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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on August 18, 1987; Entered into force on August 18, 1987.
Dr. Khaled Y. Al-Khalaf, Director General of Saudi Arabian Stan-
dards Organization (SASO), Kindom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and his
delegation, at the invitation of Mr. Y. C. Huang, Director Gene-
ral of the Bureau of Commodity Inspection and Quarantine (BCIQ),
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Republic of China, visited Taipei,
Republic of China (ROC) August 11--20, 1987. A meeting was held
on August 17, 1987 in Taipei between the two parties for discus-
sion on the proposal of BCIQ requesting SASO to delegate the au-
thority to BCIQ for screening and approval of "Certificate of C-
onformity" for electrical appliances shipped from ROC to KSA. An
agreement was reached as follows :

--SASO agrees in principle with the said proposal of BCIQ. Howe-
ver, a transitional period of time, about one year, shall be
first established. During this time, the ROC manufacturers sh-
all apply to BCIQ directly for the " Certificate of Conformity
" with necessary documents. BCIQ will examine the documents of
the applicants and then transmit them to SASO if these are fu-
lly in conformity with SASO requirements.
SASO agrees to give priority in handling the applications, ab-
out two weeks, and will return the approved documents to the R
OC manufacturers through BCIQ.

--BCIQ will collect fees from the ROC manufcturers for applicat-
ion of " Certificate of Conformity " according to the rates s-
et by SASO and remit the total amount to SASO.

--After the one-year transitional period, SASO and BCIQ shall r-
eview the result of the implimentation of the agreement. If b-
oth sides are satisfied with the result, SASO will delegate f-
ull authority to BCIQ for screening application and approval
of " Certificate of Conformity " for all shipments of electri-
cal appliances from ROC to KSA. Details of the new authorizat-
ion may be discussed further then.
Director General
Bureau of Commodity
& Quarantine
Ministry of
Economic Affairs
Republic of China
Mr. Y. C. Huang
Director General
Saudi Arabian Standards
Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia
Dr. Khaled Y. Al-Khalaf
Taipei, ROC.
Aug. 18, 1987

During the meeting between delegations of the Saudi Arabian Sta-
ndards Organization (SASO) and the Bureau of Commodity Inspecti-
on and Quarantine (BCIQ) held on August 17, 1987 in Taipei, Rep-
ublic of China (ROC), conclusions have been reached on the foll-
owing programs :
1 Technical cooperation between SASO of the Kingdom of Saudi Ar-
abia and BCIQ of the Republic of China :
--BCIQ is requested to send technical experts to help SASO in
its technical endeavors.
--The expenses for airplane tickets and salaries of BCIQ expe-
rts will be paid by the ROC Government while SASO will take
care of the housing, local transportation, and any other te-
chnical or office equiplment needed by the BCIQ experts dur-
ing their sojourn in Saudi Arabia.
--SASO also proposed that BCIQ sends a permanent representatv-
ie to Saudi Arabia as a coordinator and consultant to SASO.
BCIQ agrees to send such a permanent representative to Saudi
Arabia as a staff member of the office of Economic Counselor
of ROC Ambassy to KSA, however, the appointment of the said
representative is subject to approval of the Ministry of Ec-
onomic Affairs of ROC.
2 SASO lab personnel training program:
--SASO will send some of its personnels to BCIQ for training.
--SASO will take care of all expenses for SASO trainees inclu-
ding the round trip plane tickets and the per diems for the
trainees during their stay in Taipei.
--BCIQ will provide all necessary training facilities and tes-
ting materials as well ad instructors.
--The training courses will give priority to electronics, ele-
ctrical appliances, mechanical engineering products, and qu-
ality control.
Director General
Bureau of Commodity
Inspection & Quarantine
Ministry of Economic
Republic of China

Director Gerneral
Saudi Arbian Standards
Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia

Dr. Khaled Y.Al-Khalaf
Taipei, ROC.
Aug.18, 1987
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)