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1.Signed on January 31, 2000; Entered into force on January 31, 2000.
Article I-Scope
This Implementing Arrangement describes the scientific and tech-
nical activities to be under-taken by the American Institute in
Taiwan (AIT) through its designated representative, the Forecast
Systems Laboratory (FSL) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA). It provides for continuing deveTopment of
the Forecast System being developed by the Joint Forecast Syste-
ms Project. This project is a cooperative effort between the Ce-
ntral Weather Bureau (CWB), the designated representative of the
Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United
States (TECRO), formerly known as the Coordination Council for
North American Affairs (CCNAA), and AIT's designated representa-
tive, NOAA/FSL.

Articlte II - Authorization
The activities described in this Implementing Arrangement will
be carried out under the general terms and conditions establish-
ed by the Agreement between CCNAA and AIT for Technical Coopera-
tion in Meteorology and Forecast Systems Development in 1990, or
any subsequent revision as agreed to by both parties. The Agree-
ment is authorized under 22 U.S.C. 3301 et seq., 15 U.S.C. 313,
49 U.S.C. 44720, and 15 U.S.C. 1525 para. 2. This Lmplementlng
Arrangement is hereby attached to that Agreement and becomes pa-
rt of the Agreement.

Article III - Serrvices
During the period of Implementing Arrangement #12 (I. A. #12),
the FSL-CWB joint team will focus on two ongoing tasks and one
new task. The two ongoing tasks are Scalable Modeling System (
SMS) development, and development of an Internet-based forecast
workstation. The one new task is Local Analysis and Prediction
System (LAPS), which performs high-resolution analyses and prov-
ides short-range forecasts of the weather using both locally and
centrally available meteorological observations. FSL will provi-
de scientific advice to the Director of CWB on plans for implem-
enting new weather forecasting technologies on Taiwan. There wi-
ll be a planning support task to provide input from FSL to CWB's
future modernization activities for the years of 2001 to 2005,
and a continuing interaction on earlier cooperative tasks, such
as the Data Assimilation. These cooperative tasks:
Task #1 - Operational Use of Scalable Modeling System
FSL will continue collaboration with CWB on parallelizing CWB's
typhoon model using Scalable Modeling System (SMS). FSL will al-
so provide user support of SMS including SMS training to CWB co-
mputer staff.
Task #2 - Development of Internet-based Forecast Workstation
FSL and CWB scientists continue to develop an inexpensive and s-
imple Internet-based PC forecast workstation for use in variety
of forecast, training, education, and research applications. Du-
ring I.A. #12, FSL plans to continue the collaboration with CWB
for a potential operational use of the Lnternet-based workstati-
on by CWB staff at remote stations.
Task #3 - Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS)
LAPS has been deployed as an integral part of AWIPS (Advanced W-
eather Interactive Processing System), and its analysis package
is being delivered to many National Weather Senvice (NWS) Forec-
ast Offices.
FSL will establish the basic LAPS system at CWB using CWB's fine
regional model and data sources. FSL will also provide LAPS tra-
ining and technical support during running LAPS at CWB,
Task #4 - CWB Future Planning Support
Planning is underway within CWB to modernize meteorological ser-
vices within the organization. Input from FSL is required, both
in areas where continuing FSL support is anticipated and where
FSL has scientific or technical expertise. FSL will provide inp-
uts for future cooperation in the years from 2001 to 2005.
Task #5 - Continuing Interaction on Earlier Cooperative Projects
Several earlier cooperative tasks have been completed. Technolo-
gy has been transferred successfully and is beginning to be used
operationally at CWB. FSL's development in these areas continues
, and further CWB/FSL interaction is important to keep CWB staff
up-to-date on current developments. This task will allow contin-
uing interaction at an appropriate level, including new software
releases of the forecast information system, data assimilation,
forecaster training, exchange of visits, copying papers and rep-
orts, and e-mail interaction.

Article IV - Financial Provisiolas
In accordance with the Agreement, NOAA/FSL is undertaking this
work as the designated representative of AIT. TECRO is required
to reimburse AlT for all costs incurred by AIT's designated rep-
resentative, NOAA/FSL, in association with the project covered
by this Implementing Arrangement. AIT will transfer to NOAA/FSL
all payments made by TECRO to ATT for costs incurred by NOAA/FSL
in association with this Implementing Arrangement.
The total cost for activities described in this Implementing Ar-
rangement is mutually agreed to be US $ 580,000. TECRO agrees to
transfer fifty percent of the funds to AIT in advance, with the
remaining fifty percent to be transferred upon completion of the
year's activities.
The funding arrangement represents an equitable apportionment of
project costs. NOAA's performance of activities under this agre-
ement is subject to the availability of funds.

