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1.Signed on May 3, 1999; Entered into force on May 3, 1999.
This Implementing Arrangement describes the scientific and tech-
nical activities to be undertaken by the American Institute in
Taiwan (AIT) and its designated representative, the Forecast Sy-
stems Laboratory (FSL) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA). It provides for continuing development of
the Forecast System being developed by the Joint Forecast Syste-
ms Project. This project is a cooperative effort between the Ce-
ntral Weather Bureau (CWB), the designated representative of the
Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United
States (TECRO), formerly known as the Coordination Council for
North American Affairs, or CCNAA, and NOAA/FSL.

The activities described in this Implementing Arrangement will
be carried out under the general terms and conditions establish-
ed by the Agreement between CCNAA and AIT for Technical Coopera-
tion in Meteorology and Forecast Systems Development in 1990. T-
his agreement is authorized under 22 U.S.C. 3301 et seq., 15 U.S
.C. 313, 49 U.S.C. 44720, and 15 U.S.C. 1525 para. 2. This Impl-
ementing Arrangement is hereby attached to that Agreement and b-
ecomes part of the Agreement,

During the period of Implementing Arrangement #11 (I.A. #11), t-
he FSL-CWB joint team will focus on three ongoing tasks and two
new tasks. The three ongoing tasks are data assimilation, works-
tation. The two new tasks are Local Data Acquisition and Dissem-
ination (LDAD) and the Scalable Modeling System (SMS) developme-
nt, and development of a Web-based forecast AWIPS Forecast Prep-
aration System (AFPS). AWLPS (Advanced Weather Interactive Proc-
essing System) is the National Weather Service program to insta-
ll modernized forecast information systems at over 150 sites th-
roughout the United States. LDAD is an external interface to AW-
IPS that provides critical weather information to the public. A-
FPS software developed at FSL enables forecasters to graphically
edit gridded weather informat ion. FSL will provide scientific
advice to the Director of CWB on plans for implementing new wea-
ther forecasting technologies on Taiwan. There will also be con-
tinuing interaction on earlier cooperartive tasks, such as the
WFO-Advanced forecast workstation training. These cooperative a-
crivities. described in more detail in the Statement of Worka,
will include the following six tasks.

Task #1 - Local Data Acquisition and Dissemination (LDAD)
LDAD acquires local data, performs quality control on the obser-
vation data, and disseminates critical severe weather informati-
on such as imminent heavy rain, floods, tornadoes or hurricanes
to emergency managers and public users using the latest visuali-
zation and integration techniques FSL will provide quality cont-
rol techniques for conventional observation data and will devel-
op rnformation presentation techniquers for CWB LDAD products.

Task #2 - Date Assimilation
CWB and FSL scientists continue to develop a version of a 3DVAR
(three-dimensional variational) analysis in the CWB mesoscale m-
odel that assimilates the current sources of observations begin-
ning in I.A. #10. During I.A. #11. the 3DAVR analysis will use
precipitable water vapor estimates form satellites to develop u-
nivariate 3DVAR analysis of moisture data.

TASK #3 -Operation Use of Scalable Modeling System
FSL will upgrade the benchmark version of CWB's second-generati-
on Global Forecast System (GFS) will Paralleling PrcProcessing (
PPP) to an operational version FSL will also provide Scalable M-
odeling System trainig porential users.

Task #4 -Development of Web-based Forecast Workstation
FSL and CWB scientists continue to develop an mexpensive and si-
mple World Wide Web-based forecast workstation for use in varie-
ty of forecast training education and research applications. The
initial prototype system with basic capabilities was completed
during I.A. #10. During I.A. #11. this system will be enhanced
to include sophisticated Graphical User Interface options and r-
eal-time data ingest capability. The enhanced version will be u-
sed in the normal operation environment for training purposes.

