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1.Signed on November 14, 2001 and January 29, 2002; Entered into force on January 1, 2002.
This Implementing Arrangement describes the cooperative scienti-
fic, technical, engineering and administrative activities to be
undertaken by the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and its de-
signated representative, the University Corporation for Atmosph-
eric Research (UCAR), to complete and test an Advanced Operatio-
nal Aviation Weather System (AOAWS). The AOAWS is a cooperative
effort between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative
Office in teh United States (TECRO), through its designated rep-
resentative, the Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA), of the
Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC), and AIT,
through its designated representative UCAR. This Implementing A-
rrangement pertains to the Agreement (dated August 14 1998, her-
einafter referred to as the Agreement) between TECRO and AIT for
Technical Cooperation associated with the Establishment of Adva-
nced operational Aviation Weather Systems and is a part of the

The activities described in this Implementing Arrangement will
be carried out under the general terms and conditions establish-
ed by the Agreement. The Agreeemnt was entered into by the part-
ies pursuant to the Taiwan Relations Act of April 10, 1979, Pub-
lci Law 96-8 (22 USC 3301 et seq.)

The AOAWS will provide TECRO's designated representative CAA, t-
he airlines and the flying public on Taiwan with state-of-the-a-
rt aviation weather technology for:1) hazardous weather phenome-
na that affect aviation oeprations,2) weather phenomena that af-
fect airspace capacity and safety at the three major hub airpor-
ts, and 3) weather phenomena that affect overall efficiency of
aviation operations. The AOAWS is a complex system utilizing se-
veral advanced weather sensing subsystems, integrated communica-
tions, advanced software developed by AIT's designated represen-
tative, UCAR, advanced numerical weather forecast models develo-
ped by AIt's designated representative, UCAR, and advanced disp-
lay technology for TECRO's designated representative, CAA, and
airline and users. The successful implementation of the AOAWs is
heavily dependent on technical cooperation and technology trans-
fer between the designated representatives of TECRO and AIt in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement, this
Implementing Arrangement, and future Implementing Arrangements
to be agreed uon by the parties.

This Implementing Arrangement is specifically focused on:a) com-
pletion of AOAWS data servers, dispalys and products, b) comple-
tion of the MM5 forecast system, c) final acceptance testing of
the System, and AOAWS System waranty and maintenance after acce-

The technical cooperation to be undertaken under the auspices of
this Implementing Arrangement is defined by the following tasks.
Task details, including specific work to be performed, performa-
nce period, and estimated cost for each task are contained in t-
he Statement of Wokr.

A summary description of the tasks to be performed during this
period is provided below.

Task#1-System Implementation, Testing, and Maintenance

This task focuses on the completion of the AOAWS System software
including the Multidimensional Display System (MDS), System Mon-
itor Display (SMD), Web multidimensional Display System (WMDS),
Model Display, data servers and product software. Early in this
fiscal year, the AOAWS System software will be completed and un-
dergo internal system testing in preparation of site and relibi-
lity acceptance tests. After acceptance, maintenance and warran-
ty services will be provided for the AOAWS System.

Task#2-MM5 System Completion, Testing, and Maintenance

MM5 forcecast system work during FY2002 will consist of:(i) com-
pleting the development of the 135/45/15/5-km MM5 configuration
(including 3DVAR) with a 3-hourly forecast frequency, (ii) upgr-
ading the new configuration MM5 system on the Fujitsu supercomp-
uter of CAA's cooperative parther, the Central Weather Bureau (C
WB), (iii) running, monitoring, tuning, and finalizing the MM5
system at CWB, and (iv) maintaining the system throughout the w-
arranty period.

