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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on April 20, 2015 Entered into force on November 11, 2015
The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Tel Aviv (
hereinafter referred to as "TECO")and the Israel Economic and
Cultural Office in Taipei (hereinafter referred to as "ISECO")
, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties";

DESIRING to develop and strengthen economic, industrial,
technological and commercial cooperation between Taiwan and

RECOGNIZING that the challenges of stimulating innovation and
economic growth are of mutual concern to both Parties;

CONSIDERING the mutual interest in making progress in the fields
of industrial research and development (hereinafter referred to
as "R&D")and the resulting advantages for both Parties;

DESIRING to enhance their industrial competitiveness through
cooperation in Industrial R&D and to develop and strengthen
economic and commercial cooperation between them;

RESOLVING to undertake a sustained effort to promote, facilitate
and support joint Industrial R&D projects, between businesses,
corporations or entities (hereinafter referred to as "Entity"
or "Entities")from Taiwan and from Israel; the Parties will
focus, but not limit, the Industrial R&D cooperation projects
supported by virtue of this Agreement to early stage Industrial
R&D cooperation between Entities from Taiwan and from Israel.

Have reached the following Agreement:

Article I
1. The Parties determine that the objectives of this Agreement
(a)To promote the activities of their respective Industrial
sectors to intensify bilateral Industrial R&D cooperation;
(b)To facilitate the identification of specific projects,
partnerships or collaborations between Entities from Taiwan
and from Israel that could lead to Industrial R&D
(c)To coordinate and focus suitable government resources and
programs to support Industrial cooperation and commercial
exploitation of Industrial R&D project results; and
(d)To give expression to the initiative by establishing a
framework for financial support under which the Parties
shall support jointly approved Industrial R&D cooperation
projects between Entities from Taiwan and Israel leading to
commercialization in the global market.
2. The implementation of this Agreement and any activity
hereunder shall be in accordance with the respective
applicable laws, regulations, rules, procedures and
mechanisms of each Party.

Article II
For the purpose of this Agreement, Industrial R&D means, inter
alia, research, development and demonstration activities
intended to develop new products or processes to be
commercialized in the global market.

Article III
Cooperating Authorities
1. The Department of Industrial Technology of the Ministry of
Economic Affairs (MOEA)of Taiwan (hereinafter referred to
as “ DoIT ”)on behalf of TECO and the Office of the Chief
Scientist of The Ministry of Economy of Israel (hereinafter
referred to as “ OCS ”), on behalf of ISECO shall
respectively be the Cooperating Authorities for implementing
this Agreement. They shall be responsible for their
respective costs in promoting and administering the
objectives of this Agreement such as traveling expenses,
organization of seminars and publications.
2. A Joint Committee will be established. The Joint Committee
shall monitor the implementation of this Agreement and shall
consist of 3 representatives nominated by the DoIT and 3
representatives nominated by the OCS. The Joint Committee
will meet alternately, unless otherwise agreed, in Jerusalem
or in Taipei on mutually convenient dates. All decisions of
the Joint Committee shall be reached unanimously. The working
language of the Joint Committee shall be English.

Article IV
Industrial R&D Projects
1. The Parties within their competence and according to their
applicable internal laws, regulations, rules, procedures and
mechanisms shall facilitate, support and encourage
cooperation projects in Industrial R&D undertaken by Entities
from Taiwan and from Israel, for joint development and
subsequent joint management and marketing of products or
processes based on new innovative technologies to be
commercialized in the global market (hereinafter referred to
as the "Project" or "Projects").
2. Each partner to a Project will be subject to the applicable
internal laws, regulations, rules, procedures and mechanisms
with respect to assistance and funding of Industrial R&D
provided by each Party, including the level of support and
the terms and conditions under which that support may be
provided, and if applicable, the obligation to pay royalties.
3. The facilitation and stimulation of the cooperation Projects,
may comprise, inter alia, the following forms and methods:
(a)Organization of meetings for Entities from Taiwan and from
Israel to jointly assess cooperation opportunities;
(b)Performance of any other activities to promote
possibilities for cooperation between Entities from Taiwan
and from Israel.

Article V
Fair and Equitable Treatment
Subject to their applicable internal laws, regulations, rules,
procedures and mechanisms, each Party shall accord fair and
equitable treatment to individuals and Entities of the other
Party engaged in the pursuit of activities under this Agreement.

Article VI
Disclosure of information
1. Each Party commits itself, subject to its applicable internal
laws, regulations, rules, procedures and mechanisms, not to
transmit, without written approval of the other Party,
information concerning the results obtained from the Projects
for Industrial R&D covered under this Agreement (hereinafter
referred to as “ Confidential Information ”)to a third
person, organization, or to any other country or state.
2. Each Party shall notify the other immediately upon any
requirement arising under which it might be compelled by its
applicable internal laws, regulations, rules, procedures and
mechanisms to disclose Confidential Information.
3. The Party required to disclose Confidential Information shall
in any event use its best endeavors to ensure that the person
obtaining disclosure of the Confidential Information in these
circumstances protects the confidentiality at all times and
observes the terms of this Agreement.

Article VII
Intellectual Property Rights(IPR)
1. The partners to Projects supported under this Agreement shall
be required to submit to the Parties evidence of contractual
arrangements between them relating to the performance of the
Project; commercialization of the Project's results;
royalties and intellectual property rights, and in
(a)The ownership and use of know-how and intellectual property
owned by the partners to the Project prior to the Project.
(b)Arrangements for the ownership and use of know-how and
intellectual property to be created in the course of the
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 above, it shall
be the responsibility of the partners to Projects supported
under this Agreement to safeguard their own interests.
3. Scientific and technological information of a non-proprietary
nature arising from the cooperative activities under this
Agreement may be made available to the public through
customary channels.

Article VIII
Final Provisions
1. This Agreement will enter into force upon the date of the
receipt of the later notification in which the Parties notify
each other of the completion of their internal legal
procedures required for the entry into force of this
2. The Parties may amend this Agreement, in writing, by mutual
consent. Any such amendment shall enter into force in
accordance with the procedure set forth in paragraph 1 of
this Article.
3. This Agreement shall remain in force for a period of two
years and shall be automatically extended for further periods
of 2 years each.
4. Either Party may terminate this Agreement at any time by
written notification to the other Party. The Agreement shall
cease to be in force six (6)months after the date of such
5. The amendment or termination of this Agreement shall not
affect the validity of arrangements and contracts already
6. Any dispute between the Parties arising from this Agreement
shall be resolved by mutual consultations.

Done in duplicate at Taipei, on the 20th day of April, 2015 in
the English language.

On behalf of On behalf of
The Taipei Economic The Israel Economic
and Cultural Office in and Cultural Office in
Tel Aviv Taipei

_________________ _________________
Yun-sheng Chi, Simona Halperin,
Representative of the Representative of the
Taipei Economic and Israel Economic and
Cultural Office in Tel Cultural Office in
Aviv Taipei
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)