Task #5 -Use of the AWIPS Forecast Preparation Svstem (AFPS)
The U.S. National Weather Service is consolidating two separate
developments in interactive forecast preparation technique into
a single Intreractive Forecast Preparration System (IFPS) conce-
pt of IFPS is key to complete modernized forecast operations at
NWS field offices with AWIPS. AFPS is the graphical forecast ed-
itor component of the IFPS FSL will suppurt CWB's evaluation of
AFPS editing tools and will provide training for AFPS users at

Task #6 -Continuing Interaction on earlier Cooperative Projects
Several earlier cooperative tasks have been completed Technology
has been transferred successfully and is beginning to be used o-
perationally at CWB. FSL development in these areas continues,
and further CWB/FSL interaction is important to keep CWB staff
up-to-date on current developments. This task will allow contin-
uing interaction at an appropriate level, including new software
releases of the forecast information system, forecaster training
, exchange of visits, copying papers and reports, and e-mail in-
ter action.

In accordance with the Agreement, NOAA/FSL is undertaking this
work on behalf of AIT for TECRO. TECRO is required to reimburse
AIT and NOAA/FSL for all costs incrred in association with the
project covered by this Agreement, AIT will transfer to NOAA/FSL
all payments made by TECRO to AIT for costs incurred by NOAA/FSL
, in association with this Implementing Anrangement.
The total cost for activities described in this Implementing Ar-
rangement is mutually agreed to be US $ 520,000. TECRO agrees to
transfer fifty percent of the funds to AIT in advance, with the
remaining fifty percent to be transferred upon completion of the
year's activities.
The funding arrangement represents an equitable apportionment of
project costs. NOAA's performance of activities under this agre-
ement are subject to the availability of funds.

No intellectual property considerations are expected to arise in
conjunction with activities described in this Implementing Arra-
ngement. Existing system designs and computer software of the F-
SL Forecast System are in the public domain. Reports, specifica-
tions, and computer software prepared under this Implementing A-
rrangement will also be in the public domain once they have been
approved in a final form by TECRO, CWB, AIT, and NOAA.

This Implementing Arrangement is effective on the date of the l-
ast signature hereafter. This Implementing Arrangement may be a-
mended and/or terminated in accordance with the terms of the Ag-
reement. The estimated completion date for the activities descr-
ibed in this Implementing Arrangement is June 30, 1999.


Benjamin J. Y. Lo Barbara J. Schrage
Deputy Representative Deputy Managing Director

Statement of Work For Implementing Arrangement #11 Continuine D-
evelopment of the Data Assimilation, Scalable Modeling System,
Web-based Workstation and Development of Dissemination System,
and Forecast Preparation System between The Taipei Economic and
Cultural Representative Office in the United States and The Ame-
rican Institute in Taiwan

1.O Background and Objectives
The agreement between the Coordination Council for North Americ-
an Affairs (CCNAA) and the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) p-
rovides for technical cooperation between the Taiwan Central We-
ather Bureau (CWB) and the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration's Forecast Systems Laboratory (NOAA/FSL). The two
agencies cooperate on the development of meteorology and foreca-
st systems. CCNAA has been renamed the Taipei Economic and Cult-
ural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO).
The WFO-Advanced system currently under development at the NOAA'
s Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL) in Boulder Colorado has been
deployed as an essential part of AWIPS (Advanced Weather Intera-
ctive Processing System) for the U.S. National Weather Service (
NWS). The WFO-Advanced system uses AWIPS dedicated hardware and
communication links. Denver NWS Forecast Office has completed t-
he first full year of WFO-Advanced operation for which FSL prov-
ided excellent support during 1997. The AWIPS system is being d-
eployed in the NWS field offices and national centers through J-
une 1999.
FSL already started its WFO-Advanced release 4.0, and this will
become the baseline function of AWIPS Build 4. AWTPS Build 4 is
the first operational system of its type that NWS will certify.
Build 4.1 will have an initial Local Data Acquisition and Disse-
mination for exchange of critical weather information between W-
FOs and the public/private System (LDAD) capability. LDAD, as an
external interface to AWIPS, provides the gateway community.
The WFO-Advanced system is a realization of the generic FX-Adva-
nced (FSL X-window products. Figure 1 illustrates the six compo-
nents of the FX-Advanced system: interactive Advanced) system,
which assimilates data and model information and disseminates f-
orecast display, the AWIPS Forecast Preparation System (AFPS), 3
-D visualization, 3-D editing, hydrometeorological applications,
and a component that contains both GEMPAK (General Meteorologic-
al Package) and X applications. Currently, FSL is integrating A-
FPS into the WFO-Advanced system.
CWB-Advanced is a second realization of the generic FX-Advanced
System, which has been customized by the CWB. CWB-Advanced has
different geographic scales, different data ingest systems, dif-
ferent background maps, and some different products. The first
version of the CWB-Advanced system has been released and tested
at the CWB Weather Forecast Center in 1997. When it is ready, C-
WB-Advanced will replace the current PC-based system. The PC-ba-
sed system was installed during the spring of 1992.
FSL will release WFO-Advanced Build 4 to CWB before the end of I
.A. #10. CWB will use this version as a baseline from which to
customize CWB's operational forecast workstation system. This is
the most significant milestone for the cooperation between FSL
and CWB.
Achieving this milestone demonstrates that the development phase
of the joint forecast system is complete. CWB is ready to repla-
ce the legacy PC-based system by the CWB-Advanced system.

