIX/RISC system, u-
pgrading networking capabilities, and improving the data acquis-
ition facility.
CWB has plans for transition to an open system which is very si-
milar system to FSL's Open System Central Facility. FSL has gai-
ned a great deal of experience in open system implementation and
will provide planning and design information to CWB on Nowcasti-
ng System related issues. CWB must then incorporate this inform-
ation in their overall facility planning and scheduling efforts.
Task#3-Implementation ofWSR-88D narrowband data for FX-ALPHA
CWB will install its first ~SR88D in 1996 at Wu-Fen-Shan (north-
east of Taipei). CWB also plans to install three more WSR-88D's
in the Taiwan area by the year of 2000. The network of Doppler
radars and existing conventional radars will provide important
data for the Nowcasting System and mesoscale meteorology.
FSL will draw upon its experience in radar hardware issues, han-
dling and using radar data, acquisition of narrowband data, and
mosaic display to support the CWB radar team. FSL will provide
technical advice and support as requested to meet specific CWB
needs, rather than having specific system development responsib-
Task #4-Forecaster training in the use of FX-ALPHA workstation
CWB will begin to tailor the FX-ALPHA workstation to meet their
own requirements during this time period. The transition for the
forecasters using the new FX-ALPHA workstation will be far easi-
er than the initial introduction of the PC workstation into the
Forecast Center. There will, however, be significant differences
that CWB forecasters must understand about operating multiple w-
indow workstations.
The CWB forecasters will spend a few weeks at FSL, receiving tr-
aining in the new features of the FX-ALPHA workstation and in w-
orking with FSL forecasters in the use of the system.
Task #5-Development of Improved Data Assimilation Techniques
Scientists from the CWB and the FSL Mesoscale Analysis and Pred-
iction System (MAPS) team will work together to develop improved
data analysis and assimilation techniques appropriate to oceanic
regions. A primary emphasis in this work will be the direct use
of radiances from polar-orbiting satellites. A secondary emphas-
is will he the development of an improved analysis technique th-
at allows for an explicit estimate of the divergent wind compon-
ent, especially important for tropical regions.
These techniques will be jointly developed and tested by FSL and
CWB scientists within the MAPS environment. The same techniques
will then be transferred to CWB for use within their own data a-
ssimilation systems to initialize CWB models.
In accordance with the Agreement, NOAAIFSL is undertaking this
work on behalf of AIT for CCNAA. CCNAA will reimburse AIT, and
its designated representative NOAA/FSL for all costs incurred in
association with this Implementing Agreement.
The total cost for activities described in this Implementing Ar-
rangement is mutually agreed to be US $450,000. It is also agre-
ed that fifty percent of the funds will be transferred in advan-
ce, with the remaining 50 percent transferred within 30 days of
the acceptance of the final report by CCNAA, and its designated
representative, CWB.
No intellectual property considerations are expected to arise in
conjunction with activities described in this Implementing Arra-
ngement. Existing system designs and computer software of the F-
SL Forecast System are in the public domain. Reports, specifica-
tions, and computer software prepared under this Implementing A-
rrangement will also be in the public domain once they have been
approved in a final form by CCNAA, CWB, AIT, and NOAA.
This Implementing Arrangement is effective on the date of the l-
ast signature hereafter. This Implementing Arrangement may be a-
mended and/or terminated in accordance with the terms of the Ag-
reement. The estimated completion date for the activities descr-
ibed in this Implementing Arrangement is June 30, 1995.

[Signed] [Signed]
James Wen-Chung Chang J. Richard Rock
Deputy Representative Deputy Managing Director
August 18, 1994 August 15, 1994

Statement of Work for Implementing Arrangement #7 Continuing De-
velopment of the Operational Central Facility $ Operational Wor-
kstation between The Coordination Council for North American Af-
fairs and The American Institute in Taiwan
1.0 Background and Objectives
The agreement between the Coordination Council for North Americ-
an Affairs (CCNAA) and the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) p-
rovides for technical cooperation between the Central Weather B-
ureau (CWB) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra-
tion's Forecast Systems Laboratory (NOAA/ FSL) in meteorology a-
nd forecast system development.
The new Forecast System that CWB is implementing has two primary
subsystems: the Central Facility and the Forecaster Workstation
subsystems. Both subsystems will be modeled af2er systems devel-
oped at FSL.
