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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on October 26, 1988 Entered into force on October 26, 1988
1 Purpose of Appendix
This Appendix provides for th following services to be perfor-
med by the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) for the Coordin-
ation Council for North American Affairs (CCNAA) under the Ag-
a A forty-hour value engineering training course.
b A thirty-two hour cavitaion training course.

2 Cost of Services
The total cost of services under this Appendix is $48,807. A
summary of the costs is attached.

3 Financial Provisions
Payments and other financial arragements shall be as set forth
in Article VⅡ of the Agreement.

4 Duration
This Appendix will become effective upon the date of the last
signature hereafter of the representatives of CCNAA and AIT a-
nd will remain in effect until the services described herein,
or as amended, are completed. Either party may terminate this
Appendix as provided for in Article XI of the Agreement.
For: American Institute
in Taiwan
Name: Joseph B. Kyle
Title:Corporate Secretary
Date:October 26, 1988
For:Coordination Council
for North American
Name: George K. C. Liu
Title: Director of Science Div.
Date: Oct. 26, 1988

Cost Estimate for Value Engineering Course
1 Contractor Costs:
Contractor: Certified Value Specialists
821 N.W. Flanders
Portland OR 97209
Course to be provided is a 40-hour SAVE (Society of American
Value Engineers) approved workshop.
Estimated Personnel Time Requirements:
Syllabus review and preworkshop organization 65 hours
Travel time (2 instructors) 60 hours
Direct labor (2 instructors) 80 hours
Total time 205 hours

Hourly costs:
Bass pay ($30 / hour) $30.00
Overhead (106 percent) 31.80
Profit (10 percent of base pay + overhead) 6.18
Total hourly costs $67.98
Say $68.00 / hour
Training costs:
Personnel ($68 / hour x 205 hours) $13,940
Text ($25 / text x 30 students) 750
Miscellaneous materials 150
Special printing, stenographic services,
miscellaneous workshop charges 250
Workshop costs $15,090
Transportation (2 x $2,000) 4,000
Per diem (2 x 8 days x $157 / day) 2.512
Subtotal $21,602

Contract administrative costs (10 percent) 2.160
Total $23,762
2 Bureau of Reclamation Employees:
Staff-day costs:
Gary W. Long 372 / staff-day
Chih Ted Yang 395 / staff-day
Costs per staff-day $767 / staff-day

Training costs:
Workshop(5 days x $767) $3,836
Travel (3 days x $767) 2.301
Salarv costs $6,136
Transportation(2 x $2,O00) 4,000
Per diem (2 x 8 days x $157 / day) 2.512
Subtotal $12,648

Reclamation administrative
overhead (15 percent) 1,897
Total $14,545
3 Total Estimated Costs for Value Engineering Training: $38,307

Cost Estimate for Cavitation Course

1 Estimated Costs:
Use estimated salary costs of $400 / staff-day

Course preparation (8 x $400) $3,200
Course (4 x $400) 1,600
Travel (3 x $400) 1.200
Subtotal $6,000

Transportation (1 x $2,000) 2,000
Per diem (1 x 7 days x $157 / day) 1,099
Subtotal $9,099

Miscellaneous 31
Subtotal $9,130

Reclamation administrative 1,370
overhead (15 percent)
2 Total Estimated Costs for Cavitation Course: 10,500

Total Estimated Costs for Training under Appendix No. 2

Cost estimate for value engineering course $38,307
Cost estimate for cavitaion course 10,500
Total estimated costs $48,807
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)