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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on November 28, 1995; Entered into force on November 28, 1995.
Bureau of Commodity Inspection & Quarantine, Ministry of Econom-
ic Affairs, having its princi-pal place of business at 4, Chinan
Road, Sec. 1, Taipei, Taiwan (hereinafter referred to as "BCIQ")
and the Japan Quality Assurance Organization, having its princi-
pal place of business at 1-9-15 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
(hereinafter referred to as "JQA") hereby enter into this Agree-
ment, hoping to promote the practical realization of the free a-
nd smotth distribution of commer-cial products in open markets
in Taiwan and in Japan through the cooperation of both parties
in imple-menting common principle of quality assurance in common
and international markets.
Article 1(Purpose)
The purpose is for BCIQ and JQA to cooperate in implementing co-
mmon principle of quality assurance to localize all appropriate
assessment services leading to the issuance of each organizatio-
n's certification mark.
Article 2 (Scope of Cooperation)
To achieve the purpose stipluated in Article 1, BCIQ and JQA sh-
all specifically cooperate in the following fields.
(1) Quality assurance of products (including components and mat-
(2) Quality assurance of quality systems.
(3) Quality assurance of environmental management system, etc.
(4) Other areas as needed to achieve the purpose stipulated in
Article 1.
Article 3 (Cooperation in Each Field)
The parties shall conclude a separate Memorandum of Understandi-
ng concerning the specific details of their cooperative activit-
ies in each of the fields stipulated in Article 2.
Article 4 (Term and Revisions)
The Agreement shall remain valid indefinitely unless either par-
ty submits a written notification to the other party requesting
the termination and revision of this Agreement ninety (90) days
in advance.
Article 5 (Technical Training & Cooperation/Recipient & Impleme-
nting Party)
(1) A party (herein referred to as the recipient party), wishing
to have one or more specific technical training & cooperati-
on activities done by the other party (herein referred to as
the implementing party), shall provide an overall annual pr-
ogramme of such planned activities of cooperation, and subm-
it to the implementing party in advance for review.
(2) Based on the annual programme provided by the recipient par-
ty, the implementing party shall pre-pare its annual progra-
mme for implementing the requested technical cooperation co-
vering when and how to conduct the planned activities, incl-
uding its decision on a specialist/s to be appointed. The a-
nnual implementation programme thus arranged shall then be
presented to the recipient party for consent.
(3) For execution of individual activities planned, the recipie-
nt party shall request in writing to the implementing party,
as the case may require and on the basis of the annual impl-
ementation pro-gramme.
Article 6 (Regular Consulations)
To review the progress, effectiveness and contribution of our m-
utual cooperation in meeting the needs of our customers as well
as the objectives of BCIQ and JQA respectively, the parties sha-
ll con-vene regular, annual consultative meetings in Tokyo and
Taipei on alternate years. The specific venues and dates of this
meeting will be determined based on the mutual agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement in English is made out in du-
plicate, on the date and at the place denoted below, and both c-
opies are to be considered as the Original of this Agreement.

Date of signing: Nov. 2, 1995 Nov.28,1995
Place: Tokyo, Japan Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C.

By: By:
[Signed] [Signed]
President and CEO Director General
Japan Quality Assurance Bureau of Commodity Inspectoin
Organization & Quarantine, Ministry of
Economic Affairs
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)