A master plan of the Forecast Systems for CWB was provided in t-
he Project Implementing Plan as part of Implementing Arrangement
#1 (I.A.#1).I.A.#P and #3 provided the functional specification
of the Forecast System and development of the prototype worksta-
tion. The prototype workstation was completed and operated duri-
ng I.A.#4. The basic operational system was begun to prototype
in I.A.#5. I. A.#6 focused on development of the basic operatio-
nal workstation and an initial open system central facility.
This Statement of Work addresses the tasks that will be underta-
ken by the joint team of CWB and FSL personnel in accordance wi-
th the terms of Implementing Arrangement #7. The goal is to com-
plete the basic operational workstation development during this
period and allow CWB to begin to modify and evaluate its basic
operational workstation. A new Numerical Weather Prediction Task
will be initiated during I.A.#7. The objective of this task is
to develop improved satellite data assimilation techniques.
Tasks will be undertaken both by the CWB-FSL Joint Team working
at the FSL facility in Boulder, Colorado and by CWB staff at the
CWB facility in Taipei, Taiwan, as appropriate. This Statement
of Work addresses only tasks that will be undertaken by the CWB-
FLS Joint Team under the terms of I.A.#7 and establishes the pe-
rformance schedule, deliverables, and resources requirements.
2.0 Task Descriptions
In terms of the overall program schedule, the following five ta-
sks are identified as being critical in the July 1, 1994 to June
30, 1995 time period:
■Task #1-Implementation of the FX-ALPHA workstation
■Task #2-Development of the Open System Central Facility
■Task #3-Implementation of WSR-88D narrowband data for FX-ALPHA
■Task #4-Forecaster Training in the use of the FX-ALPHA workst-
■Task #5-Development of Improved Data Assimilation Techniques
These five tasks are described below:
Task#1-Implementation of the FX-ALPHA workstation
FSL expanded the FX Workstation project to FX-ALPHA (FSL X wind-
ow AWIPS-Like Prototype of Hydrometeorological Applications) in
June of 1993. The broad mission of this project is to develop m-
odern environmental system capabilities on an "Open" platform.
This development satisfies NWS requirements to demonstrate inte-
grated hydrometeorological capabilities and techniques For a mo-
dernized Weather Forecast Office(WFO). FX-ALPHA meets all CWB r-
equirements for a system that can be tailored at CWB by personn-
el that are sufficiently knowledgeable.
The preliminary design of the FX-ALPHA was completed in Septemb-
er of 1993. The prototype of the FX-ALPHA was demonstrated in t-
he 74th American Meteorological Society (AMS) Meeting in January
of 1994 in Nashville, TN. The FX-ALPHA team will finish the det-
ail design of all workstation functional components by June of 1
994. Implementation of the workstation for Denver WFO deployment
is scheduled to be completed in February of 1995. This workstat-
ion will also be used for daily weather briefings at the next A-
MS annual meeting in January of 1995 in Dallas, Texas.
The initial release of the basic FX-ALPHA workstation will have
the equivalent capability of the DARE-II workstation, which is
currently used in the Denver WFO. The FSL team will need the CWB
team to perform some workstation development tasks in Taipei. T-
he description of these tasks will become available after the c-
ompletion of the detailed design of the system. FSL will provide
the CWB workstation team with support in system design, software
implementation, and use of the commercial-off-the-shelf software
A CWB visiting scientist will participate in this workstation d-
evelopment task. FSL will provide a complete software documenta-
tion Of the FX-ALPHA as soon as it becomes available with its i-
nitial release. FSL will also provide support to the CWB workst-
ation team in installation of the DI ALPHA software.
Performance Period:
1.Development of basic FX-ALPHA software July 1, 1994-October 1
2.Testing and debug of basic software October 1, 1994-Jan. 3
1, 1995
3.Preparation of FX-ALPHA documentation Feb. 1, 1995-June 30,
Resources Required: 30% CWB-FSL Joint Team
1.Software release of initial prototype FX-ALPHS July 31, 1994
2.Software release of the basic FX-ALPHA February 28, 1995
3.Documentation of the basic FX-ALPHA June30,1995
Task #2-Development of the Open System Central Facility
Transition of the FSL Central Facility into an "open" system be-
gan during 1992. The Facility Division is responsible for this
transition. Their activities include development of an open sys-
tem central facility called NIMBUS, replacing VMS-based system
by UNIX-based systems, upgrading networking, improving data acq-
uisition facility, and using standard data formats such as WMO
and NetCDF. Over the next several years, the development of NIM-
BUS will continue and new application software will be developed
on the new computer systems.