Task#3-AOAWS Project Management

The AOAWS Project will be led again this year by AIT's designat-
ed representative, UCAR, with software, system engineering, and
programmatic support form UCAR's Cooperative Partner, the insti-
tute for Information Industry (III). AIT's designated represent-
ative, UCAR will continue to work closely with TECRO's designat-
ed representative, CAA, to address projcet-related questions and
issues as necessary and appropriate. AIT's designated represent-
ative, UCAR, will participate in project review meetings to ens-
ure that the project is completed on schedule. The project mana-
gement task includes develping, coordinating, and managing the
work performed by AIT's designated representative, UCAR, and UC-
AR's Cooperative Partner III, responding to requests made by TE-
CRO's designated representative CAA, interfacing with project p-
articipants including the CAA and CAA's Cooperative parthner CWB
, and the airlines, preparing progress reports, participating in
AOAWS project-related meetings, reviewing and submitting delive-
rable documents, preparing and submitting project correspondence
, and administerin the AOAWS contracts and subcontracts.

in accordance with the Agreement, UCAR is undertaking this tech-
nical cooperation as the designated representative of AIT. TECRO
will reimbures AIT and AIT will make necessary arrangements to
transfer such funds to UCAR for all costs incurred in associati-
on with this Implementing Arrangement. UCAR's costs for this te-
chnical cooperation will be assessed on the basis of actual lab-
or time and materials utilized, plus a 3% management fee. TECRO
has agreed the fifty percent (50%) of the estimated cost for the
tasks associated with this Implementing Arrangement will be tra-
nsferred in advance to AIt and that the remaining costs will be
reimbursed within 30 days after acceptance of the deliverables
by TECRO and its designated representative CAA. It is agreed and
understood that the payment iwll be provided in US$. The upper
limit for expenditures incurred under this Implementing Arrange-
ment is US$630,000. UCAR will submit an invoice to AIT for tran-
smittal to TECRO for payment at the beginning of the contract p-
eriod and at the end of the contract period listing actual costs

The deliverables produced under the auspices of this Implementi-
ng Arrangement shall be the sole property of TECRO and its desi-
gnated representative CAA. UCAR shall have the right to referen-
ce these documents in scientific publications and other reports
as necessary.


........................... ..........................
Name of person signing Name of person signing

........................... ..........................
Position Position

Date....................... Date......................

Statment of Work
Associated with
Implementing Arrangement Number 5
Acceptance Testing
of the
Advanced operational Aviation Weather System (AOAWS)
subject to the
between the
Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the united
and the
American institute in Taiwan
Technical Cooperation
Associated with
Establishment of Advanced operational Aviation Weather Systems

1.0 background and objectives
The Agreement between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Represen-
tative Office in the United States (TECRO) and the American ins-
titute in Taiwan (AIT) provides for technical cooperation betwe-
en the Civil Aerconautice Administration (CAA), as TECRO's desi-
gnated representated representative. CAA and UCAR will cooperate
on the development and establishment of operational aviation we-
ather systems.

The Advanced Operational Aviation Weather System (AOAWS) being
developed by TECRO's designated representative, CAA, requires c-
urrent scientific and technical components in order to provide a
high level of service to the aviation community on Taiwan. Most
of this science and technology has been developed at uCAR over
the past decade and had been validated in operational environme-
nts both in the U.S. and in other countries.

The Advanced Operational Aviation Weather System (AOAWS) being
developed by TECRO's designated representative, CAA, reuires cu-
rrent scientific and technical components in order to provide a
high level of service to the aviation community on Taiwan. Most
of this science and tecbnology has been developed at uCAR over
the past decade and has been validated in operational environme-
nts both in the U.S. and in other countries.

The AOAWS will consist of advanced meteorological sensor systems
(at airport and within the Taiwan airspace), a communications
infratructure, a product generation component, a system server
component that distributes products to users, and product displ-
ays that present the advanced weather information to end users.
AOAWs system components will be integrated to form an operation-
al, turn-key system that can serve the aviation community.

In order to provide the necessary technology to TECRO and its d-
esignated representative, CAA, to establish the AOAWS, UCAR, as
the designated representative of AIT, will work with UCAR's Coo-
perative Partner, the institute for Information Industry (III),
on Taiwan.

2.0 Task Descriptions
The schedule for each of the tasks listed below is provided in
Gant charts (see attachment 1). The Gantt charts are to be used
for reference as they provide detailed information on task start
and end times, dependencies, milestones, and deliverable dates.

