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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed and exchanged on August 8, 1990; Entered into force on August 8, 1990.
※ Letter from Mr. Clarke N. Ellis, Deputy Managing Director, A-
merican Institute in Taiwan, to Dr. George K.C. Liu, Director
of Science Division, Coordination Council for North American

August 8, 1990
Dr. George K.C. Liu
Director, Science Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
4201 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20016-2137

Dear Dr. Liu :
On Novlmber 17, 1987, Mr. Joseph Kyle, the then Corporate S-
ecretary of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) , and you, r-
epresenting the Coordination Council for North American Affairs
(CCNAA) , signed an Agreement for a Cooperative Program in the
Sale and Exchange of Technical, Scientific, and Engineering Inf-
ormation between AIT and CCNAA.

This Agreement expires on November 17, 1990. Article XVII of
the Agreement provides that: "At least Ninety (90) days prior to
expiration, the AIT will give consideration to renewing this Ag-
reement on original or modified terms. In connection with such
consideration, the CCNAA must submit a comprehensive review of
its performance under this agreement. "

I herewith propose that the Agreement for a Cooperative Pro-
gram in the Sale and Exchange of Technical, Scientific, and Eng-
ineering Information between AIT and CCNAA be renewed and exten-
ded without limit, subject to the understanding that one party
may inform the other party of its intention to terminate the Ag-
reement by submitting to the other its written notice of termin-
ation at least six (6) months in advance of the date of termina-

This letter and your signed acceptance of the contents thereof
on behalf of the Coordination Council for North American Affairs
shall constitute a renewal and extension without limit of the A-
greement for Cooperative Program in the Sale and Exchange of Te-
chnical, Scientific, and Engineering Information between the Am-
erican Institute in Taiwan and the Coordination Council for Nor-
th American Affairs effective November 17, 1990. Please confirm
your acceptance by signing both copies of this letter and retur-
ning one copy to the American Institute in Taiwan.

Clarke N. Ellis
Deputy Managing

Accepted by :
George K. C. Liu
Director, Science Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)