Article V - Intellectual Property Considerations
No intellectual property considerations are expected to arise in
conjunction with activities described in this Implementing Arra-
ngement. Existing system designs and computer software of the F-
SL Forecast System are in the public domain. Reports, specifica-
tions, and computer software prepared under this Implementing A-
rrangement will also be in the public domain once CWB and MOAA
have approved them in a final form.

Article VI - Effective Date, Amendment, And Termination
This Implementing Arrangement is effective on the date of the l-
ast signature hereafter. This Implementing Arrangement may be a-
mended and/or terminated in accordance with the terms of the Ag-
reement. The estimated completion date for the activities descr-
ibed in this Implementing Arrangement is October 31, 2000.


Benjamin J. Y. Lo Barbara Schrage
Deputy Representative Deputy Managing Director

Date Date
January ,31 2000 1/21/00

Statement of Work For Implementing Arrangement #12 Continuing D-
evelopment of the Scalable Modeling System,Internet-based Works-
tation, and Development of Local Analysis and Prediction System
between The Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office
in the United States and The American Institute in Taiwan

1.0 - Background and Objectives
The agreement between the Coordination Council for North Americ-
an Affairs (CCNAA) and the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) p-
rovides for technical cooperation between CCNAA's designated re-
presentative, the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau (CWB), and AIT's
designated representative, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmosp-
heric Administration's Forecast Systems Laboratory (NOAA/FSL).
The two designated representatives cooperate on the development
of meteorology and forecast systems. CCNAA has been renamed the
Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United
States (TECRO).
The WFO-Advanced system currently under development at the NOAA'
s Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL) in Boulder Colorado has been
deployed as an essential part of AWIPS (Advanced Weather Intera-
ctive Processing System) for the U.S. National Weather Service (
NWS). The WFO-Advanced system development has been a very impor-
tant cooperative activity between FSL and CWB. The AWIPS system
commissioning is scheduled in 2000.
The WFO-Advanced system is a realization of the generic FX-Adva-
nced (FSL X-window Advanced) system. Figure 1 illustrates the W-
FO-Advanced components:
.National and local data feeds
.FSL's Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS)
.The interactive display system (D2D)
.The AWIPS Forecast Preparation System (AFPS)
.3-D visualization
.Hydrological applications developed at the NWS Office of Hydr-
.A component that contains General X applications
.Local Data Acquisition and Dissemination System (LDAD)
This Statement of Work addresses tasks that will be undertaken
by the joint team of FSL and CWB personnel in accordance with t-
he terms of I.A. #12. Five tasks are included in the Statement
of Work. Two are related to ongoing projects: Scalable Modeling
System (SMS), and a Web-based Forecast Workstation development.
There is a new task, Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS)
, which performs high-resolution analyses and provides short-ra-
nge forecasts of the weather using both locally and centrally a-
vailable meteorological observations. There will be a planning
support task to provide input from FSL to CWB's future moderniz-
ation activities for the years of 2001 to 2005, and a continuing
interaction on earlier cooperative tasks, such as the Data Assi-
│ │
│ ┌──────────────┐ │
│┌────┐ │┌──────┐ │ │
││Central │ ││Interactive │ │ │
││ Models │ ││Display (D2D│ │ │
││and Data│ ││) │ │ │
│└────┘ │└──────┘ │ │
│ ┌──┐│┌──────┐┌────┐│ │
│ │LAPS│││3-D ││AFPS ││ ┌────┐│
│ └──┘││Visualiz ││ ││ │Dissemin││
│┌────┐ ││ation ││ ││→│ation (L││
││ │ ││ ││ ││ │DAD) ││
││Local │ │└──────┘└────┘│ └────┘│
││Models │ │┌──────┐┌────┐│ │
││and Data│ ││Hydrological││GEMPAK ││ │
│└────┘ ││Applications││ and X ││ │
│ │└──────┘│Applic ││ │
│ │ │ations ││ │
│ │ └────┘│ │
│ └──────────────┘ │
│ FX-Advanced System │
Figure 1 WFO-Advanced

Tasks will be undertaken both by the FSL-CWB Joint Team working
at the FSL facility in Boulder, Colorado and by CWB staff at the
CWB facility in Taipei, Taiwan, as appropriate. This Statement
of work addresses only tasks that will be undertaken by the FSL-
CWB Joint Team under the terms of I.A. #12. It describes the pe-
rformance period, deliverables, and resource requirements.