2.1 Task #1 - System implementation, Testing, and Maintenance
The AOAWS system was expended beyond the Taipei Aeronautical Me-
teorological Center (TAMC) in FY2001 and implemented at the Sun-
gshan Airport (SS) Weather Station and Flight information Servi-
ce (FIS), CKS Airport Weather Station and TWO FISs, kaohsiung A-
irport (KH) Weather Station and two FISs, and at the Taipei Area
Control Center (TACC). The development of AOAWS System products,
features and functions was substantially completed at teh and of
FY2001. The numerical weather forecast model (MM5) continues to
run on the CAA's Cooperative Parther, the Central Weather Bureau
's (CWB), high performance computer (Fujitsu VPP5000) and provi-
de output to other AOAWS system components.

Task #1 forcuses on the completion of the AOAWS System software
including the Mulitidimensional Display System (MDS), System Mo-
nitor Dispaly (SMD), Web Multidimensional Display System (WMDS),
Mode Display, data servers, and weather products.

A focus of FY2002 is to perform internal testing of the AOAWS S-
ystem in preparation of formal site acceptance (SAT) and reliba-
ility acceptance testing (RAT), which will be performed mid year
in FY2002. Immediately following the successful completion of t-
he RAT, a 12-month warrantey and maintenance period will begin.
A user metting will also be conducted to discuss and review the
AOAWS system capabilities.

The AOAWS Acceptance Test plan Proposal, which was drfted in FY2
001, will be completed early in the year and it will be used as
Uigdance during the testing pocess. An AOAWS test readiness rev-
iew meeting will be held just prior to the start of the SAT. The
test readiness review will be used to identify and outstanding
issues or concerns of TECRO's dseignated representative, the CAA
, and for reviewing test procedures and daily test schedule. St-
aff from the AOAWS devlopment team will be present during the S-
AT and RAT period.

AOAWS System user manuals will also be preared and finalized as
part of Task #1. Draft versions of the user monuals will be made
available to TECRO's designated representative, the CAA, for re-
view and feedback during the prepartion period. Te user manuals
will include:
MDS User Manual
WMDS User manual
SMD User Manual
Model Display User manual
MM5 System operation Manual
AOAWS System Operation Manual
Software installation Manual

The MM5 System adn AOAWs System operation manuals will include,
but are not lmited t, information about; system startup and shu-
tdown procdures, hardware and network configuration, process ar-
chitecture, data ingest, data export, archival, configuration f-
iles, and troubleshooting. The user manuals will be provided in
both English and Chinese and may be combined, where appropriate.

A series of training sessions will be provded to AOAWs system u-
sers and operators throughout the year so they can become famil-
iar with the latest version of the system. The training sessions
will be coordinated and scheduled with input from TECRO's desig-
nated representative, the CAA.

The system implementation, testing, and maintenance task includ-
es the folowing subtasks:
‧Supporting and maintaining the AOAWS software during the test-
ing process and during the maintenance and warranty period.
‧Completing the AOAWS Acceptance Test Plan proposa.
‧Performing internal testing of the AOAWs System prior to the
formal acceptance testing process.
‧Installing version-4.0 AOAWS software prior to the start of t-
he acceptance testing.
‧Performing and participating in the SAT and RAT.
‧Completing the AOAWS user Manuals (English andChinese).
‧Conducting AOAWs user training.
‧Providing AOAWS warranty and maintenance services.

‧AOAWs Acceptance Test Plan Proposal 15 March 2002
‧Complete AOAWS Sit Acceptance Test 26 April 2002
‧Complete AOAWS Reliability Acceptance Test 3 June 2002
‧AOAWs User manuals (Chinese & English) 14 June 2002
MDS User Manual
WMDS User Manual
SMD User Manual
MM5 System Operation Manual
AOAWS System operation Manual
Software Installation Manual

Resources Required:
Software engineering (0.5 FTE) US$ 55,461
Systems Administration (0.5 FTE) US$ 38,789
Systems Management (0.2 FTE) US$ 42,675

TAMC lab support (1 person-trip @1-week) US$ 7,800
Acceptance testing support (1 person-trip @2-weeks) US$ 9,775
Task Total US$154,425

2.2 Task #2- MM5 System Completion, Testing, and Maintenance
Part A:The development of the MM5 forecast system will be compl-
eted in FY2002. The final version of the MM5 system will be dev-
eloped and tested at uCAR, AIT's designated representative. Aft-
er internal testing, the system software will be ported to the
AOAWs computing environment at the CWB, CAA's cooperative parti-
ner, installed, configured, run, and finalized.

