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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on December 20, 2017 Entered into force on December 20, 2017
The Taipei Economic and Trade Office (TETO), Jakarta, Indonesia
and the Indonesian Economic and Trade Office (IETO) to Taipei,
hereinafter referred to as “ Parties ”;

Considering the existing common desire for friendly cooperation
and enhanced relations between the Parties;

Realizing that geodetic and geomatic cooperation would lead to
common benefit on science, business and economic development of
the Parties;

Aiming to promote cooperation between the Parties in various
fields of science, business and industry on the basis of
equality and mutual benefit;

Pursuant to the prevailing laws and regulations in the
territories represented by the Parties;

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1

The purposes of this Agreement are:
1. To promote cooperation in the development of geodetic and
geomatic sciences, business and industries;
2. To promote mutual consultation, exchange of technical
assistance and cooperative program on specific areas of
geodetic and geomatic sciences, business and industries;

Article 2
Areas of Cooperation

The Parties shall develop geodetic and geomatic cooperation in
the following areas, Inter alia:

1. Human Resources Development;
2. Sharing Equipment and Technology;
3. Data Collection in Indonesia;
4. Data Analysis;
5. Science Research;
6. Joint Investment, Marketing and Promotion;
7. Others related to science, business and industry development.

The forms of cooperation, the location of execution of such and
the action plan will be discussed by and between the Parties.

Article 3
1. The TETO agrees to provide technical assistance to the IETO
by dispatching a Geodetic and Geomatic Mission (hereinafter
referred to as “ GEM ’ ), composed of long term and short
term experts, including a chief of GEM.
2. The TETO agrees to provide equipment to the IETO upon its
request under this Agreement.
Insurance covering accidental demage or loss during the
mission is mandatory. The detail of insurance policy shall be
settled respectively for each mission.
3. The IETO in coordination with the designated authorities in
Indonesia, shall collaborate with GEM in the planning,
implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the cooperation
agreed in article 2 and 3 to ensure that the project is
consistent with the Indonesian earth science and technology

Article 4
Designated Authorities

For the purpose of implementation of this Agreement, designated
authorities shall be:
1. on behalf of the TETO, GEM organized by the Ministry of the
2. on behalf of the IETO, related agencies, coordinated by
institution that responsible for Geospatial Information in

Article 5
Financial Obligation

The TETO, in coordination with the proper authorities in its
country, agrees:

To supply GEM with technology and equipment, tools, hardware,
and software.

The designated authorities mentioned in the article 4, through
the IETO, agrees:
1. To pay the cost of transportation to and from Indonesia,
insurance of the equipment of mission during the period of
their service in Indonesia;
2. To pay the cost of transportation to and from Indonesia, the
stipends of all members of mission during the period of their
service in Indonesia. The payment shall include the expenses
arising from administration due to the transportation;
3. To pay all expenses arising from administration of GEM
including the operational cost of GEM;
4. To supply GEM with a task force office and the vehicles for
the implementation of this Agreement.

Article 6
Confidentiality and Intellectual Property Rights
1. The Parties shall ensure that mutually provided information,
documents, and personal data are kept confidential. In case
that the use of the aforementioned information is restricted
or that it is not used for the purpose for which it was
provided or that it is going to be shared with a third party,
the consent of the Parties that provides it shall be secured
in advance.
2. Any result of activities in the fields of cooperation which
are performed under this Agreement shall be subject to the
laws and regulations concerning the protection of
intellectual property rights of the Parties.

Article 7
1. The TETO in coordination with related agencies shall provide
GEM with appropriate counterparts and local technical and/or
administrative personnel;
2. The IETO in coordination with related agencies shall provide
GEM with appropriate counterparts and local technical and/or
administrative personnel.

Article 8
Consultation Meeting and Review

Consultation meetings will be held among designated authorities
and the members appointed by the TETO and the IETO at least once
a year for the purpose of:
1. Reviewing and reporting the progress of the cooperation
2. Planning, coordinating and establishing the priorities for
the future cooperation;
3. Making recommendation to the TETO and the IETO on the
cooperation activities and expansion of the location of the
4. Other areas agreed by the designated authorities.

Article 9
Dispute Resolution

Any differences or disputes that may arise between the Parties
relating to the implementation of this Agreement shall be
settled amicably through consultation and negotiation between
the Parties.

Article 10
Entry into Force, Amendment, and Termination
1. This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature by both
Parties and shall remain in force for 5 (five) years.
2. Any amendment to this Agreement may only be made with mutual
consent achieved by consultation and confirmation in writing
by the Parties;
3. This Agreement may be terminated at any time by either Party
giving 1 (one) year prior notification in writing to the
other Party;
4. This Agreement may be extended at any time by either Party
giving 1 (one) year prior notification in writing to the
other Party;
5. The termination of this Agreement shall not affect the
validity and duration of any ongoing projects and activities
under the areas of cooperation until the implementation of
the agreed project has been carried out.

In witness whereof, the undersigned being duly authorized by
their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.

Done in Taipei on the twentieth day of December in the year of
two thousand and seventeen, in duplicate in the English
language, this English version being the agreed authentic text
and each Party takes the responsibility for establishing
translation into their own languages.

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Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)