2.0 - Task Descriptions
In terms of the overall program schedule, the following seven t-
asks have been identified as being critical during the November
1,1999 to October 31, 2000 time period. These are listed below,
along with the proportion of resources that is to be allocated
to each task.
.Task #1-Operational use of Scalable Modeling System (SMS) (25%
.Task #2-Development of Internet-based forecast workstation (25
.Task #3-Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS) (20%)
.Task #4-CWB future planning support (15%)
.Task #5-Continuing interaction on earlier cooperative project
These five tasks are described in more detail below.
Task #1 - Operational use of Scalable Modeling System (SMS)
There are many HPC (High-Performance Computer) activities during
the IA#11; CWB has awarded the HPC contract. CWB's new computer
will be installed during 1999. FSL has issued benchmark and RFP
(Request For Proposal) to potential venders. The final selection
is expected before the end of FY99. FSL will also install its n-
ew machine, which becomes operational before the end of 1999. A-
fter the initial computer delivery, more upgrades are expected.
The collaboration with CWB during IA #11 included GFS upgrade w-
ith Paralleling PreProcessor (PPP) and SMS runtime system upgra-
des. FSL also provided SMS training to CWB staff.
FSL's FY2000 plan includes integration of a new machine into the
facility, continued support FSL's model parallelization work, c-
ontinued participation in a new WRF (Weather Research and Forec-
asting) model development, continued collaboration with NCEP and
optimization of SMS runtime system. During I.A. #12, FSL will c-
ontinue collaboration with CWB on parallelizing their typhoon m-
odel, user support of SMS including SMS training for CWB comput-
er staff.
The following summarizes the schedule and resources required for
Task #1:
Performance Period:
1.Parallelize CWB typhoon model 11/1/99 - 9/30/00
2.SMS user support 7/1/00 - 9/30/00
Resources Required: 25% FSL/CWB Joint Team
Deliverables :
1.CWB typhoon model 8/30/00
2.SMS training course material 9/30/00
Task #2 -Development of Internet-based Forecast Workstation
FX-Net is an Internet-based meteorological forecast PC workstat-
ion that is currently under development at the FSL to provide a-
ccess to sophisticated meteorological products that can be sent
over the Internet to a client workstation. The client applicati-
on provides an AWIPS-like user interface with the processing to-
ols needed to interact with products such as Satellite, radar,
and model imagery.
The system architecture includes a server that is accessed by c-
lients through standard TCP/IP connections. The server consists
of an AWTPS workstation along with an AWIPS data server. The wo-
rkstation has been modified to produce network-ready products.
The client consists of a Java application that makes requests to
the server. Processing on the client is relatively lightweight.
The client is responsible for the animation, overlay toggle, and
zoom processing. The server performs major tasks such as the ti-
me matching of products and user-defined grid computations.
FX-Net made a demonstration of its basic capabilities using real
-time data during the annual American Meteorological Society me-
eting at Dallas, Texas in January 1999. Available products from
FX-Net include satellite images, model output, radar imagery as
well as surface observations, Reasonable Internet loading times
for large products such as satellite imagery are achieved. Sate-
llite and radar images are compressed on the server and decompr-
essed on the client using wavelet transformation.
During I.A. #12, FSL plans to continue the collaboration with C-
WB for a potential operational use of FX-Net by CWB staff at re-
mote stations, and to support the joint activities between Plym-
outh State College (PSC) and FSL. PSC has selected FX-Net and G-
lobal Positioning Satellite Water Vapor Instrument for evaluati-
ons of NOAA technology as part of "The New England Climate Init-
iative". FSL will be responsible for installation of up to 15 F-
X-Net workstations, and the operation the GPS water vapor instn-
The following summarizes the schedule and resources required for
Task #2:
Performance Period:
1.Implementation of product maker 11/1/99 - 9/30/00
2.Operational test and evaluation of FX-Net 6/1/00 - 9/30/00
Resources Required: 20% FSL/CWB Joint Team
1.FX-Net software 8/30/00
2.FX-Net technical documentation 8/30/00
Task #3 - Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS)
The Local Analysis and Prediction System performs high-resoluti-
on analyses and forecasts of the weather using both locally and
centrally available observations.LAPS is a resizable, relocatab-
le system that utilizes a wide range of meteorological data, and
near universal UNIX portability.
LAPS has been deployed as an integral part of AWZPS, and its an-
alysis package is being delivered and implemented at NWS Foreca-
st Offices in Seattle, Atlanta (used during 1996 Olympics), Fai-
rbanks, Monterey, Reno and other WFO's.LAPS is run in real-time
at FSL and the outputs is displayed via 3D and 2D plots often s-
hown at the daily weather briefing.
During I.A. #12, FSL will focus on establishing the basics LAPS
system (LAPS I) at CWB, which includes LAPS software port and
test data, background grid data ingest, link to CMrB surface da-
ta, and test runs surface and background. LAPS will be deployed
as part of WINS application system using CWB's fine regional mo-
del and data sources. FSL will also provide necessary LAPS trai-
ning, documentation, and technical support during nunning LAPS
at CWB.
The following summarizes the schedule and resources required for
Task #3:
Performance Period:
1.Establish basic LAPS I system 11/1/99-8/30/00
2.Provide necessary training, and documentation 7/1/00-8/30/00
Resources Required: 20% TSL/CWB Joint Team
1.LAPS I software 8/30/00
2.LAPS training material 8/30/00
Task #4 - CWB Future Planning Support
Planning is underway within CWB to plan the modernization of me-
teorological services within the organization. Input from FSL is
required, both in areas continuing FSL support is anticipated a-
nd in areas where FSL has acknowledged scientific or technical
During I.A. #11, FSL has provided inputs for future cooperation
during the years of 2001 to 2005. Five areas of interest for fu-
ture improvements have been discussed: information systems, data
assimilation and modeling, computing systems, observing systems,
and hydrological applications. Activities during the I.A. #12 p-
eriod will provide additional information required in the final
planning and review process.
The following summarizes the schedule and resources required for
Task #4:
Performance Period:
1.Support in 2001-2005 planning 11/1/99 - 9/30/00
2.Support in planning reviews 11/1/99 - 8/30/00
Resources Required: 15% FSL/CWB Joint Team
1.Reports from planning meetings 8/30/00
Task #5- Continuing interaction on earlier cooperative projects
During the I.A. #11 period, several earlier cooperative projects
were completed, and technology has been transferred successfully
and is being used operationally at CWB. The examples of these e-
arlier cooperative projects are the WFO-Advanced workstation and
data assimilation. This task will allow continuing interaction
in these mentioned areas at an "appropriate" level, forecaster
training, exchange of short-term visitors, copying papers and r-
eports, and e-mail interaction.
The following summarizes the schedule and resources required for
Task #5:
Performance Period:
1.Continuing interaction on earlier
cooperative projects 11/1/99 - 10/30/00
Resources Required: 15% FSL/CWB
Joint Team
1.Relevant documents, reports and
electronic information (as needed)
2.Data assimilation software 8/30/99