MM5 forecast system work during FY2202 will consist of:(i) comp-
leting the development of the 135/45/15/5-km MM5 configuration (
including 3DVAR) with a 3-hourly forecast frequency, (ii) upgra-
ding the new configuraton MM5 system on the Fujitsu supercomput-
er of CWB, CAA's cooperative partner, (iii) running, monitoring,
tuning, and finalizing the MM5 system at CWB, and (iv) maintain-
ing the system throughout the warranty period. in addition, the
MM5 system monitoring capability will be enhanced.

The development of the MM5 system will involve constructing and
testing a 5-km/3-hourly system at UCAR, AIt's designated repres-
entative. The scripts and codes necessary for data ingest, first
-guess ingest, preprocessing, processing, and post processing w-
ill be prepared, tested, and revised where necessary. The work
will also entail modifying the model display systme to accommod-
ate the new 5-km grid, its outupt, and the new 3-hourly forecast

1All manpower values are given as Full Time Equivalent (FTE). A
1.0 FTE is the same as 12 personmonths. Costs reflect full load-
ing (overhead@0.473,benefits@0.488and the UCAR fee@0.03)for the
12-month period.

The 5-km/3-hourly MM5 system components will be installed in the
environment of CWB, CAA's cooperative partner. This will involve
setup of the new system on the Fujitsu. MM5 system operation, t-
roubleshooting, and debugging will also be carried out. The mod-
el output data transfer (e.g., to TAMc) system will be revised
to accommodate the new forecast frequency and the new 5-km grid,
its products, and its output frequency. The archiving procedured
will also be modified to be consistent with the new MM5 configu-

Another part of the MM5 system work will encompass running, mo-
nitoring, and tuning of the system. The full AOAWs MM5 (i.e., i-
ncluding the 5-km grid, .+hourly cycling, and 3DVAR) will be mo-
nitored to identify any problems. The tuning will consist of pu-
tting in modifications to improve robustness or correct problems
. in the period prior to finalization, the AOAWS MM5 system will
integrate revised code versions as new releases are developed at
UCAR. Lastly, system completion will consist of the implementat-
ion of final softwar enhancements or bug fixes, followed by the
freezing of the AOAWS MM5 system codes, scripts, and model disp-

3DVAR development will also be completed in FY2002. This will i-
nclude finishing develpment of the backgound and observationerr-
or coveriances and othe observation operators. 3DVAR evaluation
and tuning will also be completed. This will involve examining
the operation of the 3DVAR system and implementing modifications
for integration with the 3-jhourly cycling configuration. Gener-
al MM5 3DVAR system capabilities are constantly being developed
at UCAR. Where time and resources permit, these general 3DVAR e-
nhancements will be implemented within the AOAWS 3DVAR system.

For FY2002, MM5 output will be sent to the TAMC via the AOAWS n-
etwork for distribution and use by the AOAWS data servers and d-
isplay systems. The data transfer system will be modified to ha-
ndle the 5-km grid and the 3-hourly forecast frequency. Research
related to 4DVAR will continue at UCAR to the extent supported
by other projects.

Part B:The task of parallelization MM5 system software to the d-
istributed-memory parallel (DMP) Fujitsu architecture will cont-
inue this year. This work consists of the parallelization of ex-
ecutables, parallelization of MM5 system codes, testing and ana-
lysis of the parallelized codes, and modification of codes. The
process will also involve analysis of MM5 performance to target
those parts of the code where the potential gains from parallel-
ization are the greatest, and such areas will take priority in
the parallelization and optimization work. The parallelization
work will also address the AOAWS 3DVAR system.