CWB also has many VMS-based systems. The transition of the FSL
open central facility has many advantages to CWB. For example,
FSL has found that the UNM/RISC processors provide an excellent
distributed computing capability, software portability and hard-
ware flexibility for the central facility. CWB has already plan-
ned for a transition to a new open system. In the Phase III, CWB
will develop its own open system architecture, called NICE (Net-
work Information exchange Environment), a similar system to NIM-
BUS, as their central facility. With the experience in NIMBUS i-
mplementation, FSL will provide planning and design information
of NIMBUS, so CWB can incorporate this information in their ove-
rall facility planning and scheduling efforts.
A CWB visiting scientist will participate in the FSL Central Fa-
cility software development. FSL will provide CWB the central f-
acility software as it becomes available over the next several
years. This includes the NIMBUS, Process Manager, data transiti-
on routines, and various system management programs.
Performance Period:
1.Development of NIMBUS software July 1, 1994-June 30, 1995
2.Preparation of FSL Central Facility documentation
Feb. 1, 1995-June 30, 1995
Resources Required: 20% CWB-FSL Joint Team CWB-FSL Joint Team
1.NIMBUS software June30,1995
2.Documentation of NIMBUS June30,1995
Task #3-Implementation of WSR-88D narrowband data for FX-ALPHA
CWB will have its first WSR-88D installed at Wu-Fen-Shan(northe-
ast of Taipei) in 1996. CWB also plans to install three more WSR
-88D's in the Taiwan area between 1996 and 2000. These Doppler
radar network and conventional radar systems will provide impor-
tant and high resolution data for the Nowcasting System and mes-
oscale meteorology. CWB's Telecommunication and Radar Division
will take the lead responsibility in implementing radar capabil-
ity at CWB.
During I.A.#6, CWB has assigned one visiting scientist working
with the FX-ALPHA team on WWSR-88D narrowband data front end co-
mmunications and NEXRAD product interface subsystem. This work
is very important for CWB's future Doppler radar network interf-
ace with forecaster workstations. The bulk of the NEXRAD product
interface work and radar applications will be carried out at FSL
during I.A.#7. So it is necessary for CWB to assign another vis-
iting scientist for this task during I.A.#7. FSL will draw upon
its experience in radar hardware issues, handling and using rad-
ar data, acquisition of wide-band data, and mosaics display to
support the CWB radar team. FSL will also be responsible for pr-
oviding support as requested to meet CWB's specific needs.
After the initial survey of potential wind profiler sites during
I.A.#6, FSL will be responsible for providing further informati-
on for CWB's future wind profiler network.
Performance Period:
1.Develop NEXRAD product interface software
July 1, 1994-February 28, 1995
2.Develop product generation software
March 1, 1995-June 30, 1995
Resources Required: 10% CWB-FSL Joint Team
1.Radar data ingest and product generation software June 30, 199
Task #4-Forecaster training in the use of the FX-ALPHA workstat-
FSL will provide training for CWB forecasters in the use of the
new workstation after FSL completes the basic version of the FX-
ALPHA workstation. This transition for forecasters using the new
FX-ALPHA workstation will be far easier than the initial introd-
uction of the PC workstation into the Forecast Center. There wi-
ll, however, be significant differences that the forecasters mu-
st understand about operating multiple window workstations. Also
, it is an excellent opportunity for CWB forecasters to provide
user feedback about the new workstation to the system designers.
Tentative plans call for CWB forecasters to spend three weeks at
FSL to receive training in these new features and in working wi-
th FSL forecasters in the use of the system. The CWB forecasters
would combine the visit to FSL with a NCi9R COMET training class
Performance Period:
1.Prepare FX-ALPHA user guide
February 1, 1995-April 1, 1995
Resources Required: 10% CWB-FSL Joint Team
1.FX-ALPHA Workstation User Guide May 31, 1995
Task #5-Development of Improved Data Assimilation Techniques
FSL has developed a high-frequency (at least every 3 hours) data
assimilation system, the Mesoscale Analysis and Prediction Syst-
em (MAPS), which runs in real time covering the lower 48 United
States. This domain has relatively dense data coverage. For ext-
ension of the MAPS domain beyond its current boundaries under t-
he cooperative effort with CWB, it will be necessary to use rem-
otely sensed data from satellites. The MAPS development team has
done preliminary testing of methods of directly incorporating s-
atellite radiances into initial conditions for numerical predic-
tion models.
