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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on November 23, 2010; Entered into Force on January 1, 2011.
The Taipei Mission in Korea and the Korean Mission in Taipei
(hereinafter referred to as the “ Sides ” ),

In the spirit of promoting a closer cooperative relationship
between Taiwan and the Republic of Korea,

Desirous of providing wider opportunities, particularly to the
youth, to appreciate the culture and general way of life in
Taiwan and the Republic of Korea for the purpose of promoting
mutual understanding, and

Wishing to provide reciprocal arrangements in relation to
working holidays which are intended to make it possible for
holders of passports issued on authority from Taiwan to enter
the Republic of Korea and for holders of passports issued on
authority from the Republic of Korea to enter Taiwan, primarily
to holiday and also to engage in employment as an incidental
aspect of their holiday in order to supplement their travel

Have reached the following understanding:

Paragraph 1
Each Side will facilitate the issuance of multiple entry working
holiday visas that are valid for one (1) year from the date of
issue to persons who satisfy each of the following requirements:
(a) are eligible holders of a passport valid for at least twelve
(12) months issued on authority from Taiwan or the Republic
of Korea. Holders of Taiwan passports must have household
registration in Taiwan;
(b) intend primarily to holiday in Taiwan or the Republic of
Korea for a specified period;
(c) are between the ages of eighteen (18) and thirty (30) years,
both inclusive, at the time of application;
(d) are not accompanied by dependants;
(e) have paid the relevant visa application fee;
(f) have not previously taken part in the working holiday
(g) possess a return travel ticket or sufficient funds with
which to purchase such a ticket;
(h) possess a reasonable amount of funds to support themselves
during their initial period of stay in Taiwan or the
Republic of Korea;
(i) agree to hold medical and comprehensive hospitalization
insurance for the duration of their stay in Taiwan or the
Republic of Korea;
(j) are in good health; and
(k) do not possess a criminal record.

Paragraph 2
The number of working holiday visas to be issued annually will
be decided through consultations between the Sides.

Paragraph 3
Applications for working holiday visas by holders of passports
issued on authority from the Republic of Korea may be lodged
directly at the Taipei Mission in Korea in Seoul or at the Busan
Office, and applications for working holiday visas by holders of
passports issued on authority from Taiwan may be lodged directly
at the Korean Mission in Taipei.

Paragraph 4
Each Side will permit persons who possess a valid working
holiday visa issued in accordance with its own legislation to
stay in Taiwan or the Republic of Korea for up to one (1) year
from the date of entry, and allow them to engage in paid
employment as an incidental activity of their holiday for the
purpose of supplementing their travel funds.

Paragraph 5
There will be no restrictions on the type of employment working
holiday makers may undertake. However, employment in a special
profession or on a technical assignment is subject to the
holding of the relevant certification or operational
qualifications obtained through training and examination and
must comply with the applicable laws and regulations.

Paragraph 6
Working holiday makers will not be permitted to undertake any
formal courses other than language courses or seminars aimed at
enhancing their understanding of the local culture and way of

Paragraph 7
Applicants may be interviewed when necessary by representatives
of either Side to determine their eligibility for a working
holiday visa.

Paragraph 8
Persons who have entered Taiwan or the Republic of Korea with a
working holiday visa issued under this Memorandum of
Understanding will be required to comply with all local laws and
regulations, and will not be permitted to engage in employment
that is contrary to the purpose of the working holiday program.

Paragraph 9
The provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding will be
implemented in accordance with all local laws and regulations in
force in Taiwan and the Republic of Korea.

Paragraph 10
1. This Memorandum of Understanding will come into effect on the
date of signature and will continue in effect for an
indefinite period.
2. Amendments to this Memorandum of Understanding may be
negotiated between the Sides at any time. Any such amendments
will be concluded in written form.
3. The provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding, and any
differences arising under it, may be subject to consultations
between the Sides at any time.
4. Either Side may suspend the implementation of the provisions
of this Memorandum of Understanding, in whole or in part, for
reasons of public policy, including public security, order
and health. The other Side will be immediately notified in
writing of any such suspension, and the lifting thereof.
5. Either Side may terminate this Memorandum of Understanding by
giving three (3) months ’ prior written notice to the other
6. Notwithstanding the termination of this Memorandum of
Understanding or the suspension of the implementation of any
of its provisions, unless otherwise jointly decided by the
Sides, any person who already holds a valid working holiday
visa at the date of such termination or suspension will be
permitted to enter and/or remain in Taiwan or the Republic of
Korea and to work in accordance with such a visa until it

SIGNED in duplicate at Taipei, on November 23, 2010 in the
English language.

Mr. Liang Ying Ping Mr. Koo Yang Keun
Representative Representative
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)