The MM5 system completion, testing, and maintenance sub-tasks
include the following.
‧Completing MM5 135/45/15/5-km configuration with 3-hourly for-
ecasting and 3DVAR at UCAR AIT's designated representative.
‧Installing and testing MM5 135/45/15/5-km configuration with 3
-hourly forecasting and 3DVAR at CWB, CAA's cooperative partn-
‧Tuning and finalizing the MM5 135/45/15/5-km configuration wi-
th 3-hourly forecasting and 3DVAR.
‧Completing development of 3DVAR backgound and observation err-
or coveriances.
‧refining and optimizing MM5 system code based on the iterative
results of the parallelization process.
‧Continuing 4DVAR research at UCAR.
‧maintaining the delivered MM5 system.

Accepted MM5 135/45/15/5-km configuration with 3DVAR
(3-hour cycle) on the Fujitsu VPP5000 at CWB 17 June 2002

Resources requires:
Modeling Scientists (0.75 FTE) US $ 101,800
3DVAR Scientists (1.0 FTE) US $ 104,600
Parallelization Engineer (Part B) (0.5 FTE) US $ 75,000

NCAR Computing Service Costs US $ 9,700

3-person trips @ 1-week each US $ 23,400

Task Total Part A US $ 239,500
Task Total part B (Parallelization) US $ 75,000
Task Grand total US $ 314,000

2.4 Task #3 - AOAWS Project Mangement
TheAOAWs Project will be led again this year by UCAR, AIT's des-
ignated representative, with software, system engineering, and
programmatic support form UCAR's Cooperative partner, the insti-
tute for Information Industry (III). AIT's designated represent-
ative, UCAR, will continue to wrok closely with TECRO's designa-
ted representative, CAA, to address project-related questions a-
nd issues ad necessary and app[ropriate. AIt's designated repre-
senataive, UCAR, will participate in project review meetings to
track progr4ess. The project management task will include proje-
ct review mettings to track progree. The project management task
will include developing, coordinating and managing the work per-
formed by UCAR, AIT's designated representative, and UCAR's Coo-
perative Partner III, responding to routine requests made by TE-
CRO's designated representative, CAA, and inter facing with pro-
ject participants including the CAA and the CAA's Cooperative P-
artner, CWB. In addition, this task includes preparing progress
reports, participating in AOAWs project-related meetings, prepa-
ring and submitting deliveralbe documents, preparing and submit-
ting project correspondence, administering the AOAWS contracts
and subcontracts, and correponding with project-related partici-

The AOAWS project managment tasks for thisfiscla year include t-
he following subtasks:
‧Developing, coordinating, and managing the work performed by
UCAR, AIT's designated representative, and III.
‧Responding to information requests made by the Caa, TECRO's d-
esignated representative.
‧Intgerfacing with project participants including the CAA, TER-
RO's designated representative, CWB, CAA's cooperative partner
, and airline.
‧Prepaaring progress reports and warranty activity reports.
‧Participating in AOAWS project-related meetings.
‧Preparing and submitting deliverable documents.
‧Preparing and submitting deliverable documents.
‧Preparing and submitting project-related correspondence.
‧Upating the AOAWS System Exstension Plan, when necessary.
‧Administering the AOAWS contract.

Progress Report - First Report 19 April 2002
Progress Report - Second Report 19 July 2002

Warranty Activity Report - First Report 11 October 2002
Warranty Activity Report - Second Report 6 December 2002

Resources Required:
UCAR Administrative Assistance (0.25 FTE) US $ 22,050
UCAR Project management (0.2 FTE) US $ 44,100
III Project Management (0.5 FTE) US $ 52,500

project Planning Meetings at CAA
2 trips for 1 person at 1-week each US $ 15,600
Purchase Services US $ 11,825
Task Total US $146,075

3.0 Monthly Schedule
See attached FY2001 Task Schedule (Gantt Chart)

4.0 Budget Summary
System implementation, Testing, & maintenance US $154,425
MM5 System Evaluation, Testing, & Maintenance
(Part A) US $239,500
AOAWS Project Management US $146,075
LA#5 Subtotal (Master plan) US $540,000

Additional Costs:
MM5 Parallelization (Augmentation Plan) US $ 75,000
MDS System Hardware for CKS Terminal 2 US $ 15,000
LA #5 Grand Total US $630,000
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)