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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on June 22 and 25, 1998; Entered into force on June 25, 1998.
The Implementing Arrangement describes the scientific and techn-
ical activities to be undertaken by the National Taiwan Univers-
ity (NTU)/Institute of Oceanography, the designated representat-
ive of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in
the United States (TECRO), and the Pacific Marine Environmental
Laboratory (PMEL) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin-
istration (NOAA), the designated representative of the American
Institute in Taiwan (AIT). It provides for technical assistance
for mooring development operations in the boreal spring 1998 and
data processing as part of the South China Sea Monsoon Experime-
nt (SCSMEX) program, plus refurbishment costs for one next gene-
ration ATLAS mooring (acquired by NTU under Implementing Agreem-
ent #l); the purchase of two (2) additional next generation ATL-
AS moorings; and the loan of one next generation ATLAS mooring
system, from PMEL. The loaned system will be returned to PMEL at
the end of the field experiment in 1999.

The activities described in this Implementing Arrangement will
be carried out under the general terms and conditions establish-
ed by the Agreement between TECRO and AIT for Scientific and Te-
chnical Cooperation in Ocean Climate Research. This Implementing
Arrangement is hereby attached to that Agreement and becomes pa-
rt of the Agreement.

The next generation ATLAS buoy was originally designed and fabr-
icated to support the Tropical Atmosphere-Ocean (TAO) Array of
moored ocean buoys in the tropical Pacific. The TAO Array, cons-
isting of nearly 70 moored buoys spanning the equatorial Pacific
, measures oceanographic and surface meteorological variables c-
ritical for improved detection, understanding and prediction of
seasonal-to-interannual climate variations originating in the t-
ropics, most notably those related to El Nino/Southern Oscillat-
ion ENSO) events. These buoys provide climate researchers, weat-
her prediction centers, and scientists around the world with re-
al-time data from the tropical Pacific. During the period of Im-
plementing Arrangement #2, PMEL, as designated representative of
AIT, will provide the following:
Technical Assistance:
PMEL, as part of the field operations in boreal spring 1998, wi-
ll provide assistance to recover one, and deploy three, next ge-
neration ATLAS moorings in the South China Sea. Costs to TECRO
or its designated representative involve travel (air fare, per
diem) for a PMEL technician to travel to Taiwan for mooring cru-
ise preparations and for a sea participation in the deployment
cruise itself. It is assumed that this cruise will be no more t-
han 14 days' duration. Data processing will involve quality con-
trol procedures applied at PMEL in real-time, and in delayed mo-
de after the buoy has been recovered. Data will be provided to
TECRO's designated representative, NTU, in near real-time (delay
of typically I day) after quality checks. The data will also be
distributed via the Global Telecommunications System (GTS) for
inclusion in operational weather forecasting schemes, and will
be incorporated into PMEL's data base which can be freely acces-
sed via anonymous ftp and via the World Wide Web. A complete po-
st-calibrated, quality controlled set of 10-minute data will be
provided to NTU after successful recovery of the internally rec-
orded data.
Cost to TECRO or its designated representative: US$15,000
Refurbishment Costs:
Costs to TECRO or its designated representative incurred under
this category relate to refurbishment costs for one next genera-
tion ATLAS mooring previously acquired by TECRO's designated re-
presentative under Implementing Agreement #l. Costs to TECRO or
its designated representative include the replacement of worn o-
ut, damaged or expandable hardware (e.g. steel and nylon cable,
anchor, etc.); repair and preparation of the surface toroid for
the next deployment; replacement of damaged or lost instrumenta-
tion (e.g. electronics tube, temperature modules, etc.); and re-
calibration of sensors prior to deployment. These refurbishments
will be completed at PMEL where the original NTU mooring will be
shipped upon recovery. Costs to TECRO or its designated represe-
ntative for necessary hardware, instrumentation, etc., to perfo-
rm this service will be US $15,000. Shipping of the recovered m-
ooring system to PMEL and shipping of the refurbished mooring s-
ystem back to Taiwan will be covered by TECRO or its designated
representative. Both surface and air shipments may be required.
Only refurbishment costs for the buoy recovered at the end of t-
he first year's field program are included. It is assumed that
refurbishment costs for the three buoys deployed in FY 1998 will
be covered under a subsequent Agreement.
Cost to TECRO or its designated representative: US $ 15,000
ATLAS Systems:
During the period of Implementing Agreement #2, PMEL will fabri-
cate two (2) next generation ATLAS moorings for TECRO's designa-
ted representative. Costs to TECRO or its designated representa-
tive cover all hardware (buoy, tower, bridle, mooring line, anc-
hor, acoustic release, etc.), all instrumentation and on-board
data processing software, all costs associated with calibrations
, and the costs of mooring assembly. Shipping of the mooring sy-
stem to Taiwan (which may require both surface and air shipments
will be covered by TECRO or its designated representative. The
mooring systems will be available for deployment in boreal spri-
ng 1998.
Cost to TECRO or its designated representative: US$55,000 per m-
ooring, total costs for two moorings in US$110,000

In accordance with the Agreement, NOAA/PMEL, as the designated
representative of AIT, is undertaking this work for TECRO's des-
ignated representative, NTU. TECRO or its designated representa-
tive will reimburse AIT for all costs incurred by AIT or its de-
signated representative in association with this Implementing A-
The total cost to TECRO or its designated representative for ac-
tivities described in this Implementing Arrangement is mutually
agreed to be US$140,000. This amount is based upon TECRO or its
designated representative paying all shipping charges between t-
he field of operations and Seattle, both prior to deployment and
after recovery.

No intellectual property considerations are expected to arise in
conjunction with activities described in this Implementing Arra-
ngement. Existing system designs and computer software of the P-
MEL next generation ATLAS mooring are in the public domain. Rep-
orts, specifications, and computer software prepared under this
Implementing Arrangement will also be in the public domain once
they have been approved in a final form by the National Taiwan
University and NOAA.

This Implementing Arrangement is effective on the date of the l-
ast signature hereafter. This Implementing Arrangement may be a-
mended and/or terminated in accordance with the terms of the Ag-
reement. The estimated completion date for the activities descr-
ibed in this Implementing Arrangement is September 30, 1998.

[Signed] [Signed]
Peter P.C. Cheng Barbara Schrage
Deputy Representative Deputy Managing Director
Date: 6/25/1998 Date: 6/22/98
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)