│ │
│ ┌──────────────┐ │
│┌────┐ │┌──────┐┌────┐│ │
││National│ ││Interactive ││ AFPS ││ │
││ Models │→││Display (D2D││ ││ │
││and Data│ ││) ││ ││ │
│└────┘ │└──────┘└────┘│ │
│ │┌──────┐┌────┐│ │
│ ││3-D ││3-D ││ ┌────┐│
│ ││Visualiz ││Editing ││ │Dissemin││
│┌────┐ ││ation (D3D) ││(E3D) ││→│ation (L││
││ │ ││ ││ ││ │DAD) ││
││Local │ │└──────┘└────┘│ └────┘│
││Models │→│┌──────┐┌────┐│ │
││and Data│ ││Hydrological││GEMPAK ││ │
│└────┘ ││Applications││ and X ││ │
│ │└──────┘│Applic ││ │
│ │ │ations ││ │
│ │ └────┘│ │
│ └──────────────┘ │
│ FX-Advanced System │
Figure 1. WFO-Advanced System

CWB forecasters can use it operationally and improve the weather
service to public.
This Statement of Work addresses tasks that will be undertaken
by the joint team of FSL and CWB personnel in accordance with t-
he terms of I.A. #11. Six tasks are included in the Statement of
Work. Three are related to ongoing projects: data assimilation,
Scalable Modeling
System (SMS) development and applications, and development of a
Web-based Forecast Workstation based on Java technology. There
are two new tasks: LDAD and AFPS. There will also be continuing
interaction on earlier cooperative tasks, such as the WFO-Advan-
ced forecast workstation training.
Tasks will be undertaken both by the FSL-CWB Joint Team working
at the FSL facility in Boulder, Colorado and by CWB staff at the
CWB facility in Taipei, Taiwan, as appropriate. This Statement
of Work addresses only tasks that will be undertaken by the FSL-
CWB Joint Team under the terms of I.A. #11. It describes the pe-
rformance schedule, deiiverables, and resource requiremerlts.

2,0 Task Descriptions
In terms of the overall program schedule, the following six tas-
ks have been identified as being critical during the July 1, 199
8 to June 30, 1999 time period. These are listed below, along w-
ith the proportion of resources that is to be allocated to each
.Task #1 - Local Data Acquisition and Dissemination System (LD-
AD) (18%)
.Task #2 - Data Assimilation (18%)
.Task #3 - Operational use of Scalable Modeling System (SMS) (2
.Task #4 - Development of Web-based Workstation (20%)
.Task #5 - AWIPS Forecast Preparation System (AFPS) (15%)
.Task #6 - Continuing interaction on earlier cooperative proje-
cts (9%)
These six tasks are described in more detail below.

