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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on March 15, 2007; Entered into force on March 15, 2007
The Fair Trade Commission of Taiwan and the Unfair Competition
Regulatory Authority of Mongolia (hereinafter referred to as the

Aiming to establish and implement a cooperation program in the
field of competition law implementation and related matters
between the Parties,

Recognizing that there are sound reasons and need to develop and
strengthen mutual co-operation, in the ways of developing and
improving the competition law and policy formulation, law
enforcement mechanism, sharing experiences and implementing

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1 Scope of Cooperation
The Parties have agreed to assist each other and cooperate by:
1. Exchanging materials and information on competition law and
policy, and the experiences on law enforcement and policy
2. Organizing mutual exchange visits of officials between the
3. Implementing joint projects and programs on capacity building
of the UCRA.

Article 2 Information Exchange
It is in the common interest of the Parties to share and
exchange information, on a regular basis, in relation to :
1. competition law and policy, and their amendments to relevant
2. regulations and procedures of law enforcement;
3. investigation techniques;
4. experiences on introducing the law to the public;
5. public education programs;
6. drafting, formulating and enforcing of guidances;
7. staff development and training programs;
8. speeches, research papers and journal articles.

Article 3 Mutual Visits
1. The mutual exchange visits shall include:
a) Visiting of top level officials of the Parties;
b) Organizing study visits for UCRA staff in Taiwan;
c) Providing instructors/lecturers by TFTC for staff training
programs, seminars held in Mongolia.
2. In principle, the visiting of top level officials shall take
place every other year by each party, alternating between the
3. In principle, study visits and staff training programs shall
take place every year between the Parties.
4. The purpose, timing, duration, and the content of each visit
shall be determined after consultation between the Parties.

Article 4 Expense and Agency Support Activities
1. The expense of the mutual visit shall be determined by
consultation of the parties within the budget limitation of
each Party.
2. The Parties have also agreed to explore opportunities for
providing financial assistance in participation of Mongolian
delegates to workshops, seminars and meetings on competition
issues, organized by TFTC.

Article 5 Entry into Force and Duration of the MOU
This Memorandum of Understanding will be effective as of the
signed date and remains valid for 5 years, and may be extended
for five-year periods following evaluation and mutual agreement
by the Parties.

Article 6 Modification and Termination of the MOU
1. This Memorandum of Understanding may be modified by mutual
consent of both Parties.
2. Either Party may terminate this Memorandum of Understanding
by giving six months’ prior written notice to the other
Party. However, the termination of this Memorandum of
Understanding will not affect the development and conclusion
of ongoing cooperative activities.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized, have
signed the Memorandum of Understanding.

Done in duplicate in Taipei, Taiwan on this March 15, 2007, in
two originals in English.

For the Fair Trade For the Unfair Competition
Commission of Taiwan Regulatory Authority
of Mongolia
.................... ....................
Jinn-Chuan Tang B. Jargalsaikhan
Chairman Chairman
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)