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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on March 21, 1984; Entered into force on March 21, 1984.
WHEREAS, it is to the mutual benefit of the CWB and PAGASA to s-
trengthen their capabilities in typhoon detection, tracking, and
forecasting, and other scientific activities of mutual concern;
WHEREAS, the areas of responsibility of CWB and PAGASA in respe-
ct to providing storm warnings are both contiguous and overlap-
THEREFORE, the two Agencies hereby agree to undertake the follo-
1 Collaboration on intensified observations during the occuren-
ceof tropical cyclones,
A. Area coverage:
The observation range is bounded by 10 and 28, and 117
and 128.
B. Types and duration of intensified observations:
(1) Surface observations: hourly when the center of the distur-
bance is within 300 kilometers of the station.
(2) Upper air observations: Two to four times a day when the c-
enter of the disturbance is within 500 kilometers of the s-
tation subject to the availability of resources.
(3) Meteorological radar observations: hourly when the distur-
bance is within radar range.
C. Funds required for intensified observations, meetings, tra-
vel of scientists, ect.
(1) The intensified observations should be undertaken dependi-
ng on the availability of national resources.
(2) The respective Agencies should bear all expenses of nation-
al staff who are sent abroad as exchange visitors.
(3) Annual meetings should be jointly held by the CWB and PAGA-
SA to review scientific and technical progress in coopert-
ive activities.
2 Exchange of meteorological data including intensified observ-
ation data, analyses, forecasts and warnings.
These exchanges should be made by using existing meteorologic-
al telecommunication facilities, or if necessary, by using s-
uitable commercial channels.
3 Technical Cooperation.
A The CWB and PAGASA agree to cooperate in the training of st-
aff and in the exchange of information.
B The training facilities for M.Sc. and Ph.D. in meteorology
at the University of the Philippines should be made availab-
le to the CWB.
C Meteorological symposium should be held in the Philippines
or in ROC at a date convenient to both Agencies for an appr-
opriate duration.
D The CWB and PAGASA should collaborate in common research ac-
tivities in meteorology, seismology, and other related fiel-
ds and should exchange technical publications.
4 It is hereby understood that the above agreement places no re-
strictions on the involvement of 3rd parties in certain of the
above activities when deemed appropriate.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, this document is signed by the heads of t-
he two Agencies in Taipei this 21st day of March 1984.

Tsung-yao Wu
Director General
ROC Central Weather Bureau

Roman L.Kintanar
Director General
Philippine Atmospheric
Geophysical and Astronomical
Services Administration

* Country with which the Republic of China has no diplomatic re-
* 與我國無外交關係之國家
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)