Task #1 -Local Data Acquisition and Dissemination System (LDAD)
The LDAD system, a part of the WFO-Advanced system, provides the
external interfiice for exchanging critical weather information
between the WFOs and the public and private community. LDAD aut-
omatically acquires local data, performs quality controls, chec-
ks on the critical weather information to emergency managers us-
ing the latest isualization and databases before they are integ-
rated into AWIPS Build 4 software, and disseminates the integra-
tion techniques.
For many years, the NWS has disseminated weather forecasts, spe-
cial weather statements,watches, and warnings via text messages.
While text may be appropriate for distributing some types of in-
formation, a text message cannot communicate the detail or conv-
ey critical mesoscale information contained within high-resolut-
ion weather data.
The LDAD system will operationally acquire and integrate weather
data available from meteorological systems in the local area and
disseminate critical high-resolution weather information to loc-
al users, particularly the local emergency management agencies.
The primary function of the dissemination is to display weather
information in a highly graphical, multi-windowed, multi-model
display that includes images, graphics, text and sound, so that
a typical emergency manager can easily interpret the impact of
weather events and make informed decisions for action. The emer-
gency managers will use the graphical user interface (GUI) to a-
ccess the weather information quickly and easiry. The presentat-
ion of information will be clear and unambiguous so as to suppo-
rt quick and informed decision-making before and during times of
CWB has developed its own dissemination system to support outsi-
de organizations. The LDAD system will enhance the dissemination
of CWB data to govenument agencies and the public, and it will
complement other CWB dissemination systems such as weather radio
. CWB is also involved in the Natural Hazards Mitigation activi-
ties of the Taiwan National Science Council. The LDAD system can
provide area and local level agencies with an emergency managem-
ent support system that can effectively disseminate critical we-
at er information to decision-makers.
The following summarizes the schedule and resources required for
Task #1:
Performance Period:
1.Quality control of mesonet data 7/1/98-12/30/98
2.Presentation of information for CWB products 1/1/99-6/30/99
3.Training for LDAD users (time flexible)
Resources Required: 18% FSL-CWB Joint Team
1.Software release of LDAD 2/1/99
2.LDAD documentation 3/1/99
3.Training materials 5/99

Task #2 - Data Assimiation
During the last year, FSL and CWB developed a new three-dimensi-
onal variational (3DVAR) analysis software for conventional obs-
ervations as part of a new version of the RUG-2 (Rapid Update C-
ycle) model. RUG-2 will soon become operational at NCEP (Nation-
al Centers for Environmental Prediction) to replace the 60-km R-
UC first implemented at NCEP in 1994. The new 3DVAR scheme uses
radiosonde, aircraft, satellite temperature, synoptic surface o-
bservations (SYNOP), buoy, and ship data.
The goal of the continuation of the 3DVAR work by FSL and CWB d-
uring I.A. #11 is to implement a version of 3DVAR in the CWB me-
soscale model that assimilates the current sources of observati-
ons in that model. FSL believes that the greatest gains in fore-
cast model performance can occur through the application of 3DV-
AR on a limited-area domain. More data types are available on t-
he mesoscale, and CWB has greater control over regional data so-
urces than it does over global data sources.
During I.A. #11, features of the 3DVAR analysis procedure will
include precipitable water vapor estimates from satellites and
univariate 3DVAR analysis of moisture data. Two implementation
steps of 3DVAR analysis are proposed. The first step modifies t-
he background moisture field on the basis of precipitable water
vapor estimates fiom satellites.The second step uses the first
as a background and adds point measurements of moisture (fom ra-
winsondes and surface stations, when available).
CWB will be responsible for adapting its data structures to be
compatible with the 3DVAR code.
The following summarizes the schedule and resources required for
Task #2:
Perfonnance Period:
1.Use precipitable water from satellites 7/1/98-4/3
2.Develop univariate 3DVAR analysis of moisture data 7/1/98-4/3
Resources Required: 18% FSL-CWB Joint Team
Deliverables :
1.3DVAR analysis software 4/30/99

