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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on June 2, 1994 Entered into force on June 2, 1994
The Fruit Trade Conference between Taipei Mission in Korea and
Korean Mission in Taipei was held in Seoul, on May 30-JUNE 2, 19
94. It was presided over jointly by Mr. Chang, Shaw-Jiun, Chief
Delegate of the delegation of Taipei Mission in Korea and Mr. K-
ang, Gwang-won, Chief Delegate of the delegation of Korean Miss-
ion in Taipei.
The conference was conducted in a cordial atmosphere based on t-
he friendly relations between both sides. At the end of the con-
ference, the two sides mutually agreed as follows:
1.Countertrade in 1994-1995
Both sides mutually agreed on the countertrade to promote the
fruit trade between the two sides and decided the details as
(1) The Korean side would export 5,500 metric tons of Fuji appl-
es and 2,000 metric tons of pears to the Taipei side, and T-
aipei side would export 12,000 metric tons of bananas, 2,800
metric tons of garlics, 5,000 metric tons of onions, 750 me-
tric tons of litchies and 600 metric tons of ponkans to the
Korean side. Quantities of each commodity shall be allocated
according to the crop condition of both sides. Countertrade
on litchies and ponkans shall be effective only when Korean
plant quarantine authorities accept the treatment methods a-
nd conditions suggested by the Taipei side.
(2) The period of countertrade shall be from June 1, 1994 to Se-
ptember 30, 1995.
(3) The Korean Agriculture & Fisheries Food Trade Association s-
hall be the organization in charge of Taiwan fruit importat-
ion and Korean fruit exportation. And the Agricultural and
Fishery Marketing Corporation in Korea shall be the organiz-
ation in charge of garlic and onion importation. The Taiwan
Provincial Fruit Marketing Cooperative shall be the organiz-
ation in charge of Taiwan fruit exportation and Korean fruit
importation. For Taiwan garlic and onion, Taipei mission in
Korea shall designate the organization in charge of exporta-
tion and notify Korean mission in Taipei as soon as possible
(4) The commodities traded by both sides should be in conformity
with trade and quarantine regulations and orders of the two
(5) The value of exported commodities should be determined on a
C&F basis.
(6) Other terms and conditions of the trade such as varieties,
quality standards, price conditions (FOE or C&F), payment,
packaging, delivery time, etc. should be negotiated by the
designated trading organization of both sides.
(7) Both sides also agreed on the following terms and conditions
for the smooth implementation of countertrade.
1) The Taipei side requested that the Korean side continue
its adoption of preferential duties on bananas imported
form the Taipei side. The Korean side promised to apply
the current preferential duties for the importation of b-
2) In order to stabilize the banana trade between both sides
, the price of bananas for export to the Korean side sha-
ll be maintained at an appropriate level, taking into co-
nsideration the prices of the Taipei side's bananas expo-
rted to other countries.
3) The Taipei side requested the Korean side that Korean ap-
ples and pears should be in conformity with the trade st-
andards in quality. The Korean side promised to make the
best effort in this regard.
4) The Taipei side requested the Korean side to dispatch qu-
arantine inspectors to Taipei for the survey on plant qu-
arantine problems. The Korean side promised to dispatch
inspectors and conduct a joint survey with Taipei inspec-
tors. For litchies, joint survey should be conducted by
the end of June, 1994 and before October 31, 1994 for po-
nkans. For litchies and ponkans, the Taipei side promised
to submit the recent plant quarantine test result with i-
ts manual to the Korean quarantine authorities not later
than June 15. The Korean side promised to dispatch plant
quarantine inspectors to conduct joint inspections of ba-
nanas bound for the Korea side upon the request of the T-
aipei side.
2.Both sides confirmed that the purpose of this conference is o-
nly to resume the fruit trade between the two sides. In this
respect, Taipei side allocated 4,000 metric tons of apple quo-
ta which wduld apply from June 1, 1994 to September 30, 1995.

Done in Seoul, on June 2, 1994

[Signed] [Signed]
Representative Representative
Taipei Mission in Korea Korean Mission in Taipei
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)