3.0 - Schedule
Functions Milestones
1.Provide parallelized CWB typhoon model 8/00
2.Provide SMS training material 9/00
3.Provide FX-Net software 8/00
4.Provide FX-Net document 8/00
5.Provide LAPS I basic software 8/00
6.Provide LAPS training material 8/00
7.Provide reports from planning meetings 8/00
8.Provide relevant document and update
release of data assimilation software 8/00

Schedule by Month
TASKS 11/1 12/1 1/1 2/1 3/1 4/1 5/1 6/1 7/1 8/1 9/1 10/30
Task 1(SMS)
1.Parallelize CWB
model ────────────────────────→
2.SMS user support ───────→
Task 2 (FX-Net)
mdker ────────────────────────→
2.Operational test and
evaluation ─────────→
Task 3 (LAPS)
LAPS I ─────────────────────→
2.Provide training and document ────→
Task 4 (future plan)
1.Support planning
and reviews ─────────────────────→
Task 5 (interaction
on earlier
projects) ────────────────────────→

4.0 Budget
The following are the estimated costs for I.A. #12
│ Tasks │ Personnel │ Travel/Training│ Total │
│Task #1 │ S130,000 │ $20,000 │ $150,000 │
│Task #2 │ $140,000 │ $10,000 │ $150,000 │
│Task #3 │ $120,000 │ $10,000 │ $130,000 │
│Task #4 │ $55,000 │ $10,000 │ $65,000 │
│Task #5 │ $75,000 │ $10,000 │ $85,000 │
│ Total │ $520,000 │ $60,000 │ $580,000 │
As stated in I.A. #12, funds available by CWB support the tasks,
traveling and meeting expenses described in this Statement of W-
ork will be US $580,000. All budget figures are estimates. Actu-
al amounts will be accrued for purposes of fulfilling the finan-
cial arrangements described in the Implementing Arrangement, in
accordance with the terms of the Agreement.
All programs within the Forecast Systems Laboratory use the same
budget procedures, FY91, a facility charge has been applied to
all programs to cover management and whether they are base-fund-
ed programs or externally-funded programs. Beginning in adminis-
trative costs as well as the use of the FSL facility and all as-
sociated equipment and data.
FSL staff time is charged at the employee's salary plus the nor-
mal NOAA benefit, leave, and overhead charges. FSL professional
staff are primarily in the civil service grade scales of GS-11
to GS-14. Contract staff are in equivalent categories.

5.0 CWB Joint Team Assignments at FSL
Several tasks require CWB staff in residence at FSL. The primary
effort of CWB staff at FSL during the I.A.#12 period will be di-
rected toward developing the Internet-based workstatiorl, and e-
stablishing LAPS system. FSL understands that one or two CWB st-
aff members might be available to work at FSL during the I.A. #1
2 period. Specific assignment will be made to most efficiently
use the available personnel resources.
Assignments for the CWB staff member would be as follows:
.Development of the Internet-based workstation
.Development of the IAPS software
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