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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on January 24, 2006. Entered into force on January 24, 2006.
The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Tel-Aviv (hereafter
referred to as " TECO") and the Israel Economic and Cultural
Office in Taipei (hereinafter referred to as "ISECO")
(hereinafter referred to as the" Parties") ;

CONSIDERING that the development of scientific and technological
relations shall be of mutual benefit;

DESIROUS of strengthening cooperation between them, particularly
in the fields of science and technology;

HAVE AGREED as follows:

The Parties agree to promote development of cooperation in the
fields of science and technology between them on the basis of
equality and mutual advantages and, by mutual consent, define
various areas in which this cooperation is desirable, taking
into account the experience of scientists and specialists of the
Parties and the possibilities available to them.

Cooperative activities will be undertaken within the scientific
capabilities, according to the national law and budgetary
appropriations of both Parties, which will use their own
assessment and funding mechanisms for proposals of collaborative

Cooperative activities shall allow the creation of scientific
and technological exchanges in chosen fields between the
Parties, which can be implemented by building up cooperation

Each specific cooperative project pursued under this Agreement
will be the subject of an Implementing Arrangement signed by the
Parties. The said Implementing Arrangement will establish the
distribution of tasks and define the specific technical and
financial aspects of the cooperation to be pursued as well as
issues concerning intellectual properties, and will include any
other information relevant to the cooperation.

Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as limiting
collaboration between scientists designated by the Parties. This
Agreement shall not affect the rights and obligations of the
Parties under other bi-national and multi-national agreements
concluded by them.

The Parties recognize that, as a first step, a practical means
of initiating collaboration between scientists of the two
countries could be provided by holding a workshop on agreed upon
R&D topics which are of interest to the Parties, in conjunction
with a visit of a fact-finding mission. The attendants should be
active researchers and representatives of both Israel and Taiwan
on an equal basis.

The Parties undertake to promote other forms of collaboration
such as programs to encourage commercialization of R&D,
sustainable development and innovation.

1.A Joint Committee on Cooperation in Science & Technology
(hereafter referred to as "the Committee") shall be
established for achieving the objectives of this Agreement.
2.The Committee shall have the following functions:
a.Consider the policy aspects relevant to the implementation
of this Agreement;
b.Identify priority areas of mutual interest, taking into
account both academic and financial feasibility;
c.Follow-up the progress of the implementation of this
Agreement; and
d.Propose specific measures to enhance the range and quality
of cooperation under this Agreement.
3.Contacts relating to the functions of this Committee during
the inter-sessional periods will be conducted through the
Implementing Agencies.
4.The Implementing Agencies shall be:
a.On behalf of TECO:
i.The Representative
ii.The Director General of International Cooperation
Department, National Science Council.
b.On behalf of ISECO:
i.The Representative
ii.The Director of Division for International Relations,
Ministry of Science and Technology.

This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of signature.
This Agreement shall remain in force for a period of five years
from the date of its entry into force and shall be automatically
extended for further periods of five years, unless one of the
Parties gives notice to the other Party of its intention to
terminate this Agreement twelve months before the expiry date of
the said period.
DONE in duplicate in the English language on the __24__ day of
_January_ 2006,
which corresponds to the __24__ day of __Tevet_ (5766) .

For the Taipei Economic and For the Israel Economic and
Cultural Office in Tel-Aviv Cultural Office in Taipei

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Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)