Task #3 - Operational use of Scalable Modeling System (SMS) Dur-
ing the last year, FSL used SMS tool to parallelize CWB's secon-
dgeneration Global Forecast System (GFS) for CWB. The goal has
been to support CWB's procurement activities of its next-genera-
tion high-performance computer (HPC). CWB HPC vendors will run
their benchmark tests using the SMS version of the GFS model on
different platforms. The CWB announcement of award is expected
in December of 1998, and the delivery of the HPC is expected to
begi in June of 1999.
During I.A. #11, FSL will support CWB in the following two area-
1.Upgrade the benchmark version of GFS (with Paralleling PrePro-
cessor, PPP) to an operational version of GFS to ensure that
it satisfies necessary real-time operational criteria and per-
fbrmance requirements.
2.Provide necessary training to CWB, NWP, and HPC staff, so they
can apply SMS techniques to their own applica6ons.
The following summarizes the schedule and resources required for
Task #3:
Perfonnance Period:
1.Upgrade GFS fiom a benchmark version to an operational version
2.SMS training for NWP and HPC users 2/1/99-3/1/99
Iiesources Required: 20% FSL-CWB Joint Team
1.SMS operational version of GFS and PPP user guide 4/30/99
2.Training materials 3/1/99
Task #4 -Development of Web-based Forecast Workrtation
The goal of the Web-based Forecast Workstation (FX/Net) is to p-
rovide access to the interface fimctionality of the workstation
via networks. During LA. #10, a client-server application that
provides network access to a modified WFO-Advanced workstation
was developed. The prototype of the system is constrained mainly
by bandwidth limitations and the need to leverage existing work-
station code. Much of the development effort focused on data co-
mpression techniques along with multithreaded client-side proce-
ssin and communication. Other important design considerations i-
ncluded mirroring of the user interface, portability of the cli-
ent Java code, and necessary adaptations to the existing WFO-Ad-
vanced software.
The basic capabilities such as animation, toggle, and zoom as w-
ell as network optimization of the system were completed during
I.A. #10. During LA. #11, more sophisticated functionality will
be developed such as the Volume Browser capability of WFO-Advan-
ced, enhancements to the network capabilities of the system, and
investigation of more sophisticated Graphical User Interface (G-
UI) options. Another important activity during the next phase is
to develop and test real-time data ingests in the normal operat-
ional environment.
The following summarizes the schedule and resources required for
Task #4:
Perfonnance Period:
i.Develop GUI options 7/1/98-12/3 0/98
2.Develop real-time data ingests 12/1/98- 5/30/99
R;:sources Required: 20% FSL-CWB Joint Team
Deliverables :
1.Prototype Build 2 software 4/3 0/99
2.FX/Net documentation 4/30/99

Task #5 - GWIPS Forecast Preparation System (AFPS)
The NWS has been developing and testing Interactive Forecast Pr-
eparation (IFP) techniques for many years. The concept of IFP is
key to completely modernized forecast operations at NWS field o-
ffices with AWZPS. With IFP, forecasters employ a family of tec-
hniques to prepare forecasts of weather elements from which many
forecast products can be automatically composed and formatted.
The NWS is currently consolidating the ICWF (Interactive Comput-
er Worded Forecast) developed at TDL (Techniques Development La-
boratory) and AFPS developed at FSL into a single Interactive F-
orecast Preparation System (IFFS). Major components of the IFPS
are model interpretation, grid edi6ng, matrix editing, product
generation, and a watch/warning/advisory (WWA) interface.
In consolidated IFPS, the AFPS Graphical Forecast Editor (GFE)
replaces ICWF grid- modification tool. The GFE provides maps and
graphs on which the forecaster "draws" the weather for all fore-
cast elements. FSL also developed new product generation capabi-
lities. Currently, FSL is integrating AFPS into the WFO-Advanced
During I.A. #11, FSL will support CWB in the following areas:
1.Support CWB as it customizes the IFPS, including consolidating
CWB's forecast preparation systems to satisfy operational req-
uirements of the Weather Forecast Center.
2.Provide training to CWB forecasters using AFPS.
The following summarizes the schedule and resources required for
Task #5:
Performance Period:
1.Porting new release of AFPS to CWB for evaluation
2.Training for AFPS users
(time flexible)
Resources Required: 15% FSL-CWB Joint Team
1.Soffware release of AFPS 2/1/99
2.AFPS documentation 3/1/99
3.Training materials 4/99

