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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on December 19 and November 30, 2017; Entered into force on April 22, 2018.
The Free Trade Commission of the Free Trade Agreement between
the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Republic of Nicaragua (“
the Agreement ” ), pursuant to its powers and according to what
is established in paragraph (2)(a), (b)and (e) and paragraph
(3)(b)(i) and (e) of Article 21.01 of the Agreement,


To modify Annex 3.03(1) (f) “ Customs Tariff Elimination
Schedule ” regarding the tariff treatment applied by the
Republic of Nicaragua to printed paper labels, rubber or
plastics footwear and other metal furniture products originating
from the Republic of China (Taiwan), immediately eliminating the
customs tariff to the following tariff lines:
│Description of Goods │SAC CODE 2017 │
│Paper or paperboard labels of │4821. │
│all kinds - printed │ │
│Other footwear, with outer │6402. │
│soles and uppers of rubber or │ │
│plastics │ │
│Other metal furniture │9403. │
Done in duplicate in the Chinese, Spanish and English languages,
all versions are equally authentic. In the event of any
discrepancy in the interpretation of this Decision, the English
version shall prevail.

The present Decision will enter into force thirty (30) days
after the notifications between the Republic of China (Taiwan)
and the Republic of Nicaragua stating that they have completed
the necessary internal legal procedures.

For the Government of the For the Government of the
Republic of China (Taiwan): Republic of Nicaragua:
___________________________ ____________________________
Jong-Chin Shen Orlando Solorzano Delgadillo

Minister of Economic Minister of Development,
Affairs Industry and Commerce

Date: 30 (Day) / 11 (Month) Date: 19 (Day) / 12 (Month)
/ 2017 / 2017

Place: Taipei City Place: Managua City
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)