CWB plans to make a major upgrade of their data assimilation ca-
pabilities in Phase III of their modernization program. This up-
grade will require development of the same techniques for use of
satellite data. It will also require use of improved analysis t-
echniques for estimation of the divergent wind field.
CWB will send a scientist to work at FSL with the MAPS team on
development of techniques in processing satellite data, and also
on extending of the MAPS domain over oceanic regions for future
Performance Period:
1.Develop satellite data processing capabilities
July 1, 1994-June 30, 1995
2.Extend MAPS domain over oceanic region for
testing of new data assimilation techniques
January 1, 1995-June 30, 1995
Resources Required : 30% CWB-FSL Joint Team
1.Initial version of MAPS for training and January 15, 1995
experimentation in CWB environment
2.Documentation of initial satellite processing June 30, 1995
3.0 Schedule
The following milestones are consistent with the overall program

Functions Milestones
1.Provide a final report of FSL-CWB project December 31, 1994
for Phase II
2.Provide initial prototype FX-ALPHA software July 31, 1994
3.Provide initial basic FX-ALPHA software February 28, 1995
4.Provide FX-ALPHA documentation June 30, 1995
5.Provide available NIMBUS software June 30, 1995
6.Provide available NIMBUS documentation June 30, 1995
7.Provide radar data ingest and product June 30, 1995
generation software
8.Complete FX-ALPHA workstation user guide May 31, 1995
9.Provide initial version of MAPS software January 15, 1995
10. Provide documentation of satellite June 30, 1995
processing techniques

TASKS 7/18/19/110/111/112/11/12/13/14/15/16/16/30
Task 1(FX-ALPHA) ──────
1.initial s/w ────────
2.testing ───────
Task a(Open
1.NIMBUS ──────────────────────
2.documentation ───────
Task 3(WSR-88D)
1.NEXRAD product ────────────────
2.product ──────
Task 4(Forecast
Training) ───
2.user guide ───
Task 5(data
1.satellite data ──────────────────────
2.documentation ───

4.0 Budget
The following are the estimate costs for I.A.#7.
│TASKS │Personnel │TravelTraining│Total │
│Task #1 │$120K │$30K │$150K │
│Task #2 │$80K │$10K │$90K │
│Task #3 │$20K │$10K │$30K │
│Task #4 │$20K │$10K │$30K │
│Task #5 │$140K │$10K │$150K │
│Total │$380K │$70K │$450K │
As stated in I.A. #7, funds available for the tasks described in
this Statement of Work will be US $450,000. All budget figures
are estimates. Actual amounts will be accrued for purposes of f-
ulfilling the financial arrangements described in the Implement-
ing Arrangement, in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.
All programs within the Forecast Systems Laboratory use the same
budget procedures, whether they are base-funded programs or ext-
ernally-funded programs. Beginning in FY'91, a facility charge
has been applied to all programs to cover management and admini-
strative costs, and the use of the FSL facility and all equipme-
nt and data associated with it.
FSL staff time is charged at the employee's salary plus the nor-
mal NOAA benefit, leave and overhead charges. FSL professional
staff are primarily in the civil service grade scales of GS11 to
GS-14. Contract staff are in equivalent categories.
5.0 CWB Joint Team Assignments at FSL
CWB staff at FSL during I.A. #3, 4, 5, and 6 were able to contr-
ibute significantly to the overall development. In addition, th-
ey were able to obtain an understanding of the overall system d-
evelopment that valuable for CWB own developments and operations
in the future. The cooperative effort between CWB and FSL has b-
een successful and will continue during I.A. #7. Four tasks (#1,
#2,#3 and #5) require CWB staff in residence at FSL. The primary
effort of CWB staff at FSL during this period will be directed
toward development of an operational workstation, open central
facility, WSR-88D radar data interface, and data assimilation t-
echniques. Assignments for the CWB staff will be as follows:
■Development of the FX-ALPHA
■Development of the NIMBUS
■Work with FSL staff in radar applications
■Development of ploar-orbit satellite radiance data ingest and
comparison with synthetic radiances from forecast model
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