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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on March 16, 1989; Entered into force on March 16, 1989.
Mr. David N. Laux
Chairman of the Board
And Managing Director
American Institute in Taiwan
1700 North Moore Street, Suite 1705
Arlington, Virginia 22209
Dear Mr. Laux :
I have the honor to refer to your letter of March 16, 1989, con-
cerning understandings reached during discussions held in Washi-
ngton, D.C. on January 4--6, 1989, between representatives of t-
he Coordination Council for North American Affairs and the Amer-
ican Institute in Taiwan on trade in whole turkeys, turkey parts
, processed turkey products and whole ducks. I wish to confirm
that the Memorandum of Understandings enclosed with your letter
correctly reflects the agreements reached during the discussions
of January 4--6,1989.
Mou-shih Ding
Mr. Ding Mou--Shih
Representative Coordination Council for North American Affairs 4
201 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20016
Dear Mr. Ding :
I have the honor to refer to the understandings reached during
discussions held in Washington, D.C.on Janua- ry 4--6, 1989 bet-
ween representatives of the Coordination Council for North Amer-
ican Affairs and the American Institute in Taiwan on trade in w-
hole turkeys, turkey parts, processed turkey products and whole
ducks. I wish to obtain your confirmation that the enclosed mem-
orandum correctly reflects those understandings.
David N. Laux
Chairman of the Board
and Managing Director
Enclosure :
Memorandum of Understandings,
January 6, 1989.
Delegations from the Coordination Council for North American Af-
fairs (CCNAA) and the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) met in
Washington, D.C., January 4-6, 1989, to discuss trade in whole
turkeys, turkey parts, processed turkey products, and whole duc-
ks. At the close of the discussions, the two sides agreed to the
following :
1 The Board of Foreign Trade (BOFT) is solely responsible for a-
dministration of monthly import amounts including allocation
and issuance of import licenses for turkey parts. The BOFT wi-
ll issue licenses.automatically for the import of these produ-
cts subject to the provisions in paragraphs 2 and 3 below :
2 Monthly import licenses for turkey parts will be issued in the
amount of 450 metric tons during 1989 and 500 metric tons beg-
inning January 1, 1990. Unallocated import licenses will be b-
rought forward to the next month for reallocation; this amount
may not be further extended beyond the next month. The quanti-
ty of unallocated licensees so carried forward may not exceed
50% of the monthly import quantity for the next month. Imports
of turkey parts without quantitative limitation will be resum-
ed September 1, 1990.
3 CCNAA authorities agreed to reduce by executive order as Boon
as possible the import duty to 20% ad valorem on the following
processed turkey products : cooked rolls. roasts, breasts, sa-
usages, franks, hams and pastrami, both frozen and non--frozen
(tariff number 1602. 31.00, Stat. Codes 11,21,91). Importation
of any of these products not currently liberalized will be ta-
ken as the substitute for and be counted, based on the weight
of the shipment, against the monthly quantitative limits for
turkey parts during the temporary quantitative limitation per-
iod. These products shall be imported without restrictions as
of September 1,1990.
4 On the issue of sanitary standards, CCNAA authorities will di-
spense with E. coli test analysis for all raw turkey product
shipments from the United States that are accompanied by the
U.S. Meat and Poultry Export Certificate of Wholesomeness (MP
form 130). Both sides agree that USDA / FSIS residue testing
certification including antibiotics, pesticides, and sulfa dr-
ugs would enable CCNAA to accept these U.S. products in lieu
of their own residue testing.If the U.S. does not provide such
certification, CCNAA authorities will follow their normal res-
idue testing procedures for raw turkey product imports under
their law.
5 CCNAA authorities confirmed that whole turkeys will continue
to be imported without any restrictions.
6 CCNAA authorities agreed that the imports of whole ducks will
be permitted without quantitative limitation effective Septem-
ber 1, 1990, at which time the provisions of paragraph 4 will
apply. As from September 1, 1990 licenses for the import of w-
hole ducks from the United States will be issued automatically
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)