Task #6 - Continuing interaction on earlier cooperative projects
During the I.A. #10 period, several earlier cooperative projects
were completed, and technology has been transferred successfully
and is being used operationally at CWB. The most important exam-
ple is that the development phase of the WFO-Advanced forecast
workstation was completed during I.A. #10. There are, however,
other important aspects of the weather forecast information sys-
tem such as forecaster training, and new releases of WFO-Advanc-
ed software. This task will allow continuing interaction at an "
appropriate" level, forecaster training, exchange of short-term
visitors, copying papers and reports, and e-mail interaction.
The following summarizes the schedule and resources required for
Task #6:
Performance Period:
1.Continuing interaction on earlier cooperative projects
Resources Required: 9% FSL-CWB Joint Team
1.Relevant documents, reports and electronic information as nee-
2.WFO-Advanced software Builds 4.1 and 4.2 12/98, 5/99

3.0 Schedule
Functions Milestones
1.Provide LDAD soffware 2/99
2.Provide LDAD documentation 3/99
3.Provide LDAD training material 5/99
4.Provide 3DVAR analysis soffware 4/99
5.Provide SNS operational version of GFS and PPP user guide 4/99
6.Provide Scalable Model System training material 3/99
7.Provide FX/Net Build 2 software 4/99
8.Provide FX/Net document 4/99
9.Provide AFPS software 3/99
10.Provide AFPS documentation 2/99
11.Provide AFPS training materials 4/99
12.Provide relevant documents and new
reteases of WFO-Advanced software 12/98, 5/99

Schedule by Month
TASKS 7/1 8/1 9/11 10/1 11/1 12/1 1/1 2/1 3/1 4/1 5/1 6/1 6/30
Task 1 (LDAD)
1.Qual ────────────→
of mesonet
2.Presentation ────────────→
of CWB
3.Training for
LDAD users

Task 2 (Data
1. Use ─────────────────→
water from
2. 3DVAR ─────────────────→
of moisture

Task 3 (Scalable
Model System)
l. Operational ────────────────────→
GFS with PPP
2. Training of ─→

Task 4 (Web-based
forecast workstation)
1. GUI options ────────→
2. Real-time data ────────────→

Task 5 (AFPS)
1.Porting AIFPS ────────→
to CWB for
2. AFPS training

Task 6 (interaction
on earlier projects)

4,0 Budnct
The following are the estimated costs for I.A. #11

Tasks Personnel Tnvel/Training Total
Task #1 $70,000 $20,000 $90,000
Task #2 $80,000 S10,000 $90.000
Task #3 $90,000 $20,000 $110,000
Task #4 $90,000 $20,000 $110,000
Task #5 $70,000 $10,000 $80,000
Task #6 S30,000 $10,000 $40,OO0
Total S430,000 $90,000 $520,000

As stated in I.A. #11. funds avlailable by CWB to support the t-
asks. traveling and meeting expenses described in this Statement
of Work will be US $520,000. All budget figures are estimates.
Actual amounts will be accrued for purposes of fulfilling the f-
inancial Agrerment.
All programs within the Forecasr Systems Laboratory use the same
budget procedures. whether they are base-funded programs or ext-
mally-funded progrms. Beginning in FY91.a facility charge has b-
een appiied to all programs to cover management and administrat-
ive as well as the use of the FSL facility and all associated e-
quipment and data.
FSL staff time is charged at the employee's salary plus the nor-
mal NOAA benefn leave and overhead charges. FSL professional st-
aff are primarily in the civil seavice grade seales of GS-11 to
GS-14. Contract staff are in equivalent categories.

5.0 CWB Joint Team Assignments at FSL
Several tasks reauire CWL staff in residence at FSL. The primary
effort of CWB staff at FSL during this period will be directed
toward developing dissemination systems data assimilation techn-
iques the Web-based workstation and forecast preparation systems
FSL understands that two or three CWB staff members will be ava-
ilable to work at FSL during I.A. #11 period. Specific assignme-
nt will be made to most efficiently use the available personnel
Assignments for the CWB staff member will be as follows:
.Development of the LDAD. AFPS. or Web-based Workstation
.Development of 3DVAR software
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