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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on May 3 and May 12, 1994; Entered into force on May 12, 1994.
Accordingly, both parties has agreed the following.
Section 1
The Airlines designated to provide air transportation in accord-
ance with the aforesaid Agreement shall be entitled to operate
the following commercial air routes with full traffic rights:
1.Route for airlines designated by the Civil Aeronautics Admini-
stration of the Republic of China:
Taipei/any intermediate points/Dubai/any beyond points and vi-
ce versa.
2.Route for the airlines designated by the Department of Civil
Aviation, Dubai, UAE:
Dubai/any intermediate points/Taipei/any beyond points and vi-
ce verse.
3.The designated airlines of either Party may, on any or all fl-
ights, omit any point or points on the route specified above,
provided that the point of origin or destination is in the te-
rritory of that Party.
Section 2
There will be no limitation on the capacity and frequencies to
be operated by the designated airlines of either Party on the r-
oute specified above.

Done at Dubai on 03rd May 1994. [Done at] Taipei [on] 12th May
For the Department of Civil For the Civil Aeronautics
Aviation of Dubai, Administration of the
United Arab Emirates Republic of China
[Signed] [Signed]
Monhi-Din A. Binhendi Sun Chao-liang
Director General Director General  
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)